Interogating a Sun Worshiper

After I finish this day of school, I am on my way to the workplace, while my friend ghost Jacob is flying on my alongside me and he is whistling, which doesn't make me feel irritated because I got my headphones on and a piece of great music to listen on my way to the workplace. Jacob was not even trying to talk with me because he realizes that I wear my headphones and listens to some good music. He has tried a few times to talk with me while I wear headphones, but let's just say I won all of those rounds.

A few moments later, I arrive in front of the abandoned building, and there was Travis, who wears his normal human skin, under his invisible form, who is staying outside. When we came closer we said "Hello!" to each other shake hands and I entered the building, while he and Jacob are going on a mission in Dobroț, to capture a giant turtle who has come from Brazil into our waters by taking a portal. These cases are happening much more usual than the ones of criminals who are coming from other dimensions or other galaxies into our planets.

After I entered the building, I go to the back, then I go downstairs next to the elevator (which is still out of order) until I have arrived at the real zone of our bunker. After I got there, I go to the locker room and put my back there, and go straight to the training area, where I am going to train my agility and my werewolf punch force. The last time when I trained my punches, I destroyed the head of a mannequin, and Alexandra had to work almost an entire night to fix that mannequin because she is the one responsible for training equipment, and if something is breaking, she will fix it, or order a new one. But the fact that we got not much amount of money, Alexandra decides to repair almost everything by herself which is good sometimes, when it comes to mannequins and other easy to repair things, but when something electric need to be fixed, she will most likely call an engineer and send the equipment at him to repair because... you know... Hunter Alliance and secret base...

I go in front of a mannequin, and I transform my left hand into a werewolf claw and I aim my hand on the mannequin head. I proceed to shot one claw at that mannequin, and it actually hit him. My shots and aim are getting better every time I train. I continue to shot the mannequin with my three remaining claws and it hits him, but not completely on a single target, two-hit his head, and one has hit his tongue. That it is not that bad, it is progress because every time I launch more claws at the same time, it misses him, and just a few hit him, but this time, all three of those nails have hit him.

Then, I transform my werewolf hand, back into a normal hand and go to the treadmill, where I am going to test my agility in werewolf legs. But right when I was about to start the treadmill, Alexandra entered the training room, looks at me and she told me in a hurry mood.

"Lydia. We got a situation."

"What is it?" I asked her while I left my treadmill and go to her to see what she is talking about.

"We have captured the Sun Worshipers and now we are going to interrogate."

"Yes, and?"

"We need you to go there."


"It is because you and Hengar were there and fighting him, and he is not here yet."

"How come he is not here?"

"He got called by the Big Ones at the discussion about these Sun Worshipers coming to our dimension." (Big Ones refers to all of the leaders of the entire world Hunter Alliance leaders who are going to a dimension where they are discussing their problems the Earth is facing, and an invasion of Sun Worshipers is a critical level).

"Okay... And where is he?"

"He is in the interrogation room," says Alexandra who is turning around and she walks to the interrogation room.

I left the training room and I follow Alexandra who is leading the way to the room where the Sun Worshiper is going to be interrogated by me and Alexandra, probably Travis, cause he is one of them who is always popping in an interrogation without telling somebody.


Later, I arrive in that room, together with Alexandra, and my guesses were right, Travis was also there, and he was sitting on a third chair, wearing black skin with afro hair. I guess today it is Dark Thursday, and also Afro Day.

"You again?" asks the guy who got caught earlier this day and it is locked with chains that are absorbing magic and are also making him feel week. "You want another round?"

"Settle down, Ralph," says Travis in a happy mood.

"My name it is not Ralph." says the Sun Worshipers.

"It is not. This is your nickname," says Travis who is making the Sun Worshiper being much angrier and wishing he could escape and murder badly Travis, I didn't know he said that, but I could read from his eyes.

"Anyway," says Alexandra looking at me. "We need your help."

"At what?"

"It is something serious, which might be going to help us overcome this invasion with Sun Worshipers."

"What is it?"

Then, Alexandra looks with a straight face at me, with the expression are people using in movies when something serious will come out of their mouth and this will change the story, but this was not the case here. Alexandra instead of saying an important thing asked me a question about who I cannot dodge or lie, and the reason will be explained earlier.

"Are you a virgin?"


"Well. To make this asshole tell us the full truth." she looks at the Sun Worshipers who is thrust out at Alexandra and this is not making her angrier because this is a childish insult, not even at the level of Jacob. "We are going to craft a potion of truth," she whispers to my ear. "And to do that potion we need the only ingredient we do not have. And that is virgin blood."

"But why virgin blood?"

"Cause it is used mostly to create a potion of truth and most of the virgins on this planet can be considered shy and also trustworthy."

"In what kind of planet you are living, though?" I asked her because most of the virgins are the opposite of what she said earlier. "Alright. But how much do you need?"

"One liter."

"Why that much?"

"It is the amount I need to prepare the potion."

"Alright. What do I have t-"

But Alexandra jumped on the action, she directly took her syringe, she bullseye one of my veins and start taking the blood from that vein. In a few seconds, she takes the syringe back and she runs into the laboratory, without even giving me a bandage or something to cover the wounds she gave me by inserting that dangerous syringe. I just hope that one didn't have any kind of drug or a disease like the one from that planet who made your own gender-bend version.

Later, she came back with one bottle that contains a potion, and without having mercy, she goes directly to the guy, and she forces him to drink the potion but throwing half of the bottle into his throat. The guy drank the potion who needed it my virgin blood. Alexandra goes a few steps back and she asks the guy.

"Where are they? You teammates?"

"I will never tell you they are in these cities, hiding in crowds and trying to capture people who ignore the Sun and they are going to eat them... Wait, what did I just say?" asks the guy who doesn't realize he told the truth with his mouth.

"And who are the guys who remained in this world ?"

"Whoever they are, they are not dressed in gypsies and they are at the Train Station, and waiting to capture some Sun ignorant... Fuck!"

"Good," says Travis who is leaving his seat and is heading out from the room. "Lydia! You want to help me?"

"Sure," I respond to Travis, and I leave with him this room, where Alexandra will still going to asks questions at that Sun Worshiper.


Meanwhile, in the Central Hospital, in a bed, in-room 304, there is Constantin, the guy who got hit by a sunray in the chest, and now he is resting, together with other classmates who are still in a sleep spell which was launched earlier by Hengar to make them do not see the fight between him and the two Sun Worshipers. And on that bed, Constantin is starting to have a weird mark on his belly, which seems to be a sun into the clouds. A popular tattoo among the clan named Sun Worshipers from the other Galaxy.

One of the doctors got closed to Constantin, and right when he was about to touch him, he felt that his body was hot, and not in a sexy way, the literal way. The Doctor took his hand fast enough to avoid having his hand burned or some ugly blisters. The doctor left the room to tell his co-workers the word thing about this boy. But, when the doctor left the room, someone has teleported into the room, and he looks at the boy, curiously.

"He might be infected," he muttered the stranger to the boy. "I think the Council might going to take this action. We cannot let humans discover this case."

He then, touch the boy's head, he felt the burning but he ignores it. And after a few seconds, these two have completely vanished from this room, and thankfully nobody has seen those two teleporting because all of the people from this bed are still sleeping. But when they have disappeared the same boy, but it was not him, a mannequin made to look exactly like him and to fool the Doctors.

When the Doctors came, they have instantly tried to check the boy but his conditions were normal, a normal body temperature, no injuries, he is just in a very deep sleep, but his condition it is alright. Then Doctor told his co-worker there was nothing normal, but they told him.

"Maybe you should stop drinking eight cups of coffee in the morning."

Even though this Doctor can barely even drink eight cups of coffee in a day.