Training - Part 1

On a Saturday, I was about to head to my workplace, but my mother was asking me something, who has concerned her. And not the fact that I take my school backpack on Saturday, and anyway, this is the only available backpack, Mother. I could've taken a small one, but on this day I have to train someone new in my team.

"Why are you taking your backpack this Saturday? Does the school has thinking to do some classes on Saturday?"

"Yes," I say to her. "These schools are taking to take even our Saturdays, mother. Can you believe it?!"

"Well, on my days. The schools were even on Saturday."

"Alright, Mother. I am running quite late. Bye!"

"Goodbye," she says to me waving when I left the house.

After I left the house perimeter, I climb the hill on the road close to the giant river that is leaving the hydroelectric barrage, I walk on the path made a few decades ago, like I always do when I have to walk at the bus station to take the minibus who will deliver me to the other station into the city. But this time, I will take the bus to the other station, somewhere far from where I used to leave it, at the Centre of the city, there it will be Constantin who will begin his journey as an apprentice in the arts of fighting monsters, capturing or even killing them.

I arrive at the right time, cause the bus was almost about to depart without me. I get on the minibus, paid the driver, and go to an available seat where I am going to stay the entire road until I will arrive in the city. Meanwhile, I take out my phone and read the message Constantin has sent me via Messenger.

"I'd like to know where we are going to meet."

"It will be in front of a supermarket. Where the bus is stopping." I messaged him.

"Which is?" he asked via a message.

"At the ones where intersection it is located mostly. From the center of the city."

"I get it. I will be there," he said via a message. "Anyway, how are we going to fight in an open space?"

"Don't worry. I got an idea." I type in a message. "You just go there, or remain if you are already there?"

"I see," he said via a message and he then sends me a like emoji.


Later, my minibus arrives at the station where Constantin is supposed to be, and fortunately, it is there, dressed in sports clothes with bandages at the hands to make him look tough. I leave the minibus, and go to Constantin, shake his hands like normal people do and I whispered closer to him.

"Have you told anyone about this?"

"Don't worry," says Constantin. "Nobody would even believe me anyway."

"Cool. But do not tell anyone or we are going to castrate you." I whispered at him in a tone a dangerous mafia leader is doing to someone who thinks he can stop them without help.

"G-Got it," he says Constantin trembling.

Then, both of us are moving to the location, which is an empty zone that used to be filled with gypsies who are there just to sell junk such as clothes taking from dumpsters from Germany, PC taking from the dumpsters of Italy, and even pieces of cars stolen from the junkyard of our country. And now, the Government has decided to stop them selling junk and any other pieces of shit in our zone, especially here.

When we arrive there, I take from my backpack a sphere that is built in a metal shape and throw it to the ground, and said.

"100 meters, 20 minutes. Lydia and Constantin."

And the sphere is becoming a huge building that cannot be seen by normal humans, only I and Constantin can interact with it. The objects or humans who will into contact with that thing, nothing will happen to them. They will not be hurt, see us fighting, and see the sphere. They will think that this object doesnt even exist or happen to them. Quite hard to explain, like most of the sci-fi inventions or gadgets we currently have in this world.

"Wow," he said Constantin while he is looking around. "What is this?"

"This is a training sphere. Don't worry, the normal humans cannot see it or alter to it, and I open a tablet to look at the possibilities of the places this sphere can offer to do a nice first training." I say to him. "Now.. what training ground you prefer?"

"Does this gadget have something similar to an anime?" he says looking astonished around him.

I cannot blame him. Looking at anime nowadays has become something normal and average for a human. I even have a teacher who is looking at anime in his break time. How did I find out? Jacob told me this thing while he was doing his Friday Moonwalk, and he walks through him who was watching an episode of an anime girl showing her breasts to a small boy, just to get his thing rising... Maybe that was the wrong type of anime or show my friend Jacob told me about it.

Anyway, when the arena got finished loading, Constantin was looking astonished around him because this world looks quite medieval in some kind of a German-style or Transilvanyan, and right when I was about to ask him what is this world about, he said that this one perfectly resembles about the Attack on Titan one. I have heard of this show, but I have never thought it could be called an anime. Then, I decided that, before we are going to summon an opponent, I have decided to give him a few things to remember about his powers.

"So. Do you remember how you can use your powers? Or you need an explanation?"

"Actually. I do not know," says Constantin feeling ashamed. "The guys did give me a guide to my power I got, but it was written in Latin and I don't know that language."

"Don't worry about it. But next time when you need an essay to your school about some ancient creature, you never try to ask those dudes."

"Got it."

I summon three mannequins at a very far distance to ours, and I told Contain to he held out his fist to a mannequin direction and think about a sunray. He did as I actually said, and a sunray was launching from his hand, and he missed the mannequin head by a few centimeters.

"Whoa. I did that?!" he says not believing that he actually did this thing.

"Yes, you did," I said to him. "Even though you have missed, this a progress. Now continue to shot sunrays at the targets until you will hit one."

After almost five minutes, Constantin successfully shot those mannequins. I look impressed at him because he does really know how he can control power, but now, he has to jump on the second ability he has to learn, sword summoning.