Chapter Seven

-Zoë Wesley-

I woke up, feeling my neck stinging. I got up and looked around. My head is aching, and this is not my room! I searched on my body, and I am wearing an oversize shirt, and under the shirt is a negligee. I am not wearing my underwear too. Where the hell am I?

The door in the bathroom opens, and a gorgeous body got out waters dripping, and he only has a towel on his waist. I frowned at him when I recognized his face.

'Where the hell am I?!' I yell at him gathering the duvet covering myself. 'What did you do to me?!'

'Zoë calm down.' He told me as he walked to me. Then I scream and started throwing the pillows on him.

'Jerk! Pervert!' I yelp at him.

'Zoë stop it! You are drunk and you fell on the pool so I brought you here.' he explained.

I jumped off from the bed and cover my forearms on my chest protectively.

'Where are my clothes?!' I asked him. He sighed with those lonely eyes and cocked his head on his left side. I looked at my clothes on the sofa and my shoes are there too. I run to the sofa and pick it up.

'Zoë, don't go. We need to talk.' He begs.

I didn't look at him and I rushed to the bathroom slammed it and locked it. I rushed removing the clothes that I am wearing including the panty. Instead, I put my clothes.

When I look at myself in the mirror I saw a bit on my neck. Oh no! He marked me?! Why didn't I felt a pain in my heart last night? I am nobody's mate and his true mate will get hurt. I also have hickeys. How dare he?! I open the door and he is outside in front of the door waiting for me. I stepped out of the door and punched him on the face. Good thing that he is already dressed up.

'How dare you mark me!? Also giving me hickeys!' I scream at him.

'Can you just slap me than punching me?!' he said annoyed wiping the blood. Blood rushed up to my head and my heart is pounding in anger. I scoff folding my arms.

'Jerk! Perv!' I yell at him. He rolled his eyes.

'Don't say that, because you like it. You even moan while we are kissing!'

'Ugh!' I pick my shoes and my phone and I pushed him hard until he falls on the floor. I rushed out of the house, downstairs. I stopped when I met the Alpha of the pack also the Luna.


I didn't bow down or praise them. I just didn't though it shows no respect to them. I just run and run because the mark is burning. I hate that guy! I don't even know who he is. I sighed when our house is just next to them. But hell! We are neighbors?!

'Zoë! Wait!' I unlock the door by my magic and rushed inside slamming it. I run to my room and I saw my window is open. I close it with just raising my hand. I jumped to bed and shoved my face on the pillow.

There are knocks on the door downstairs and where is Keynes? I need him. I raise my head looking at my phone. I remember a blurry guy and I feel on the pool. But I don't remember anything about the kiss. And who did bath me? He? Gosh! He saw me naked! Did we have sex?! That is what I can't take! But I didn't feel sore in my midsection.

'Keynes!' I call crying in madness. There's no Keynes. I call his phone and he automatically answered it.

'Where in hell are you?!'

'I am home now... where are you?!'

'Are you crying?'

'No! Where are you?! There's a lunatic man outside the house.'

'I am my way home!'

I ended the call and wiped my tears. I got up when I heard voices from downstairs. The door closes and Keynes is there. I ran downstairs and hugged him. He hugged me back. Okay, I am being so dramatic. I am just mad, annoyed, and not on myself. I am confused.

'Hey, what happened? What's with the guy outside?'

'He's crazy!' I told him like a seven-year-old kid. I looked at Chase and Harris. I scowl at them for leaving me alone.

'We apologies, your highness.' They bow their head. It makes me more annoyed that they are bowing at me.

'Drop it!' I yell at them.

They aren't peeving me they just wanted to apologize but I don't like it when it comes to my friends and cousins.

After I take a bath while Keynes is cooking breakfast I walk to the kitchen where they are gathered. I sat on the stool.

'He marked me.' I told them showing the swollen bite.

'It's not impossible.' Keynes told me. I gaze at him baffled.

'He claimed you as his mate. Did a heart pain attack you?' Chase asked. I shook my head.

'I didn't feel any pain but maybe because I was unconscious.'

'He sent letters and roses and he also requested a song to dedicate to you. Maybe he's your mate.' Harris speaks.

'Don't you see? I am not destined with anyone. I am mate-less and was cursed to suffer the rejection of other mates.'

'Slow your temper.' Keynes told me.

I looked at the fire on the stove that gets bigger and swallowing the pan. I breathe and it went back to the normal.

I can control the four elements. The earth, water, fire, and air. I can also move things using my mind. But I am not that skilled for it. I need the practice to control it and used it carefully.

'I need a break.' I drown my face on my folded arms.

-Nathan Gregg-

She ran out of my room and I followed her calling her name. She met my parents but didn't bow at them or show respect. It was disrespectful to my father but my father and mother are stunned and baffled.

'Zoë!' I call again. I run after her. The door automatically opens and when she gets in it slammed without touching the knob. I knock on the door and trying to open it but it was locked. 'Zoë! I need to talk to you, please.' I beg her but nothing. I keep on knocking and pressing the ding-dong bell.

Two cars stopped in front of the house. Chase and Harris and another man. I looked at them and they nod at me and I did too.

'Sorry, but you need to give her space.' The man said, Zoë's guardian.

'I need to talk to her. I need to clear things to her.' I told him with authority.

'I sincerely apologies, Mr. Gregg but Zoë needs space. You can talk to her some other time. She's confused about her. You need to be understood.' He said sincerely and royal-like. I sighed and I just walk back to our house.

My father and mother also my sister are gathered in the living room. I let out a sighed and stood in front of them.

'I apologies for her attitude lately.' I told them. 'She's just confused and totally mad at me.'

'Don't worry, I feel okay about it thought it was disrespectful. I feel that she doesn't need to bow on us.' My dad said that makes me baffled. 'She reminds me of someone.'

'She's familiar. What's her name again?' my mom asked.

'Zoë, her name is Zoë Wesley.' They nod at it. I gaze at my sister who is confused too.

'Son, if you are her mate. You need to understand her. She might be in a complicated situation.' My dad told me. I nod at him. 'We will wait for her to accept her position as our Luna. And you as our Alpha you need to be patient.'

'Yes, Alpha.' I went up to my room and gaze at her window where the curtains are closed. I sat on the bed. I sniff her enticing smell around my room. I am kind of missing her and my wolf is in agony.

Didn't she want us? My wolf named Tobias asked me.

I don't know Tobias. But we need to be patient until she accepts us. She can't feel the sparks we felt. She keeps on telling me that she's mate-less. I am worried about her.

You need to take steps to win her and her heart.

I guess everything we did is not yet enough. But don't worry Tobi the Gods and Goddesses gave her to us. They never made a mistake on matching us. I told my wolf to comfort him. I sighed and waited for her to open the curtains. But I think I am waiting for nothing. She won't open it knowing that I live next door from their house.

Someone knocks on the door, and it opens. I can sense that it is my sister. She sat beside me and messed my hair.

'Baby bro, how's it feel when you first met her?' she asked.

'Well, you will feel this tingling sensation and the sparks between both of you but, she is clueless and like it has no effect on her.'

'Hmm... There's something about her. You know, while I am bathing her last night, she had this mark on her spine. It's familiar...' I snapped my head to her.

'What mark?'

'It's the birthmark, I guess. It is the mark about the Royal Family. But I didn't exactly know about it.'

This is getting weirder. She stood and patted me at the back.

'Mom and I will make a peach pie for her. You wanted to help us?' she asked. I shook my head and dropped my back on my bed. 'Okay.' She walks out from my room.

I pick up the pillows.

I smelled it and hugged.

It smells like her. Her scent is still on my bed and my pillows. I close my eyes trying to mind link her. I had connected to her but she blocks me. She wasn't a werewolf but she knows how to block me. I had marked her but we aren't truly mated. I need to make my moves until she is truly mine.

'Zoë...' I murmur calling her name.