Chapter Nineteen

—Zoë Danae Mnemosyne—

I had fallen asleep on his chest. When I woke up in the morning in my room. I was wearing my pajamas and a loose shirt. Maybe Natasha changed my clothes. I feel so stiff and my body needs another sleep. I take a bath to get ready for school.

When I got into the school I heard everyone talking to the next Alpha which is Nathan. They said that their parents are making something for the Alpha's son. I heard that it was his 18th birthday and he will be the next Alpha on the coming New Moon. They are talking about who his Luna will be.

I went to my locker and open it. There's no rose there where I got every weekday. A familiar scent enters my nostrils and muscular, strong arms hugged me from behind and he faces three red roses in front of me. Okay, I know who it is. He smelled my hair giving kisses on my hair.

'Good morning, my Luna.' He said it sexy and seductive. I accept the roses and smelled it. It was the scent that I love. I faced him and he corners me on his arms.

'I heard that it was your birthday.' He smiled lopsidedly.


'I haven't bought any gift for you.'

'I don't need those material things.' He leans closer. 'All I want is one thing... kiss me and it will be your first gift. And the rest will be tonight.'

I rolled my eyes on the way he says it with his sexy voice. He is even grinning. He caressed my hair and then he closed my locker. He pushed me to the lockers and moves his face closer to me.

'Are you not going to give me those sweet lips of yours?'

'Later!' I winked at him and pushed him. He pulls me back on the lockers.

'I didn't accept no and later. I want it now and there will be another, later.' He seemed that he's not going to stop.

I wrapped my arms on the nape of his neck and pull him to me. I started kissing his lips. He did kiss back and he scooped my cheeks kissing deeper. He pressed his crotch to me pushing me on the lockers. We didn't stop though everyone who might be looking at us and glancing at us feels disgusted. But hey, at least we didn't make love bites here. It was just a passionate kiss between us. I pushed him and catch my breath. He breathes on my neck.

'I don't want to stop... why you stopped?' he murmurs.

'We need to breathe for God's sake! And everyone is looking at us.' He searched around us where the students are looking at us and probably staring at us. They looked away and rushed to their classrooms.

'There, there's only you and me.' He said looking back at me with a grin. I look around us and there's no one on the corridor. The bell had buzzed. He snatched my lips biting my lips a little light. I pushed him and face my palm on his face to stop him.

'We are late.'

We get inside the room and our teacher is eyeing us. Yup! We are toasted! Our classmates too are eyeing on us. Even Gab who is grinning like Cheshire the cat. Yves is grinning too as Gab did. I sat on my spot and he followed me sitting at my back. The teacher greeted him with a happy birthday and he just nods.

At lunchtime, I went to the cafeteria to eat of course. I am starving and I was about to get my food when someone grabbed my hand. I look at his back from me. Why is he grabbing me now? We sat with my cousins and my friends together with Yves, his Beta, and Terence his third Command.

'Mom and Natasha had made lunch for all of us.' He said to me letting me sit first.

'That was sweet of them.' I smiled at the food on the table.

'Yeah. Eat a lot and burn the calories later.' He whispered to me. I nudge him when my cousin's are eyeing me. He sounds like Keynes now.

'Yeah, happy birthday dude.' Sam greets and he just nods.

After lunch, he grabbed me to the soccer team locker. We went to the same room where we kissed and got caught. I don't know what we are doing here but I sat on the long bench.

'Why are we here?' I asked him looking around.

'I want another kiss. I said that there's a later so...' he leans on me. 'Can I have them now? Please...' he asked with those puppy eyes. I laugh at him. He looks so cute and hopelessly in love. I peek on his lips.

'There, enough now.'

'C'mon make it resistible.' I kiss him a little longer and before I moved away he held the back of my head pressing his lips to mine. I let him enter my mouth and kiss with the passion of love.

'I wanted to complete the mating bond with you...' he said breathlessly. My eyes widen but he kissed the mark on my nape. 'Tonight... please...'

I am not ready. I mean, really? Should I give it a chance? Clarisa might be right. It might break the curse. But what if it didn't? I will be stuck in the curse. They said that as the new Alpha, and the Queen of Blue Moon with my mate, I will be the strongest and no one can defeat me.

'I don't think so. I am not ready for anything Nathan.' He looks so sad. He kneels in front of me scooping my hand.

'I understand.' He kissed me last on lips. 'But you'll be in my party. It was just in the packhouse. Not that far from your house.'

'I'll try.' I can't promise if I cannot go there.

'C'mon... you gotta be there.'

'I said I'll try...' I rolled my eyes. He suddenly looks lonely and hurt. But he sighed and stood. I stand picking up my bag. 'C'mon... we are late.' I walk out the door and I was hoping that he will follow me.

After my class today I didn't see him again after the Music and Arts Class. I drove my motorbike home.

'Keynes!' I call but there's no response. Maybe he's with Natasha. I went upstairs to my room after I had picked a pizza from the fridge. I started eating it then I throw my bag somewhere.

I dropped my body on the bed and continue eating. I stare at the ceiling then I looked at my window. The curtains of his room are closed so I close my curtains too. The party will start at seven... hmm... should I go or not? I walk downstairs to drink some water. Maybe I shouldn't go. I don't want to meet his parents.

It was already seven and I am starving. I rushed to my closet and open it. I started digging for a dress. What will suit? White or Black? Blue or Purple? I stare at my new dresses then I had decided! The Black one with long sleeve and it was fit that will hug my shape. I look down at my shoes and found the wedge close shoes.

I put black eye shadow and eyeliner with mascara. I put a sexy red lipstick than a little blush on. I twisted my hair and put accessories for the plain black dress. My phone rings on my favorite song 'when I dream about you'. I looked at it and it was Nathan. I didn't answer it. I decline the call and I had called Sam to pick me up.

I get my clutch and put my phone there then I walk downstairs when I heard Sam honks his car. I enter the car. Then, when we get to the packhouse my eyes widen. It looks like a hotel. It was bigger than I thought.

'So, surprising the boyfriend?' he asked grinning.

'He's not my boyfriend.' I rolled my eyes then I push the door and walk inside where there are lots of people from the big town. I mean, it's like all of the people in the town are here. I walk inside and glancing at the people who are enjoying their punch.

I look for Nathan but I haven't seen him. I saw Keynes with Natasha cuddling at the corner. I rolled my eyes. Geez! Can they be more PDA? Then I saw Harris alone leaning in the corner with his phone on his ear. Chase is with Grace talking like they are just ... friends. Then Gab is pulling his girlfriend slash his mate to the foods.

Someone wrapped an arm on my waist from my back. My spine shivers when he touched his cheeks on my neck and I feel his warm breathes.

'I thought you're not coming.' He whispered. His voice was so oh sexy.

'Keynes didn't cook dinner for me so I am hungry and I need to eat.'

'Yeah...' he giggles. 'C'mon I had prepared a romantic table for us.' He pulls my hand upstairs. There are lots of stairs we climb and I am tired. I stopped him and breathe.

'Wait! We are climbing forever... when are we going to our destination?' I asked him breathlessly. He laughs and he carried me like a bride into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his nape. He kissed my lips. Then he speeds up to another three floors then we end up at the rooftop.

I feel a bit dizzy and I hold my head. He gently put me down and I was still holding on him. I was fascinated by the candles and lanterns around here. Then in the middle is a table for two. There's a diner car with covers then there's white wine on the bucket.

'You did prepare.' I said amused.

He caught my lips and kissed me passionately. I kiss back pulling the back of his hair. He moans at the back of his throat while he gripped on my waist. He was holding on something. Maybe Tobias can't control himself over me. Every time we kiss are just irresistible that's why I was kissing back. It was just addictive.

'Fuck... Zoë...' he murmurs after he released my mouth. He breathes heavily controlling himself. 'I can't control myself so you have to stop me.' I laugh and patted the back of his head.

'Yeah... I'm hungry...'


He immediately turns his back and went to the chair he pulls one for me. I sit and he pushed it to make me comfortable. He served the food to me. It was French style foods. I watch him while serving me. He was hot wearing that red long sleeve shirt and two buttons from the top are open.

He sat on his chair in front of me clearing his throat. He glanced at me and our eyes met.

'If you keep prying your eyes on me, I might jump on you.' He murmurs that makes me laugh in amusement.

'Bon appetite!'

We started eating and it was delicious. I am still famishing for food after we eat the first course. He just watched me eating wild. What? I am hungry and I always eat a lot and I will burn them tomorrow. I need a lot of energy for my training.

'You still need another one?' he asked smiling.

'No, I prefer to proceed to dessert before I eat you.' I told him. He laughs.

'Still hungry? Maybe you aren't hungry for food anymore.' he said with a sexy voice smiling slowly and seductively.

I stood and walked to him. So he is seducing me. What if I seduce him? He won't ever resist me and control himself. I bent over to him, smiling lopsidedly. I lean my hand on my knees.

'So... you think I am hungry not for food?' I asked him in my sexy seductive voice. He gulps and that was amusing. I trace my forefinger on his nose line down to his lips.

'I was just teasing you...'

I shook my head sardonically, and I pushed his chair facing me. I sat on his lap facing him where my legs are apart. I put my arms around his nape touching my lips on his ear.

'Teasing me? If that's what you want, I'll tease you back...'