Chapter Twenty-Six

—Nathan Gregg—

'You are so beautiful…'

My Selene… She's white as snow and beautiful as Goddess. She is peculiar and she is the Moon Goddess. She has three white furry tails and she is glowing here in front of us. She had a glowing blue on her head like a crown and in the middle is the Blue Moon. It only means that she's the Blue Moon Princess. The Alphas stripped and shifted to their wolf form. They howl up to the Big Blue Moon.

'Nathan…' she whispered inside my head.

'Yes, love?'

'You are my mate.' I smiled at her. She finally recognized me as her mate. Tobias wanted to come out.

The people around us are having fun celebrating her first shift. Rush run from nowhere.

'Zoë!' I giggle when he hugged her neck and Zoë wrapped around his small body. Her mother and father bows at Zoë and she nods.

I stood and walk backward. I shifted to my wolf form and I and Selene circles each other staring at each other. She studied me and I studied her. She has those long and big beautiful tails. She is legendary and I never thought that it will be real.

We chase each other like we are playing. Then I saw Yves who stand next to the Enchantress Minerva. Minerva just nods at him and looked back at us. Yves seemed sad about it.

I and my Selene run into the woods and around the palace. My wolf is so happy that he is with his mate, our mate. He can't even take his eyes off her. She is beautiful and white as snow. Her crown is glowing in the dark also her fur.

'You feel like jumping into my bones?' I asked her teasingly.

'I can do that now!' she jumped into me and pinned me on the ground. She slowly closed her eyes and she collapsed on my chest. I shifted to my human form. I patted her head to her back.

'Alpha!' Yves calls.

'Over here.' I respond. Yves is with the Enchantress. The Enchantress put a cloak to the Princess and Yves gave me a pants and shirt.

'I am afraid that Seferis is making his moves in this time.' Minerva speaks. 'A wolf from his pack rejected his mate through Seferis' order. He knew that it will hurt her.'

'So, I have to be mated to her as soon as possible?' I asked her.

'Precisely.' She kneels in front of us and put her palm over the Princess's head. 'Salvus Princesse.' She whispered. 'Just bring her to her room if she had shifted back to human.' She stood and walks away. Yves followed her.

Twinkle, twinkle little star… how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky… I sing to her. It might make her feel better.

'I love you…' I whispered to her. 'My Selene… my Queen.' I had waked her up and she stood turning back from me. I giggle and put my pants and shirt on. I sat in front of her and she cuddles on me. I kissed the top of her head. She whimpers. I lay down and she slept on my chest. I cover the cloak to us. Then the first snowflake falls to my forehead. It was cold. But with our body, it feels so warm.

Sing it to me again…

Twinkle, twinkle little star… how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky… twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are…

I had fallen asleep too. It was a beautiful dream in my life with my mate. Then the ray of light shines on my face. The tweet of birds wakes me up. My mate is sleeping on my chest. I know that she's naked. I moan and rubbed my eyes. She was pouting, sleeping on my chest. She was so adorable. There are a few flakes of snow around us but we stay warm because of her.

I wrapped the cloak to her and I carried her like a bride to the palace. Whenever a servant had passed on us, he or she will bow down. I will just nod at them and walk to her room. I gently put her on her bed and I covered the duvet to her. She moans and I kissed her forehead. She opens her eyes and rubbed it.

'Princess…' I sat beside her and nuzzle my nose to her nose. 'Good morning.'

'I want you…' she pulls me. I was so happy that she wants me. But it was too early in the morning.

'Too early for that Princess…' she laughs at me.

'It's not that love.'

'Oh, I love the sound of it in your mouth.' I kissed her lips.

'Today is coronation day. I wanted you to accept me and the crown as the King.'

'Of course, I accept you. Though I am the Alpha of New Moon I wanted to be at your side no matter what. I will put my Beta as in charge…'

'That's better.' She hugged me and I hugged her back. I sniff her enticing scent and started kissing her neck. 'Nate… stop! I am naked and I still need to take a bath.'

'I don't care… you don't need to take a bath.' I keep kissing and biting her neck lightly. She moans and pulls my hair.

'You said that it's too early to do that…' she moans softly.

'Come on love… just make love to me…' I pushed her down on the bed and pulls out the duvet. I saw a half of her naked body. She shrieks pushing me and covering herself. 'What?!' I breathe.

'Seriously? I am not ready! Wedding first before this!' then she ran fast to the bathroom. Wow… she was sexy and flawless.

'Can I at least join you there?'


I waited for her in the veranda while the servants are preparing her breakfast. I wanted to take a bath too but she's still inside sulking on her bath. I called Yves to bring me clothes and shoes. I removed my shirt after the servants had left.

'Zoë… when are you planning to go out there?' I asked. The door opens she come out only wearing a towel around her. I whistle stalking my eyes on her. The door opens and Minerva gets in staring at me.

'Good morning!' she greeted monotonously. She snapped her fingers and two men and three girls get inside. 'So, you accept her?' she asked me.

'Yeah?' it more sounds like a question. I don't know why she's so bossy and so… I don't what words should I describe to her.

'Okay, then. Go take a bath and do whatsoever. These guys will help you on your suit in the coronation.' She's demanding. I walk to my mate and kissed her cheek.

'Is she like that?' I asked her. She nods. 'Poor Yves…' then I run to the bathroom. Woah! The bathroom is huge. It is triple the size of my room. I walk to the Jacuzzi pool. I can smell her scent here.

'Don't take too long there.' Zoë knocks.

'You can join me and help me here!'

'Shut up!'

I didn't take long and I wrapped the towel around my waist. I walk outside and Yves throws me the paper bag.

'Thanks.' He nods at me. I get into the walk-in closet of her and she screams 'What?! It's just me! Not a ghost!' she was already wearing her bikini. She throws me her shoes. 'Stop it.'

'What are you doing here inside my closet?' she picks her dress.

'I need to put my clothes on.' She turns back from me and wore her dress. I put my boxers on, and next is my pants. Then I insert my fingers in the pocket of my pants. The box is there. I pull it.

'Are you done?' I walk closer to her and hold her hand. When she turns to me I kneel and lift the box to her. She stares at it and stared at me.

'I was planning this since the first day I met you. I knew I love you before I met you. You are my mate and we are perfect for each other. Do you agree to it?' she smiles and nods. 'So, I said I love you, do you love me too?' she nods again as a tear falls from her eyes.

'Yes, I love you.'

'Do you accept me and my love?'

'Yes, I do.'

'Do want to marry me and be mated to me?'

'I do…' she nods giggling.

'That means you want to marry me too?'

'Yeah…' she nods.

'You wanted to marry me? I mean will you marry me?'

'I said yes!' she shouts at me. I giggle. 'Put that thing on my finger.' I did. She shrieks and jumped to me. We fall on the floor and she keeps on kissing me. She was happy, I was happy.

'Come on guys!' Minerva knocks. 'Don't make out there yet. There's a lot of things to do.' I rolled my eyes and she just giggles.

We got out from the walk-in closet and I saw Yves trying to flirt on busy Minerva. I grabbed her hand to the table that is settled for us. We ate our breakfast while we watch Yves trying to get Minerva's attention.

'If you have nothing to do, just sit there.' Minerva orders him. She scolds him and he had stopped and kept himself quiet. The Princess's cousin's Haney and Dina get in with Chase and Harris.

'Let's declare wedding today or next week?' I whispered to her.

'Today…' she winks. 'Harris…' she calls.

'Yes, your highness.'

'I declare wedding today.' They all stopped and stare at us. 'I said, I declare the wedding today. So, there's no break. I want everything to be perfect today.'

'You are declaring a wedding today?' Minerva folds her arms like a strict mother.

'Yeah, I did.' She put the whole piece of bacon on her mouth.

'Are you crazy or just insane?' Minerva asked, and we all shut our mouth.

Zoë pouted at her.

We are all looking at Minerva. She seems like heating up. Is she mad or just annoyed?

'I just wanted our wedding today…'

'Do you know that it will take at least two days to prepare all these things? But you seemed crazy so. I have no choice about this.' She pulls her phone and called someone. 'The Princess and Alpha Nathan Gregg had declared a wedding today. Tell the baker to make another cake.' Then she walks in the veranda to the edge. 'The gown will be the same. We will put something else… yes…'

'Ves.. chill her out…' I order him. Yves walked to Minerva and hugged her from the back.

'Don't stress out… I will help you with everything.' Minerva pushed him away and pointed her forefinger on his lips to shut him without looking at him.

'Secured everything…'