Chapter Twenty-Eight

-King Nathan-

The curtains of the four-poster bed are closed. It was snowing outside and cold. I gently lay her over the bed and dressed her up a long sleeping dress for her not to get cold. I put on my pajamas and sweatshirt. Yves's mind links me about our undercover spies that are near the Compound of Seferis's Pack.

We had Blue Moon with us and he told me that Minerva is the one who sent those spies. I don't know how great Minerva is. But she seemed more like a Mastermind. She's genius, practical, and thinker. My mate hasn't told me her position in Blue Moon. I just know that she is her cousin, an Enchantress.

She seemed more than an Enchantress. If she can give orders to the army she might be important. She also knew what's happening on the compound. They are injecting something into the army. They can still turn into Human form and be normal. But when they had turned into their wolf form they become unstable and not themself. All they do is to kill and eat whatever human they saw. Also, a werewolf in human form.

Yves calls a mission abort to our spies before they get caught. The Blue Moon continued on their mission. Minerva didn't call abort yet.

'Is she crazy? What if they smelled her people?'

'I know she's crazy but she doesn't want to abort the mission. She said that they can't smell her men. And they will see them as one of them.'

'How's that possible?'

'I don't know. She's pretty genius about it. She finds out something. I guess she put some spell on her men.'

'Great! I don't know about this thing.'

'You should consult the Queen. She might know something.'

'Yeah, she's asleep. That will wait later.'

I cuddle to my wife giving her warmth.

Her wolf is tired and asleep just like her. Tobias and I love them. Tobias seems to know Selene and Selene too. I guess they have known each other from another life.

'You and she are the reincarnations of the Alpha wolf and Goddess of Moon. That's why she's peculiar having three tails and her fur is white as snow. We have been given another life inside you.' Tobias said.

I kissed her cheek caressing her hair and beautiful face.

I had lost my Selene in the attack of the Hunters five hundred years ago. I thought I will never be with her again. Then here she is with us. I can't bear losing our mate again.

We are not losing our mate, Tobias. We are going to protect the Goddess, our Queen, our love and our mate for every single breathe we had.

I had fallen asleep on her neck. I opened my eyes and looked around.

If we are their reincarnation, I am not going to waste any time to be with her and to protect her. I love her unconditionally.

'King Nathan!' someone calls. I sat up and saw Terence kneeling one knee on the floor with his head bow. I pull the curtains and stood in front of him. What's with the kneeling?


'There's a short attack in the Pack of Twilight.'

'Stand up.' I order him and he did. 'Where's the Alpha of the pack?'

'He and his men rushed to their territory.'

'Sent fifty of our people. How many rogues attack the pack?'


'Hundreds of people. Sent hundred of the army on that pack and see how it goes. Asked other packs to cooperate.'

'Miss Minerva had sent fifty, your highness.'

'What?' I frown. Minerva already sent fifty without consulting me or the Queen?

'She did two hours ago. Before the attack.'

I sighed.

'Sent another fifty and checked how it goes. Also, tell Yves to secure the New Moon pack. Locked the Children on our underground compound with their mothers. We have no prediction when they will attack again.'

'Roger.' Then he bows walking out to the door. I brush my fingers through my hair and sigh.

'Minerva told me already about the attack.' The Queen speaks. I smile and turn to her. She sat up scratching her eyes. 'She always had my words before she went.'

'How did she predict them?' I asked.

'Minerva is our special commander and planner. She's next to Beta.'

'What?' I furrow. An Enchantress is next to Beta? How's that possible. She smirked.

'Minerva is a mastermind. She's a genius. Her father is a half God that makes her Half God too. In the Blue Moon, we don't need all of the commanders a werewolf. Enchantress and Goddesses are one together with a werewolf.'

'Okay, smartass...' I smirked and crawls to her. 'Can you give me an exercise for today?' I kissed her neck licking my new mark.

'Since I have no underwear here...' She pulls me and wrapped her legs around me. Her mark is burning on my neck. I close the curtains as I removed my clothes and we make love.

We finished another round. I immediately put my pajamas on when I smell Minerva who just enters our room. Then she appears from the corridor.

'King Nathan, Queen Danae...' she bows. 'We need you in the conference room.'

'We will be there in thirty minutes.' Zoë said.

'I hope so...' she murmurs and walks to the corridor and I heard that the door closes.

'Let's go in the shower together.' I grabbed her carrying her to the bathroom.

Five minutes before thirty minutes that the Queen set, we are now walking in the corridor to the conference room. There are two guards outside the conference room. They bow at us opening the big double door. As we enter and they see us, they bow at us.

'Morning, everyone.' Zoë smiles. I mean, she's cheerful and she sometimes acts like an ordinary person.

'Good Morning, Queen Danae, King Nathan.'

'Morning.' I just said. We sat on the two thrones in the head of the table. Keynes is on the right and Minerva is on the left. Yves is at the backside of Minerva while the others are on their seats together with councils.

'There's an attack in Twilight pack. No one died but three of the men are in critical.' Keynes speaks. 'Our doctors are surveying their conditions after we had injected the cure from our Hybrids.'

'Good.' Zoë speaks. 'We need to gather our entire Hybrid this afternoon. Tell them that we need to help our people to cure the virus before it is scattered.'

'We will your highness.' Keynes nods.

'Minerva, about the mission?' I asked her. 'Have you found something in the compound?'

'Yes.' She said formally opening her folder and in a snapped there are folders in front of us. How did she make that? Of course, she's an Enchantress. She can teleport and do telekinetic things.

I open the folder and there are pictures of the compound. It also includes the passageway and their cells. They also found the bones of humans. That's disgusting to see. Also reckless. It gives them long immortality. They are blood lust and that makes them strong. Like vampires drink for their immortality but they didn't eat people.

'There are children's out there.' She said. 'I am planning for a rescue mission but their security is impossible to escape.'

'You have planned a rescue mission?' I furrow.

'No. I said I am planning. I just come up with that idea, now. And I am saying it, now.' I feel like she's disrespecting me. But for Zoë just smirked and brushed her fingers on my hand giving me shivers. 'King Nathan, I say we do the mission.' She suggested. I glance at Yves who is just a poker face.

'My Queen?' I look over at her.

'If those kids are not yet infected, I say I am into the mission.' She agreed. 'Ministers? Lords?' she asked their point of view about it. They agreed to it too.

'I think we need a lot of weapons.' Keynes said dialing something on his phone.

'Minerva, about the war?' Zoë asked. Minerva stood, picking up her tablet. The curtain closes until its dark here. She opens the projector showing us the map of territories of Blue Moon which includes the other packs.

'We give an exception to other continents of the earth. We are focusing here,' she pointed out the flag of Blue Moon. 'And here...' she circles the packs that surrounded the Kingdom. 'Seferis's main goal is to put down our Kingdom and rule it by himself. He needed the King,' she glanced at me. 'Dead. Then he will proceed to the Queen,' glancing at Zoë. 'For his eternal life.'

Keynes put a chessboard in the middle where all of the pieces are in their position. Keynes moved the pawn in front of the king in one block in the white pieces.

'We are not going to make the four moves...' She used her telekinetic ability to move the black pawn and Keynes moves his pieces. 'To get them. Those four moves are long known in planning. But if we are not going to move faster than those four moves, we might lose the game.' She is a planner. 'Keynes and I had known that they are blind through their human form. They can't determine who their enemies and their packs and their wolf senses can't help them. When they shifted in their wolf form that's when they can have their wolf senses.'

'So we decided to gather all of our enchantresses and enchanters to control their wolf for them not to shift.' Keynes speaks. I glanced at Yves who is mesmerized on Minerva. I chuckled in the thought.

'See? Minerva and Keynes know better than I.' My Queen speaks through our mind link.

Zoë and Minerva stop. Yves held her arm before she falls. I hold Zoë's hand asking her if she's okay.

'I am afraid that we are getting late.' She said.

'They are getting ready for their armors.' Minerva said and hazelnut eyes glow. Zoë's eyes glow too.