Chapter 13

―β Yves―

Marcus put a crazy party with teenagers and everything is getting along and getting crazy. Minerva didn't get on what kind of a throw party it is. She looks cute studying others. There are lots of teens making out on every corner. She furrows as she saw one.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from the back and bit her earlobe lightly. The music is loud and there are alcohols everywhere. It was a headache for her. I kissed her neck making a loud sound. She held my right hand that is wrapped in front of her.

'Where's Electra?'

'She's with Marcus probably having fun.'

'Electra is afraid of Marcus.' She stated.

'I know. He's trying his best to—' I stopped when I saw Electra crying on the corner while Marcus is trying to talk to her.

'You don't have to be afraid of. I am not going to hurt you.' Marcus said softly.

'Please stay away...' she begs. Minerva sighed and she threw my arms. She walks to them and held Electra's arm.

'Hey, it's okay.' Minerva comforts her. 'He won't hurt you.'

'Why is it that there's so much doppelganger here?' she asked me wiping her tears.

'How many years have you been a prisoner?' I asked her cuddling her hair.

'Twenty years...' just my age. 'I had been in the Mount Olympus for Artemis and she sent me down here to protect the woods.'

'Okay... I will talk to Queen Zoë she has half of Artemis as a wolf named Selene. She will be here tomorrow to see you. Is that okay?' she nods. She looks at Marcus who nods at her. 'Marcus won't hurt you. Okay? He's not the enemy. He will help you.' She nods again. 'Don't scare her.' She warns Marcus. Oh, she's intimidating.

'Yes, ma'am.'

I hold my sexy love and I pull her to the dance floor. I whispered to her to dance at me and she just rolls her eyes. I hold her hips and pressed her butt on my crotch. I nibble her naked nape that makes her nudge me on my ribs. Ouch!

'Stop it! Are you taking the suicide?' she yelled at me. She will kill me.

'Sorry... I was just making fun.' I glanced at Rica who is dancing in front of Dustin just to seduce him. Yeah, she's seductive there. I gasped when she scooped my chin and force me to face her. I smiled at her guiltily. She scowls at me. 'Sorry, boss.'

'If you want me to do what she's doing, let's forget that we are mates.' She was about to walk away but I hold her tight.

'No, I don't want you to do that. Boys are prying you.' I kissed her temple. 'Don't be jealous... I am already yours.' She sighed gripping my hand. She pulls me onto the rectangular table full of foods and drinks. I get some chips and eat while she's taking the tequila. Is she intending to get drunk?

I gasped when she pulled my shirt to her. Her eyes are burning that sent me shivers around my body. Holy, shit... is she seducing me now? She crushed her lips to mine and I don't know when the right time to kiss back.

'You don't have to make me feel envy.' Terence speaks from my back. 'Dina hated me for unknown reason...' Minerva didn't stop kissing me. 'When is she coming back here?' I shrugged while enjoying Minerva's sweet torture. I gripped her hips and kiss back. 'Stop ignoring me.' Minerva stopped kissing me. She then pushed me away but I pulled her and kiss her and didn't stop kissing her though she's pushing me away.

'She said that you are being a dick that's why she hated you.' Minerva said when she had escaped my kiss. I giggle at what she said.

'Oh! She did not!'

'True... she also said that you are lame in bed.' I was kissing her neck and laugh again.

'Tell me that she's lying, Yves!' I hugged her waist and look at him over my shoulder.

'She's not lying.' I told. She picks a chip and feeds me. I took her fingers to my mouth and suck her thumb and forefinger.

'Eww! You guys are creeping me out!' Terence complains and walks away. Minerva watched him as he went to the crowd. Then she pushed me and folds her arms. So, she's just pretending to be sweet all this time?

'If he tries to fuck someone here, I am going to kill him.'

'Don't worry... he won't. He knows that he will be toast.' I nibble her lower lips and she pushed.

'If you did too, you know what will happen.' She threatens.

'Yes, boss.' I salute and kissed her lips. She kissed back lavishly.

'You like flirting.' She started rubbing my nape. I smile at her playfully. 'Let's go outside.' She takes my hand and we walk outside to the backyard where there are lots of people drinking and playing. I twirl her around and pull her waist. She sneered at me.

I admire her in the white dress that she's wearing.

'Did you try to wear anything colorful instead of white?'

'I didn't.' she put her arms around my nape and I put my arms on her waist and we swing a little. 'You want me to try any colorful dress?'

'Yes... I would love that.' I lean my forehead on her eyes. The disco music turns into a love song. The song of Joseph Vincent in the title of 'If You Stay' is now playing. I love this song.

I give you my life; I give you my heart...

Her smiles are so beautiful. I wish to see that every day.

Promise that you'll stay.

'I hope everything will be fine.'

'Me too... I wanted to be with you.' She said closing her eyes slowly.

'That's what I ever wish for. You in my arms... you in my side... you in my daily life.'

'Hmm... I love hearing it. Please don't break my heart again.' She whispered.

'I can't promise, but there's only one thing that I will promise you.' I kissed her forehead. 'I will love you.'


I don't know what in the hell happened after I said all of those. But she's making herself fun. She tried to play with the teens on the usual game. She tastes and drank every alcohol. Then we make out a bit on the corner. I was just on her side to assist her. She feels so free and youthful. I never saw her like that.

'Is she drunk?' Electra asked shyly. She's still afraid of me.

'Hmm, I guess. I never saw her in that condition.' I twist my lips and look at Marcus over my shoulder. 'I think I have to bring her back to the packhouse.' I look at Electra. 'Will you be okay with Marcus here?' she nods. I look back at Marcus. 'If something bad happened to her here you will be dead.' I eyed him.

'You don't have to threaten me, Beta Yves.' I grin and nod at them.

I took Minerva's arm and pull her up. I told the kids that I will take my mate. They nod and make a toast to Minerva and me. I glanced at Dustin who is in the corner with Rica. They are talking serious like there's a fire between them. Well, they are not my business anymore.

'Do you still love her?' Minerva asked me while we are walking out of Marcus's house. I took her cold hand and put it in my pocket.

'No, I have you.' She looks anxious and sad at the same time. She just looks straight on the road.

'I can feel that she's not just an ordinary she-wolf in your pack. There is a familiar strong aura on her.'

'I believe in your instinct.'

We reach the packhouse and I am surprised that Alpha Robert is there checking on something. He already knew that we released the prisoner from Minerva's command. He's too busy preparing everything. For securing and for the possible upcoming war.

'Minerva.' He greeted formally to her nodding.

'Alpha Robert.' She acknowledged.

'Good thing that I had visited the packhouse. Seems like everyone here is at the party.' He looks at me. 'Beta, tomorrow the training must go on. I wanted you to facilitate everything.'

'Yes, Alpha.' I nod.

'You will be the next Alpha of this pack on the next New Moon. You should be ready.'

'I am truly aware, Alpha.'

'Good then, good night.'

We walk to my room. I asked her if she wanted some water and she nods. So I walk back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I went back to the room. I found her still standing on the edge of the bed staring at it.

'Did you fuck her here?' she asked seriously.

'Minerva...' I sigh. Are we still back from the very start?

'Just answer my question. It won't hurt you.'

'No. I didn't. I just moved in here. I was still living with my sister in the house.'

'Hmm...' she faced me and walk towards me. I gave her the water and she drank it. My phone rings and it was King Nathan.

'Excuse me. The King is calling.' I turn back and went to my balcony. 'Your majesty?'

'Hey, no need for formality. I just want to know if the nymph is in good condition.'

'Yes, she is. Why are you worried?'

'Well, my wife is sick. I don't know why she had sudden flu, but it wasn't like immortals have. The doctors are checking on her and they said that it was over fatigue.'

'Is she okay now? She can't get sick.'

'She will be soon. She just needs some rest.'

'Did you over fatigue her?' I asked narrowing my eyes. He laughs aloud.

'She's the one who always makes me tired every day and night. Can't you believe that?'

'I guess she was too wild.'

'Oh, I gotta go. She's calling me.'

I walk back to the room closing and locking the door. It was so cold. Geez. I turn my back and she's not there anymore. I look at her dress and coat on the floor also her boots. Really? Did she always do this? I gasped when the door from the bathroom opens and I saw her silhouette. The perfect curve of her body. I suddenly feel hot.

'Minerva?' I call. She walks towards me naked. Shit! I can't even look down at her. She's tempting. At this moment, I can say that she not just Athena's apprentice but also Aphrodite's apprentice. 'Ah, please put something on.'

'Why?' she asked seducing me. 'Don't you want this?' I didn't answer. 'Okay.' She turns back but my hand grabbed her naked waist. I smell her. God! She's so enticing.

'Tell me you wanted me.' I begged. 'Please.'

'I want you... to remove those clothes of yours.'

My hand crawls down her navel. Damn it was sexy.

'Pretty please?' I tease.

'No. I am demanding you.' I giggle and kissed her naked shoulder.

'Yes, boss.'