Chapter 19

―β Yves―

I was blurry then Rica came to my room. I thought everything is just a dream but she was my mate, that's what I know. I can't feel my wolf inside me like he's been trapped by something.

Someone came up and interrupt us from lovemaking. She got a sword and a dagger on her belt. She was crying and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with her. I yelp at her and it makes her madder. She levitates my mate and they disappear.

I run downstairs and saw my mate covered with a blanket around her. The goddess is pointing the sword to her. She was going to punish my mate. I beg her not to punish her and just punished me instead.

'So much for my love for you that it kills me inside.'

She cut my chest and I look down at it. It was a portrait of the Goddess. The name there is Minerva. Then when I looked at her she had stabbed herself deeply. I suddenly feel dizzy and things keep flashing back in my mind.

'No!' I screamed.

'Minerva!' Dina runs to her and cry in front of her. 'No! Open your eyes. Don't close it!' she shouts at her.

Blood runs from her mouth and she slowly closed her eyes. I was baffled and I can't even move from where I standing. I blink and saw my mate, Minerva lying on the floor. Her white dress slowly turning to red as her blood covered it.

'Minerva!' I scream and run to her, I'm on my knees on the floor. I caress her face.

'Step away!' Dina screams at me. I did move back and she pulls the dagger from the middle down her ribs. She started healing Minerva.

My mate is pale as white. I hold her hand and felt a little pulse.

'Please don't die on me...' I beg her. I can't lose my mate! What have I done?! I look at Rica who is smirking. 'You make her do this!' I scream at her and was about to attack her but Dustin covers me.

'Please... I am begging for your forgiveness.' Dustin nods his head. I growl at him and throw him. He hit the wall. Then Zoë appears picking Minerva's sword.

'Cool boys. She's not what you think, she is.' Zoë pointed the blade of the sword on her neck. I don't understand Zoë. Why is she doing this? Rica stood and makes the white satin sheets into black and made it as her dress. Her facial feature changes into someone's face.

I gasped when there are lots of Enchanters around Rica and she can't even move.

'She's not your mate, Dustin. Your mate's soul has been captured and she is now in a coma.' Zoë explains. 'Don't let her get out of this.' She told the Seven Enchanters. They nod at her. Zoë walked towards me and put her hand on my cheek.

'She's dead, for now.' She told me.

I was taken aback and look down on my mate. Dina is crying. Haney is there too. She keeps healing Minerva but still, she was pale.

What have I done? I killed my mate. I look at Electra and Marcus. I remember what she told me. I killed my mate hundreds of years ago. Then I kill her again.

They bring Minerva back to the Blue Moon Kingdom and I was left alone in my bedroom. I was sitting on the floor from the corner of my room. I stare at the bed and had remembered that I fuck Rica here. She had put me in a love spell. I growl and run to the bed throwing it on the wall. My wolf is not talking to me. He was in agony from the death of our mate.

Someone knocks on the door and Zoë enters. I bow my head to her.

'You want to see her?' she asked me. 'She is in a coma and her soul is with her Goddess.'

'Will she still wake up?' I asked her.

'She will but I am not that sure.' I feel frustrated again. I need hope. 'Dress up now. I will take you to her.'

I immediately dress up and Zoë and I teleported back to Blue Moon. There are two guards outside the big double door. The guards open it and she signs me to enter.

On the four-poster bed there she is lying with a white silver duvet over her stomach. Her hands are intertwined over her abdominal. The smell of the flowers around the room smells like her. I walk slowly to her and sat beside her. I move closer and kiss her head.

'I'm sorry, my love. I love you, please come back to me.' I whispered to her. She was cold and pale but I can hear her heart still beating. It was normal like she was just sleeping. I felt my wolf comes back.

Mate... Gray whispered on my head.

She's not yet dead Gray... she will be fine soon. I tried to comfort him and myself.

If you only told her that we love her sooner this won't happen. He blames me. Yes, he was right. If I only told her that I love her.

'I'm sorry.' I kiss Minerva's lips gently. 'I love you... I love you not her. I was under spell. Sorry that I shout at you. Sorry that I was drowning from the lust that the witch had given me. Please wake up, I will only love you. I will do all that you wished, just come back to me.'

I bent out kissing her hands.

'You wanted her to bring to New Moon pack so you can look over her?' Nathan speaks from my back. I look at him and bow my head. 'I can do something about it. Since that you will be the New Alpha on the first New Moon on spring.'

'Thank you, my Alpha. I wish to have her with me in the town.'

'Okay, no problem. But Zoë insisted me to have her here in a couple of days to see her condition.'

'I understand, King Nathan.'

'Don't keep on sulking there. Minerva had saved you from that spell, or else you will die too.' My eyes widen.

'I-I will die too?' I questioned him quizzically.

'Yes. That's what Zoë had told me.'

Nathan had given me a chance to look over to my mate. I bring my mate to the house that Zoë and Keynes had stayed when they are still in the town. She was sleeping in Zoë's room and I put cameras around her so that I can see her and check on her while I am on duty. The Alpha Robert's house is just next door and Luna his wife slash mate always sending me food. I look miserable. I haven't shaved for weeks and my hair is a bit long.

It's been one and a half months but she's still sleeping. I always sleep beside her. I always told her that I love her and come back to me. Every day, Dina is checking on her and injecting her something herbal for her body to cope up with the daily supplement.

Every day I train the newcomers from the small packs that had been invaded. They are the survivors and we welcome them to our pack. Helping each other is the only thing we can do for each other. After the training, I went home to take a bath. Then after I dressed up I went to my mate and kiss her forehead.

'Minerva... still sleeping?' I asked her though she can't hear me. 'I will be the new Alpha of this pack in the spring. I hope you will wake up. You told me that you will be in the ritual, right? Please wake up.'

The ding dong bell rings and I run downstairs to open the door. It was Dustin and he looks terrible as I am. We both lose our mate but the difference is we haven't found where his mate is. I open the door wide and he raises the beers.

I close the door behind me and he put the beers on the center table. He sat freely on the sofa.

'I had ordered a pizza and chicken. You haven't eaten dinner yet like I am.' He said.

'Thanks. I will just get some ice.' He nods and I walk to the kitchen to grab some ice cubes and glasses.

When I got there he was paying the delivery man the pizza and chicken. He put it on the table and I settled the glasses and ice on the table too. There is a long silence. Then he opens the canned beer and gave me one. Then he opens another.

'How's Minerva?' he asked.

'Well, same as yesterday.' I answered.

'Hmm, she speaks to me once warning me about Rica.' He told and take makes me gapes at him.

'What about that?'

'She said that there is a possibility that Rica with me is not my mate. And she was right. I lost my mate. I don't know where in hell she is.' He said bitterly. He drinks his beer and took a slice of pizza.

'I'm sorry.' I sipped on my beer and took a tight of the chicken.

'I was jealous at first that you were still in love with my mate. I tried everything to keep her away from you.' He said bitterly biting on his pizza.

'You know that I can't take her away from you. I have my mate and I hurt her too much. I can't hurt her again.'

'I found your mate a little intimidating and also amazing. When I lose my feelings for my mate, it was New Year's Eve, I started to envy you.' I glare at him. Envy me? 'I envy you because your mate is intimidating, and she was one of the kinds.'

'You are not implying to take my mate away from me?' I furrow at him. He chuckled.

'I wish, but my mate needs me. I got to find her.'

'Good, because you have to kill me first before snatching her away from me.' I take another bite. He laughs, and there's a long silence again.

'You will be our Alpha next month. It makes me worried.'

'Why?' I questioned and kept eating.

'Because, if you lose your mate, I was afraid that you will lose yourself too.' He told me.

He was right. If I lose my mate and if she never wakes up, I will lose myself at the point that I have to kill myself and wait for another chance of meeting her again.

'I need to hope. I need to be patient. I need to be strong for her and this pack. She told me that I should act like an Alpha doing all the responsibilities that I had pledge on.'

'Good, because I want my Alpha to help me rescue my mate.'