The First Experiment


I put her in the other room while I am cleaning my room. I asked Laurence to cook something for his sister and he immediately does what I had requested. He also bought clothes for her and for other girls who are in the laboratory.

I went to the laboratory to check on them and found them conscious. I called other packs that are looking for them. The Alpha's and the relatives of these girls had come. The girls' eyes are red but they are not moving or making their defense. It only means that they are not back to their senses.

'Alpha Hans from Twilight pack.' The alpha in black hair introduced himself. 'We had been searching for Liza for four years. Thank you that you had found her.'

Liza who is lying on the laboratory bed is just staring at nowhere. She is a red-headed girl with an athletic body.

'I am Alpha Yves and this is my wife Minerva, she's an enchantress.' Alpha Yves of New Moon pack said. I know him of course. He's the former Beta of the Alpha of the New Moon and the former Alpha is now our King. 'I am concerned about what happened to the girls here.'

'Well, our daughter is missing too. We tried every communication to get her but we got nothing. I assumed that our daughter's case is the same with these girls.' The Enchantress speaks.

'The Queen had given us permission to participate in the investigation.' Alpha Yves said politely.

'I gratefully accept it, Alpha Yves.' I said it.

'Oh, Minerva, dear!' Ludwig appears again. Minerva rolled her eyes.

'Great, great, great grandfather.' She greets. Ludwig grimaced at her.

'You shouldn't say it loud.' He murmurs to her. 'Looking for your dear daughter?'

'I know my daughter well; she won't contact me last night if she's not in danger.'

'Speaking of, I haven't seen your daughter.'

'Yes, to the fact that she's missing, you are not going to see her.'

'So, he's your great, great, great grandfather?' I asked Minerva that makes Yves laugh. Minerva nudges him.

'No. I was just teasing the old guy.' She winks at me. This enchantress is very beautiful, I mean like a Goddess. She looks at the age of 25 and hasn't aged like Ludwig.

'Alpha Drake, Alpha Jake of Crescent Moon pack is here to see the prisoners.' My third in command acknowledged.

'Alpha Jake.' I greet formally.

'Alpha Drake.' When he looked at the glass he stopped.

'Erin...' he murmurs. 'I wanted to see my daughter closely.' He demands me. 'Please.' I nod at my man and he was lead inside. He went to the brunette girl who I assumed the Third Command of the Red Moon Pack. 'Erin...' he caressed her face but she was emotionless like seeing her father is nothing. She can't recognize anyone like others.

'This is unacceptable.' Minerva murmurs. Alpha Yves wrapped his arms around her. 'They use science now to build an army that will put down the Blue Moon Kingdom.'

'His name is Damon.' I told her. 'As I mark my mate I saw her memories. Damon used them as his shield from our eyes. I wanted that bastard's head right now.' I clenched my fist by just thinking about that demon who raped my mate.

'What's the plan?' Yves asked.

'On the first Full moon of the month, the Beta of the Red Moon pack is going to come back for negotiating. They wanted their Alpha, which is my mate. I wanted to find the location of their territory and declare the war.' I told them.

'You can't just declare the attack if you don't know what they can do and what they are. It is a suicide, Alpha Drake.' Minerva told me.

'And she's right!' Yves said. 'She's the third command of the Queen slash her cousin and the mastermind.'

'Of course.' I nod my head.

Alpha Jake asked if he can stay here for a few days until his daughter had been cured. We had been making experiments on their blood to make a temporary cure.

I went to the other room where my mate is. She gasped and hugged herself while hiding in the corner of the room. The room is dark but I can see where she is.

'Laura? Lavi?' I call. 'It's me, Drake,'

'I don't know you.' she said it huskily.

'Are you hungry? Laurence had made something for you?' I move a little closer to her.

'Laurence?' she asked.

'Yes, Laurence.'

'Where am I?'

'You are back to Lunar Moon pack.'

'Back? Are you trying to be funny?' she chuckled sardonically. I sighed and brush my finger through my hair.

'Come on, Lavi. I know you are hungry and dehydrated.' I offer my hand to her. She just stared at it.

'I will take care of it, Drake.' Laurence speaks behind me with a tray of food for her.

'Laurence?' Laura called.

'Lavi...' Laurence smiled a little. I walk to the switch of the light and switch it on. I stare at her. She looks messily hot. Her hair is everywhere and her long legs are exposed. 'Dude, leave us alone first, please.'

I nod my head and glanced at her. She is staring at me deeply. 'I will just check around the territory.' I told her. She didn't even blink and she just stared at me.

When I left the room an idea pops into my head. She looks well and her eyes are not red. What if these girls will respond to their mates because their wolf had been long locked up somewhere. And their wolf might respond to their soul mates.

I walk to the corridor and found Ludwig leaning on the wall.

'You erase our memories.' I confronted him.

'Yes, I did.' I was about to punch him but he raised his hand to stop me. 'Still impatient, possessive, and moody?' he asked me that make me stopped. 'You guys are too young to recognize each other as mates so you have to be apart from her for your goods. I had seen your future with her. You won't be a great alpha in this pack.'

'How could you! If you didn't do it, she won't suffer from that Damon's hand.'

'I know Drake. I didn't see him coming. He had a witch with him.' He told me. I sighed.

'Let's try on marking the prisoners by their mates. It might help their condition.'

'Laura is not fully medicated. She might turn back to the monster that they made.' He reminds me.

'I am aware of it, Ludwig. But by marking their mates, their wolf might come back and fight whatever the chemical they injected on them.'

I went to the laboratory and found Jake talking to his daughter who is awake but didn't respond to him.

'Alpha Jake,' I called. He turned to look at me. 'I believe that her mate is here.'

He stood and walk towards me. 'What are you saying, Alpha Drake?'

'My mate is the Alpha of their said pack. Well, she doesn't need any supplements like them. She's always coming to her senses. She tried to reject me this day but I had marked her and now, she's back to what she is. I assume that it might help the other girls to fight the chemical once that their wolf comes back.'

'You are telling me that their wolf is not with them?' he asked frustrated.

'Yes. Something had blocked them before they had shifted.' I nod at his daughter. He looks at his daughter and feels hopeless. He held his daughter's hand with a sighed.

'I will agree if that will help to get my daughter back. Who is her mate?' he asked. I nod at my man and he stepped forward in front of Alpha Jake.

'Captain Kenly, Alpha.' He introduced himself bowing at Alpha Jake.

'If you are my daughter's mate, what's the name of her wolf?' he even tests him.

'Cassandra is her wolf's name.' that makes him stopped.

'Okay.' He stepped back.

Kenly walked towards his mate and bending down and caress her hair. Erin immediately responded to his touch. She hissed and was about to attack him but she can't move.

'Hey, it's me, your mate.' Kenly whispered.

'Get off me!' she screamed at him. Then she suddenly stopped as something had stopped her. 'Mate?' she asked sardonically. 'I don't need you. I Erin Brown of Red Moon pack—'

'Mark her.' I told him. He kissed the head of his mate and moved down to her neck.

She screamed and cried. Kenly caressed her hair after marking her. Her eyes changed into the real color.

'Mate?' she turns back to her sense.