Killing me Softly

I roam around the packhouse and then I end up in Laurence's room. I didn't bother knocking. I sighed and feel relieved. Laurence is still sleeping while her foot is on her brother's chest. She is hugging one pillow while her head is at the edge of the bed.

Laurence wakes up and sniffed the air. He stopped and looked at the foot over his chest. He looked at his sister and he threw her foot away. But her foot lands on his face. He looked at me while he's grimacing at the pain that his sister caused.

'What is she doing here?' he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. I walk the bed and then I carried her like a bride. She moans and hugged my neck.

'Meeting at one.' I told him. Then I walk out of his room.

I put her back on the bed but she's not releasing my nape so I lay beside her. I stare at her and wait for her to wake up. I pull up her shirt and inserted my hand into her breast. I wish that it will wake her up. She moans again when I squeeze her breast. She holds me tight and tangles her leg to me.

'Baby, wake up...' I said it softly. I gasped when she wakes up and sits on top of me. Her eyes are red and she stared down at me. 'Lavi...' she smirked at me like she's going to kill me.

'It seems that you didn't sleep well.' She speaks like an antagonist.

'Lavi...' I call her softly. She caressed my face down my jawline.

'You got a strong jaw that I didn't notice.'

'Laura.' I call her name again and her eyes didn't change color.

She bent out taking my lower lips then she bites it pulling it up gently. The thing that I did not see coming is a snapped on my neck and everything gets dark. I was in a momentary death.

My neck and head hurt when I wake up. I saw Laurence looking down at me. Then the other pack members are here in front of me. They bow their head. And call me 'Alpha Drake.' I look around to see my mate who is standing with big heavy cuffs on her hands and feet. She snapped my neck that was terrible. If I was a human I was long dead.

'I'm sorry for what my sister did to you.' Laurence apologizes sincerely. I sat up and walk to my mate. Her eyes are red and she is smirking at me.

'She is just concerned that I haven't got enough sleep last night.' I told them. 'Release her.' they hesitated. I hold my mate's cheek and kissed her nose.

'It's okay, Lavi. It's not your fault.' She stopped from what I said. 'I said release her!' I yell at them.

They immediately moved and removed all the big and heavy cuffs on her. It is not her fault. She is not in control of herself. I don't want to see her on cuffs because she's my mate. Her eyes are turning baby blue. I took her hand and put it on my lips.

'You hungry?' I asked her. She didn't say anything.

'I already prepare for lunch.' Kenly said.

Erin is beside him. She looks normal now. Minerva and the Queen had already given her the antidote.

For our plan not to be spoiled, we haven't still injected the antidote to everyone. They will be our way to get to the Red Moon Pack and to rescue others. And for my mate, she is the Alpha and chooses to be the Alpha and not to take the antidote. She said that there's someone that she should save.

'Come, I bet you're hungry.' I smiled at her. I pull her gently and she followed me.

I, my mate, Erin, Kenly, and Laurence together with others join the lunch. She is just eating and not speaking. Erin glanced at her almost every five minutes. She feels unusual where her Alpha is in front of her.

After lunch, we went to the soundproof conference room. I left my mate with Ludwig who always comes to visit her. I told my pack about the meeting last night. I told them that we are going to let the girls lead us to the Red Moon Pack. Then we will not go to kill the girls, instead, we are going to cure them.

After we had invaded the Red Moon Pack and killed Damon and whoever the witch he is with.

We have to stop them from their plan. Erin told us that they are planning to raise the witch Queen. Minerva and Ludwig had predicted it through the signal of Eponine. The planning of the war is not yet final but Minerva and Princess Iris had been studying it together with the youngest mastermind of the Blue Moon Princess Cassandra.

I went to the garden to be with my mate. I heard her voice not that far. It was sweet and seductive. Is she seducing someone?

'I found you handsome,' she said. 'I found your lips attractive than my mate. I wanted to taste them.'

'Laur—' I found her kissing Ludwig.

My jaw drops and my heart clenched. She was kissing him passionately and he is just standing still processing what's happening. Ludwig had held her arms tight and pushed her. He stepped backward away from her and wiped his mouth.

'That is not so—' Ludwig stopped and looked at me.

'So bad?' she asked mischievously.

'It's not what you think.' Ludwig immediately told me. I know, it wasn't his fault. Laura is doing it on purpose. She's trying to kill me emotionally.

'It's okay.' I whisper.

I tried to act cool but damn it hurts and I can't escape it. I walk to my mate and she faced me. Her eyes are blue yet piercing. It's like nothing had happened. She was emotionless and doesn't care what I was feeling now. Now, I will just ignore what happened.

'Drake, we can give her the cu—'

'No. Not yet.' I told him looking directly into her eyes. 'We need their Alpha.' I caress her hair.

'Oh-kay... I will just go and pretend that she didn't kiss her grandpa.' He said it shamefully. 'Gosh! It's still bothering me...' he murmurs while walking away.

'Don't do that again.' I told her.

'I don't take orders.' She said cockily. I kissed her head.

'It's okay, my love. I forgive you.' I murmur on her forehead. All I can do is forgive her though my wolf is hurt and my heart had been crushed slowly.

'I wanted to have a party or go to a bar or a disco.' She said.

'Okay then. We are going to the bar tonight.'

'Great!' she smiled but I know it's evil. 'I feel bored around here.' She walks away from me. She feels bored with me?

'Victoria.' I call her second name. She stopped walking and waits for what I am going to say. 'I love you.' that's what I always wanted to say all this time, despite what she did earlier. She scoffed.

'Mates are absurd. One day, you will realize that it was all in your head. You will get tired.' Then she walks away. I just watch her back walking away.

'Don't get easily affected.' Someone speaks behind me. I turn to look at Kenly. 'Erin told me that she is doing it on purpose. Believe in what her wolf says and feels for you.'

'I just don't know where she will get far on hurting me.' I murmur.

I, Laurence, Kenly, and his mate went into the bar outside our pack. It is the town where humans live. My mate is wearing a skirt and a sleeveless crop-top with a coat. Her skirt is too short but I didn't complain about it. She won't listen to me.

The loud music enters my ear and the different scent of alcohol mixed with the scents of the humans around here enters my nostrils. The males eyed her as she walks after us. She's alluring and I bet some knew her. She walks to the counter and licks her lips while inspecting the beverages. The barman accompanies her and looks down on her tits.

'What can I get you, sexy?' he asked playfully.

I immediately wrapped my arm on her waist and glare at the barman. He was taken aback so he cleared his throat and asked me what he can offer.

'Two vodkas,' I told him. 'Bring it to our table.' I told him. I turn back and mind link Laurence to handle it. I pull my mate and walk to the vacant table.

'Vodka? That's too cheap.' She told me.

'That will do for now.' I whisper in her ear and kissed her neck.

A waitress serves us our drinks and asked me what other she can serve. She's showing her tits on me and flashes her eyelashes. I stopped when my mate pushed me a little and she removed her coat.

'You feeling hot?' I asked her.

'Yeah, there are lots of bodies around here.' she told me.

'Ice tea and cashews please.' I told the waitress and I lean my chin on my mate's naked shoulder.

Laurence, Kenly, and Erin were seated on the vacant seats. And they waited for their drinks. We started drinking while talking about such things. Laura looks bored and just roamed her eyes around the bar. She suddenly stood and went to the dance floor and started dancing on the sexy beat of the music.

I got up when a man walked behind her and dance with her. He even caressed her tight as they dance. I stood and walk to them. I pushed the man hard that he fell his butt on the floor. Weakling.

'What do you think you're doing?' she asked me annoyed.

'And what do you think you are doing?' I mock back.

'I am enjoying myself!' she rolled her eyes. I looked into her eyes. Then I grab her arm away from those people. I stop, faced her, scoop her cheek, and looked into her eyes.

'You are enjoying yourself while hurting me? I don't want anyone to touch you and harass you. I love you because you are my mate.' I kissed her forehead. 'Now, let's go back to our table. Or else we are going back home.' She rolled her eyes.

We went back to the table and Laurence felt sorry for me. We drink in silence while Kenly and Erin are flirting with each other. She is bored and keeps on playing on her drink.

'I have to go to the powder room.' She stood and walk to the powder room.

'I'm sorry.' Laurence apologize.

'Stop it. It's not your fault. It is her who is trying to kill me all over again. She's not stable that's why.'

'She's not really like that. She's decent, and got high standards.'

'I know.'

We waited for her. Then my stomach suddenly churns and my heart started crushing. Shit! She's fucking someone and it is killing me. I run fast to the bathroom and pushed the people around me. I kick the door and saw my mate fucking someone. She is moaning while the man is fucking her on the sink hard and fast.

Then, seeing it breaks me and killing me slowly.