Under the Rain

"Take a sip on a secret potion

I'll make you fall in love

It's the spell that can't be broken

One drink should be enough...

Boy you belong to me; I got the rest of this

It's called black magic..."

-Little Mix

—Princess Cassandra—

I closed my eyes and I saw my mate in my vision, making out with Monica in the powder room. When he started thrusting on her it gave me a lot of pain. I can handle this. You can handle this, Cassandra. I breathe and open my eyes. He gave me water and I drank it all.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked worriedly. I forced a smile.

"Yeah. It's nothing. I am fine now."

"Kyle!" someone called and signed him.

"Kyle..." he looked back at me. "I think I need air and I have to leave. I forgot to call on my parents. They are probably worried about me."

"Okay. I will drive you home."