Should be my Moment

"I got my eye on the door

Just waiting for you to walk in

But time is ticking

People ask me how I've been

As I comb back through my memory

How you said you'd be here

You said you'd be here...'

--Taylor Swift

—Princess Cassandra—

     Everyone was so busy today. Today is the day that I've been waiting for. It's also my birthday. The party will start at seven and I already lose patience for waiting. I just wish that time would go on fast forward. But it is just ten in the morning and I still don't have the energy to get up. I just played on my pillow and watched whatever was on the outside of my window.

"Your breakfast is cold." My father spoke. "Hey, get up sweetie. Today is your day!" He jumped to bed and hugged me.

"I don't want to get up," I said coldly.

"Is it because you are thinking that he is not coming?" he asked me like he had read my thoughts