Black Magic


  I stared at the mirror and my ruined neck. 

  After all of these years, I've been a loyal dog to him. I did everything he wanted. Following him, worshiping him, and loving him. But all he did was trying to kill that bitch who ruined our lives. I hold and rub it until there's no wound. I cleared my throat and turned my head to the wasted man who couldn't do one thing that I told him about. 

"You fail! Even our business that we made for years just collapsed like that?" I roared at him. 

  He only scoffed as he brought the bottle of whiskey to his mouth. 

"I love Lorie." He told me. "But seeing her personally made me think twice." 

"You rejected her!" I turned to him. "You should reject her that night but at the same time go after her and make her fall in love with you! That way, you could make her life miserable as before!"