4.you survived

All I can feel is cold.I'm numb at this point.I can't even move my arms.

My lungs feel like they are on fire.

I heard that when you die you see your life flash before your eyes.Maybe it's the cold or the fact that I can feel my heart beat slower but I'm a little occupied to notice if that is happening.

And right when I'm about to give in,when I want to let my weight drag me down.I feel his arms around me.

I don't know how long I was out or what happened after.When I open my eyes I find him looking at me.

His face holds no emotion and he's not moving.He's just sitting there like a statue.

I notice how I'm not cold anymore and that's when I realize that we aren't in the forest.

It looks like a livingroom.I have dry clothes on.Not mine.did he ?no.i don't even wanna go there

"You tried to kill me.Why the fuck would you do that "

"You survived didn't you"