Chapter 18

The first light of dawn was flashing in the night sky.

Corner watched it from the window of his room.

"How was your first day at school?" A voice said as Corner turned to look at his brother Noah.

"It was lousy, I mean, those humans were lousy."

"What have you been up to, by the way?" He asked.

"Trying to find the location of our princess."

He swallowed and looks at Corner. "You are not telling me everything."

"What do you mean?"

"We are the Scilas brothers. We don't keep things from each other, now spill it!"

"Noah." Corner began tightly, "I found the princess."

Noah stood surprised. "Great, let's take her in and offer her to the king."

Corner swallowed hard. "She is more powerful than you think Noah..."

Noah did not even blinked. "You've fallen for her," he said instead.

"No, what I'm saying is that she is powerful and we can't defeat her...the blood of King Cain runs through her even though she doesn't know that...she is the chosen one and also the most powerful Dhampir. She will rip us apart if we try to destroy things she loves... but right now, I don't think she knows I am a foe, I have to study her, befriend her, and make her trust me before taking her in."

Noah drank the last of the blood from the cup. "I like that idea. We do that and we return her to the shadow world."

"Got it." Corner said.


I could see the book glowing again. I placed it on my bed as I opened and read through the pages. I found the location of the wendigo. I walked to the living room to inform mom and dad about it.

"Let's inform the council about it," Dad suggested.

I scoffed. "What will they do about it?" I asked dad.

"Well, she is right, dad... they are only guardians, not Dhampir or bloodsuckers. The monster will kill them."

"Maybe we should do it ourselves," Mom said.

I nodded. "I agree with mom, and we have to defeat that thing before it causes more disaster."

"Okay guys, let's suit up and meet me on the porch in five minutes," Mom said as she went to her room.

I ran to my room to suit up and also took the book of supernaturals with me. 'No one must have that book or we are doomed.' The head of the council had said.

I had not done this in years...fighting a monster with my family. It only happened in the shadow world, and now we are about to do it again? Which was Cool.

I wore my black-fitted leather trousers with a long-sleeve leather jacket. I topped it up with my ankle boot and placed my hair in a ponytail. I took my wooden dagger from my closet and also my sword. The whole family has that. It's more like a family tradition; if you've turned 17, you should have one or two to protect yourself from bloodsuckers or witches.