Interior Designer

On the outside, the sun fell and the moon rose, but the nameless golem remained secluded in its room deep inside the labyrinth. The dim room kept flashing with the light of earth magic, steadily getting brighter and more consistent. Every so often it stopped to rest and refill its empty energy pool and took that time to patrol the nearby hallways, defeating lone monsters that strayed from the central areas. It seemed adventurers and monsters both rarely came around to this area.

From what it learned the Labyrinthine Stone that it was made of was the same as the walls, roof, and floor of the dungeon. Non-magical sources would barely leave a mark but anything with a hint of magic could cause damage like cutting flesh. Small damage on its own body would automatically repair itself by using up energy but significant damage like the loss of a limb or a sizeable chunk missing could only be fixed with earth magic. Damage of any severity to the walls of the dungeon would slowly repair itself at a fixed rate and larger chunks of debris would crumble to nothing as the dungeon recycled the material.

While its core seemed to be able to be reinforced without limit its skill with earth magic had only reached the point of being able to slowly manipulate half a cubic meter of stone at a time after a day. At first, it was impatient in thinking that the trio from before would try to hunt it down, but it hadn't seen any adventurers since it fled. It also realized that it was probably stronger than the trio who seemed to be strong themselves since it only took a single point of core damage and the holes made by the spears of ice slowly mended once it pulled them out. Or at least it was confident in running away.

The statue shook its head and looked at its status to confirm energy had recovered. It only took half an hour to recover the pool of 250 energy, and the pool lasted for two hours of continuous use. It stood up and looked around, the room was still barren save for the rubble it made from experimenting on the walls. It seemed as long as it did not disconnect the stone from the walls the dungeon would accept changes made and not recycle the material. The only time the dungeon showed a reaction was when it tried to completely block the hallway with a wall, which crumbled one minute after being made.

Now that it had basic fluency with earth magic it decided to begin reshaping the room to be more comfortable, adding a table and chairs, a bed, a few shelves, a weapon rack, and a functioning door. The door took the longest, specifically shaping the hinges, but once completed the door could swing open and closed smoothly save for the quiet noise of stone grinding against stone. Other than making the door big enough for it to fit through it made the rest of the furniture to fit its ideal size that it would shrink itself to once it was more skilled with earth magic.

It quickly realized it could imbue things with earth magic and although it only made things sturdier it still counted for the criteria of a magic weapon, allowing it to make tools to be able to sculpt the smaller chunks of material the dungeon didn't bother reclaiming without using energy. With the tools made it stopped patrolling when out of energy and toiled away trying different aesthetics while making figurines of what it wanted to change its own design to. It remembered the last words it heard before coming here, 'It's fun to act cool', so of course, it had to look cool to be able to act cool.

Whenever its energy pool refilled it would continue molding the room to its whim, every round increasing the area it could influence in one go. From patrolling near the room it realized it was probably against an edge of the dungeon and experimented with pushing the back wall in the room with earth magic to expand. The result was a success and that brought the question, 'Why limit this to one floor?' and it began testing the boundaries of the roof and floor.

Soon the room had been expanded quite a bit, to the point that having a bed lying around looked awkward so it began making more rooms branching off. In this way, it got carried away in the fun of making its own things that it felt like it wasn't even the dungeon anymore. It was brought back to reality when the walls and floor stopped responding to its earth magic, likely the dungeon getting tired of its antics. Although by that point the room looked like a warehouse with several doors scattered about the walls leading to cozy rooms, or at least as cozy as cold stone can be.

Near the original entrance of the room was a large staircase leading to a second floor, though it didn't cover the whole space and was simply more of a way to overlook the area. Next to the staircase going up was another going down and just like the second floor, the 'basement' didn't expand too far and was mostly filled with open shelves.

Originally when the room was small the statue didn't notice but now that it's wide-open it couldn't help but lament about the lack of light, it had adjusted to the dark to a degree but it wanted to see what things would look like with proper lighting.

'Time to hunt I guess', it thought, the monsters always dropped a small crystal when dropped the emitted a faint glow. From when it started patrolling it was interested in the crystals but every time it tried to merge them together with earth magic it failed, but it still wanted to keep trying. It didn't really have any other source of light as trying to move the magical lights in the halls in any way resulted in them shutting off, and it wasn't able to turn them back on.