
Atlas began by figuring out how much space it had to work with by making one meter stone rods and measuring the box in its mind and was surprised with the result. It could tell it was big when it had thrown the crystals and hat in but it didn't think it would be fifty cubic metres, much more than it needs.

With such a large space it could easily store a plethora of weapons for every situation and it wouldn't have to worry about pockets ever again. It began fashioning at least two of each type of weapon it memorized from the weapon district in the Vacation Zone, one of regular Labyrinthine Stone and another of the compressed variety. While the compressed stone increased durability and added just a little oomph to swings it made it harder to strike with speed.

Atlas also tried several different shield designs from small bucklers to tower shields and for the current floor of zombies and amalgams, it went with an uncompressed tower shield that could be swung around to knock back the hordes of zombies.

The golem also made several weapon racks so that its armory wasn't just a pile of weapons laying on top of each other, which would probably lead to some problems in selecting the right weapon or shield in the future.

Every now and then it heard the shuffling of zombies outside in the hallway but they didn't seem smart enough to check the door and simply passed by. A few amalgams tried to open the door but failed and left. Nearly two hours went by when Atlas put the final weapon into the ring and felt almost proud looking at the pocket armory taking up almost half of the spatial box. It even made some disposable throwing weapons embedded with crystals for makeshift grenades.

Once that was done it began experimenting with sculpting weapons directly into its body which basically amounted to making sharp blades and burying them in its arms and legs so that with a minuscule amount of earth magic it could push them to the surface for a surprise attack.

Atlas also wanted to try making something like a firearm with the crystals as gunpowder but it wasn't able to shape them without them exploding shortly after and trying to grind them into dust made them lose their potency.

Another hour of messing about with ideas with mostly failures resulted in Atlas' energy running low from poor management. The constant noise of stone cracking and sometimes exploding had attracted a large number of zombies outside the door who were slowly bashing it down.

'Perfect timing,' Atlas was mostly glad. While having low energy was a downside, it should be fine with its new weaponry, and getting used to fighting at low energy was something it would need at some point.

The golem armed itself with an uncompressed spiked tower shield and a compressed longsword, zombies didn't move too fast and simply required a weapon with reach to sweep through with enough momentum. It took a stance in the middle of the room and watched the door that was near breaking. The groans and grumbling of the zombies increased as the door got closer to collapsing.

Half a minute later and the compressed stone door buckled as cracks spread throughout and fell apart. The zombies were aggravated having to beat down a door before getting to the enemy and shambled into the room with vigor, as much vigor as undead could have at least. The number of zombies in the room quickly increased as they surrounded and charged at Atlas, clawing and growling.

Atlas responded in kind, letting energy flood into the obsidian orbs in its body and let out a mechanical roar as it dove into the horde slashing and bashing with its sword and shield. The results were as expected, the compressed longsword and the weight to carry its momentum through several zombies with a single stroke and the spiked tower shield could make breathing room by knocking back zombies that clustered too closely.

Getting into a steady rhythm the golem managed to reduce the damage it took while increasing the speed of cutting down the zombies, at least until several amalgams poured in through the door and worked alongside the zombies in the assault. While they weren't as strong as the twin beetles the difference in fighting style threw Atlas off and breached its defenses several times. With the tower shield it managed to protect its Core from any harm but the outer durability of its body slowly dropped.

Atlas stabbed the longsword into the floor and took out a few of the makeshift grenades, poured enough energy in to activate them then threw the handful into the crowd. The resulting explosions cut down the zombie horde a decent amount but the golem's already low energy pool dipped even further to the point of minor injuries no longer mending. It threw the tower shield at a row of amalgams, crushing them, then picked up the longsword in its left hand while retrieving the uncompressed longsword from storage into its right hand in a reverse grip.

Atlas adapted a frantic fighting style and used the last of its energy to manipulate its wrists to be able to rotate freely to overcome its slow speed and became something like a blender, rushing to cut down the rest of the amalgams before anything else. Once the last amalgam fell there was only a small horde of zombies left, but its energy had completely run out at the point, leaving its right hand stuck twisted at an awkward angle.

It was covered from head to toe in red and black blood, it was glad it could see without needing eyes that could get gunked up. Dispatching the remaining zombies was fairly simple, though it wasn't able to repair the door without energy. It couldn't even use the spatial storage ring and just mashed the tower shield into the doorframe to the point of being stuck.

Once again Atlas rested to recover in the room, now with crystals scattered all about.