
The adventurers in the lobby-like safe room seemed wary of the appearance of a golem, though it being with the group of knights reassured them. They took a look then went about their business. Atlas was glad to be on the surface and out of the cold labyrinth; perhaps now it could find a nice quiet spot to rest and relax.

Captain Saric nodded, "Alright, we'll head back to headquarters to drop off our gear and go to a restaurant to celebrate Atlas joining us... You don't mind, right?" He asked towards the golem.

"Not at all. Not everyone can subsist through force of will alone," the golem said sarcastically. Vale was the only one to laugh, and not very much.

The group started moving to the door, and the young knights were the first out while Atlas and the three senior knights took their time.

Lager explained the situation to the two men wearing the knight's garb. They were surprised but glad to have additional forces.

Atlas felt its connection to the stone around it wane and fizzle, getting weaker as it moved closer to the doorway outside. The golem took note and strode forward only to find the same barrier on the exit on the safe rooms below but different; this one was much stronger and clearly visible once it neared. This made it pause, perhaps getting out wouldn't be so easy...

Atlas raised an arm and placed its palm on the barrier, there was no reaction, but the golem found that no matter how hard it pushed it, the translucent blue barrier would not budge as if it were made of steel.

Vale noticed its attempts first, "Something the matter?"

Atlas did not respond as it pulled back its left arm and threw a punch into the barrier. To the eyes of Vale and the others, the golem's fist flew forward and then collided with the air, making a loud noise and a flash of light. When they opened their eyes, Atlas was standing there looking at the stump of where its left arm used to be, "It would appear I cannot leave the dungeon as of yet," it stated bluntly.

The commotion alerted a pair of guards standing outside, but they kept on their side of the barrier, looking between the golem and Saric. They made the connection but remained vigilant; if the golem couldn't leave, then it was definitely a dungeon monster, right?

Captain Saric sighed, "Well, darn, and I already told the young'uns we'd be eating out tonight."

Vale pouted, "Bummer, but hey, once you get stronger, you could probably just smash through the walls."

Lager seemed indifferent.

Atlas collected the rubble of its left arm off the floor, then turned to Saric, "If I were to launch an attack on the dungeon core, would it have consequences for the well-being of the labyrinth?" It already vaguely knew the answer from the books of the Great Library, but it doesn't hurt to double-check.

Saric chuckled, "Well, we're not sure, nobody has ever actually found the dungeon core for the labyrinth, but considering how large the place is, I'd wager the core is integral to keeping things running. Smaller dungeons can keep creating monsters without a core just by using residual energy from underground but, well, you've seen the sheer number of monsters this place makes, not to mention creating anomalies like you."

The golem tilted its head, "Does that mean you are unaware of how deep the labyrinth goes?"

Vale laughed, "Damn right, not to mention depth; every few months, someone ends up finding a new branching path. It's almost like this place is endless."

The golem nodded, "Spatial magic perhaps, if that is the case destroying the core would likely undo the magic and most likely rupture, destroying the surroundings."

Vale stops laughing, "Hey, I live here! Don't you dare break that core!"

Atlas laughs in turn, "I'll think about it," it states before heading towards the stairs back down, then stops. It takes a few of the larger magic cores stored in the spatial ring and tosses them at Saric, who responded with a yell, "Don't throw stuff at blind people!" he exclaimed, despite deftly catching them.

The golem stared at the captain's blindfold before shrugging, "I don't know the value, but that should cover at least a small portion of the cost of 'celebrations,'" it stated before turning back and advancing to the stairs.

Lager raises an eyebrow, "That's enough to cover a decent-sized feast and then some, many thanks," he states and starts pushing Saric to the exit before he can protest.

Vale became a bit giddy, "Let's go get drunk after!" She exclaims, her demeanour not really fitting her tough looks. She took one last look at the golem descending the stairs, "Stay alive big guy!"