Is this a Cooking Show?

Omni greeted the pair with slight enthusiasm, excited to show off everything it had done. Halfway through the grand tour, Christoph couldn't help but ask, "Where did all the wood go?"

The golem paused and sighed, "I can't shape wood as I can stone, and despite being slower than I was back in the dungeon, shaping the stone with energy is much faster than carving wood by hand. Some floorboards were cleaned and repurposed for fermenting barrels; others were used for making more furniture. The biggest reason was re-using the nails, as I cannot shape metal yet," it explained as it led them down the new stairway in the back of the expanded pantry. The quintet of golems was slowly digging away at a stairway that went further down in a corner while Omni showed them the barrels and explained what each of them was for.

"I didn't know you could ferment stuff like that," Valentina stated, looking between the barrels and the digging golems.

"Many Elven estates employ similar manners of fermentation for their wine, but without growth magics, it would take several years to ferment," said Christoph.

Omni nods to that, "Which is why either you or I will learn it if you don't already know it."

"Can't say I do."

"More reason to look forward tomorrow, then."

Valentina, finally turning her attention away from the digging golems, asks, "Where's Ghorm, by the way? Did he go home?"

Omni shook its head, "He's upstairs in one of the new suites; I had to move him so I could finish refurbishing the tables."

The golem showed them back to the first floor then onto the second; the hallway was rustic with different engravings surrounding each door frame. Omni walked down to the last door on the right and flung it open. Nestled in the covers was a small shape, and as the door noisily banged the wall as it swung, a pair of eyes peeped out from under the covers, "Oh, it's you lot! Why is this bed so comfy! I can't get the strength to leave!" Ghorm exclaimed in a pleasant tone.

"It's just a regular bed; the only difference is the heating," Omni stated, glancing at the clothes littered in front of the bed, "If you are in a state of undress, then we'll come back later, breakfast will be in half an hour," It said.

"It will?" Valentina asked.

"Yes, I'll be cooking this time; I will show you the difference between us," Omni stated with a competitive tone. The sound of footsteps could be heard from downstairs, "More customers? Perfect timing."

The three of them left down the hallway, with Ghorm following shortly after, after getting dressed in a flash. Descending the stairs, they could hear a decent amount of bustle, a growing crowd was outside, and Elizabeth and her group were standing just inside the door looking confused. "You sure we got the right place?" Edmund asked.

"You have, but what are you guys doing here?" Christoph asked in return.

"I said we were going to come by yesterday for supper, remember? We couldn't make it, so we thought we'd get some breakfast instead, but it looks like you're going to be super busy," Elizabeth replied, looking back at the growing crowd.

"Irrelevant, the more, the merrier," Omni stated, looking out the windows, "I recognize some of them; they were curious about the refurbishing, it seems. Valentina, start seating them; I've already drawn up plenty of copies of the new menu. Christoph, you will help cook if the medicinal dishes are ordered; I cannot replicate them perfectly yet. Ghorm you... uh, help Valentina, I guess. Your payment is food and alcohol," Omni quickly gave out orders before retreating to the kitchen.

Omni flexed its six arms while summoning the quintet from the cellar with Harmonize, having them bring ingredients from the pantry. The former cleaning golem was tasked with delivering Valentina the new menus. Omni began cooking slowly at first, making sure Harmonize delivered the intent properly, scrutinizing the quintet's progress until it was satisfied.

Valentina and Ghorm delivered a quickly growing pile of orders, so the golem sped up the cooking. The machine-like precision of being a golem could move much faster without the worry of making a mistake, and having four extra hands certainly helped make the more complicated dishes. Christoph was a bit flustered but slowly got used to the rhythm in the kitchen. Christoph by himself was quite a decent cook when he didn't have to check on Valentina every five seconds to make sure she was not dumping pepper on something.

Problems began to arise when Valentina started to mess up the orders; between the new names she didn't know and the volume, she got flustered and had trouble remembering everything. Ghorm seemed fine, but Ghorm by himself wasn't enough, so Omni took Valentina's place, engraving orders in small print in the gap in front of its core. Valentina was relegated to seating people and making sure they paid.

Omni was glad it had bought ingredients in bulk. Through word-of-mouth between Elizabeth bragging about the 'super golem' and the people who had seen it remodelling the inside of the Quiet Respite, there were upwards of fifty people who had shown up. The golem was surprised by the sheer number, but maybe this is the first exciting thing that's happened in a while, either way, it was glad at the chance to exercise Harmonize and test its limits.