Where here is

As the clock finally hits 8 a.m.  I am filled with so much excitement I just might burst. Today is the day I finally get to go outside. I am ready to feel the warmth radiate to my body from the sun. It is hard to believe I had just woken up a couple of days ago and everything has changed so drastically. My friends and family have all passed on, if what they say is true, I wonder truly how my pod wasn't destroyed how I was the only one who survived so long while others were simply wiped out. I am not left alone in my own head long, the door slides open revealing a smiling Natasha holding a white trey of what I can only hope being something to eat. My stomach growls as the tray gets closer to me. Sliding over a small table side she sits the tray down. The smell doesn't betray my senses at all, my nostrils fill with a hint of honey sugar sweetness along with cinnamon. Eggs and bacon greet my nose next. I inhale taking in the deep aroma before picking up my fork. "Thank you, Natasha" as I retrieve the plate from the tray I nod my head in appreciation. 'Finally, something to eat' my thoughts move to pass the previous, and all my attention is focused on eating as much as I can, and as much as I want.

Natasha smiles taking a seat at one of the desks, she types briefly and then the monitors flicker on. 'Beep, beep, beep' the machine beeps in rhythm to my heart. All my other vitals are normal as well. "It seems the disease is moving slower than rapidly, that is some good news"  I shake my head still stuffing my mouth full of bacon and sweet rolls. "Slow down will you, you're going to choke" she adds. Ignoring her protest, I chow down faster snd faster and I don't stop until finally my plate is clean and my stomach is full." So good, thank you"  Natasha can't help but to reveal her small smile. "your welcome"  The door opens again and in comes the woman I had nicknamed "asshole" previously. She comes to me and its everything I have to fight off a bright red blush. I can feel the heat rise to my face and consume my ears, 'oh no, get a grip Emily, before you give yourself way. However, my eyes cannot help but stare. She's wearing a tighter suit with what appears to be black armor, the chest plate covers her from side to side, along with it are black gauntlets, shin guards along with shoulder pads.  Her beauty is unquestionable and without even realizing it our eyes are locked in and just the way she is looking at me makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor. 

She stops a few feet from the bed and sighs, "Are you ready to go?"  She sounds her usual low tone with a hint of annoyance. I simply nod not really fully recovered from the major girl crush I have going on right now. Shifting the white sheets off of my legs, I slide out of bed, the floor is cool beneath my feet until I slip on my blue slippers or crocs? Who knows what they called in the future anymore.  We walk this time side by side, her presence doesn't force me to shy away and doddle behind her. Even if she can be a complete ass I don't think she would do me any type of harm or at least I hope she won't anyway. We take an elevator down, there must be about 60 different buttons each marked with little symbols I don't recognize.  She pushes the very last one in the bottom row to the far right. The elevator makes a brief ding and we are dropped. Even without windows, I can feel we are moving at an abnormal rate. "Shit" I squeak as it catches me off guard. For once in possibly the rare moment ever I see either a smile or a smirk pass her lips. "What's so funny? " I groan. She looks at me still with the crook in her lips. " you, you are funny" she replies coming inches away from my face. Clearly, she has to be teasing me or enjoying playing with my mind. " I really do like you"  she inches closer her voice lowering into a whisper. The heat that had dispersed has now come back to haunt me and by now I know that my face has gone from pale white to bright pink or possibly even read at this point. Everything in me wants to clash our lips together and disappear from this world. I feel drawn to her for some reason and I cannot place it. How can you feel such an attachment to someone you don't even know?  Is it possible? 

Just as I lean in to get closer to her the elevator comes to a complete shortstop. Sending me headfirst into the side, I rub my poor forehead with my hand, 'surely that will leave a bump soon, not to mention the embarrassment to go with it.' I clear my thoughts and look around. There is harsh banging on the door and indentions start to be made. With every blow the door dents more and more. Finally, it ripped off and tossed to the side. "What the hell? What is the actual hell is going on!" I shout.  It doesn't take long and I get my answer there she is my girl crush my asshole stepping into the elevator there is a rage of fire in her eyes and then it dongs on me if that is truly her then who is this woman in the elevator standing in front of me? 

Her jaw is tight and that rage clarifies itself as her muscles tense and her fist are tight. " who are you" she demands sternly not taking her eyes off of the supposed imposter. There is a wicked laugh that leaves the mouth of the other " my, my, you meta beings make it to easy to steal from you, imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the girl, everyone loves fresh meat" they cackle even more horrified and my eyes go wide as my lovely arrogant mind finally pieces just how much in actual danger I am.  Unable to contain her anger any longer she grabs the imposter by the throat and lifts her high above her head. "Serpent bastard, I'll kill you" she spits out through clenched teeth. And then she looks down at me, "run" she commands. Not wanting to question her motives I run away as fast as I can to the only door that I see is open. Picking up speed, I  plow into another man and he looks at me confusingly. As I rush to pass him I tell him "sorry" and continue going. Out of breath I round a corner and stop, breathing heavily I bend over with my shaking hands on my knees. "This shit is crazy," I say aloud.  "It is going to be worse, the more you find out" I hear a woman's voice behind me. It's her or at least I think it is. I strike my best fighting pose and take one good right hook. Only for her to easily block it sweeping my already fragile legs out from under me. I am sent crashing to the concrete. "Oof"  she sighs "It's me girl, calm down that serpent swine isn't going to harm you anymore" her neutral tone is back and now I am for sure it's her. " it's not girl, its Emily, you asshole" I counter, I can feel myself getting worked up. And just as I say the word asshole, her chill calm demeanor starts to diminish. "I just saved your life and you call me an asshole, what kind of human follows blindly behind someone they don't even know,? Your lucky I found you just in time, who knows what could've happened!" She shouts.

Not backing down I manage to waddle up to my feet. My bottom and backache from the leg sweep, but I am to nerved up to really pay it much attention. " what kind of human huh? Maybe the kid that doesn't know where she is, where here is for a matter of fact or who anyone else in this damned world is anymore, so excuse me for thinking I was following you to the outside world and it is some imposter!"  By this time we are eyes locked neither of us refusing to back down. She scoffs."you are such a royal pain in the ass, I can't stand humans, they always think they're so smart and know it alls when all they are good for is getting themselves killed" she uses two fingers and pinches her brow. Her frustration growing she goes to walk away. " let's go"  she says as she pauses mid-step. Still pist at her words I'm not sure if I do want to even follow her.  After a moment and I don't move she lets out a sigh "do you want to see what's changed or not?"  

"Very much" I respond in a low mumble. 

Slowly I walk with her and eye all the buildings, they are higher than any skyscraper I had ever seen in my life. Cars are no longer cars, they're more like supersonic speed hover crafts. Instead of planes and helicopters, there are massive ships or space crafts that fly high. Some brandish names such as New Order and Nebula 7. Others have symbols that would remind me of something out of an Egyptian tomb. Catching me gawking at everything that flies pass us she stops. " Are you alright?" she asks with a plain expression. I nod my head and keep walking. Everything has truly changed everything they said about what could be in the future, has now been made into a reality. A reality that I don't have the privilege to share with anyone.

She doesn't say much except vague explanations on what buildings are what and to express how much the "old Earth"  has disappeared from existence and a new one has taken over. In my younger years, I would dream about what the future would look like, how humans would evolve and become a more superior species and would learn and grow for the better. Never would I had imagined that the human race would snuff itself out of existence, just because they couldn't let differences stand and let the hate go. 

After a few hours of walking, I still haven't a clue on where we are exactly, mustering up the courage I ask 'asshole' what city we are in. Pondering for a moment she examines my facial expression. Before finally replying to me, " We are in sector 15, city names no longer exist anymore, when we arrived so much information on the human-Earth had been destroyed. So to divide up different areas of the land we have them listed as sectors. Different life live in different parts"

Oh, great more shit to try and re-learn. The more new information I am told the more I start questioning if I still want to breathe in the future. The past has been erased and I am the only one who knows of what 'old Earth ' use to be.  "You okay Emily? " she inquires with a cocked eyebrow raised. "I'm fine" I lie, taking some more steps to keep the pace going. " let's keep going maybe find somewhere to eat, you still have places like that don't you? " Her eyes grow with mischief and a smirk curls at the corners of her lips. "Why follow me" and she quickly walks past me. Just when I think she was a plain Jane stuck up person who was full of herself and lacks emotion. It takes bringing up a restaurant to finally get a genuine expression from her and one not full of annoyance either. 

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere that's neither here nor there a hole in the wall place, serves wonderful delicacies and some fine drink to accompany it." she takes a quick left and then stops. We are in an alley and it wouldn't be the stereotypical creepy trashed out movie type either. This alley has a lot of vendor carts set up, considering their size and mobility they must be traveling merchants. She leads me to pass a few carts and to a tattered curtain of a bluish color with vertical black stripes. When she draws the curtain back it reveals a hole, and in that hole is tables and chairs a long bar to the left with multiple stools. "No shit, there is a literal hole in the wall with a cafe` in it,"

Don't be so surprised, its nothing unusual there are many places around each sector that have mini places like this. When it comes to local food these spots are the best,"  taking a seat in a booth she grabs a menu giving it a thorough run through with her eyes. She's concentrating awfully hard on  It and with just a single page menu, I let out a not so subtle giggle. Lowering the menu her eyes meet mine. "Something funny girl?"  Widening my smile "you are just so serious about anything you do, it could be fighting, walking, or even just like now reading something, and its as if it takes all your concentration to do the task. I don't find it humorous more so amusing" I do my best to watch what I say trying hard not to piss her off. But, even now she looks so beautiful even if she is in armor with two highly compact weapons on her hips in their holsters,  not to mention how it wouldn't do me any good at getting to know her if I were to annoy her and push her away with my arrogance.

"I suppose that would seem odd to other life forms, it's just how I am...I place the blame on my Lycan, shes the formidable one after all" 

"Wait, back up there for a minute did you just say Lycan as in werewolf type Lycan?" 

She shrugs looking at me, "yes" 

Letting go of all filters and processes I just begin speaking not caring to watch my words either. How many Lycans are there and are you all Lycans?. "  Shockingly she doesn't seem so annoyed by my question and almost looks as if satisfied by my curiosity. "I am the only Lycan type, however, all meta beings are different. Some are reptilian, serpent, water manipulators, shapeshifters, banshees, witches, and so many more. There are maybe another 50 or so different meta beings in existence throughout the galaxy.  It seems that indeed I have so much to learn and figure out for myself, on top of trying to find a cure for my disease, I only hope that I have enough time to satisfy my ever curious mind.