Plan in Motion

Z P.O.V.

I can hear small gentle taps on the outside of my door. I know it's Emily coming to check up on me. I don't want company and I don't even want to talk. This whole situation makes me feel uneasy. Neese wants me to stay behind while the rest of them perform some kind of risky mission. How in the hell would he even consider taking Emily deep into the enemy hive? Better yet what sense does he have to think I would even go along with it. Emily needs to stay on the ship away from that monster.

Narrowing my brow from the very thought my teeth clenched tight I growled. Leona feels uneasiness as well.

"Z can we talk?" I can hear a small quiver in her voice.

I don't answer her, there shouldn't even have to be any discussion on this.

"Z please, don't….don't shut me out" She taps on the door again.

It pains me knowing that I'm hurting her, but any communication with her right now won't be beneficial. Not with the way I feel right now. After a few minutes, I hear the door down the hall close. Sighing I roll over on my right side tucking my arm underneath my soft pillow.

'You shouldn't shut her out Z' Leona chimes in.

'And what do you know, just butt out woulda you' I snap closing my eyes.

'Not this time Z, you feel it too just as I do, there's a reason we both have rising suspicion on Neese, you cannot let Emily go'

' Leona, you know she's as stubborn as a-'

'Stubborn as a Lycan?'

I scoffed because she already knew where I was going with my comment.

' Yes, so what could I do to make her stay behind to keep her here?'

'We need to find out what Neese is up to, or we need to go with them if she persists' Leona growls.

'No, we are not going, if she persists then that's all up to her. I refuse to support this dangerous endeavor.' I snap.

' Still as stubborn as ever Z, what the hell are you going to do then?' Leona beckons.

'Figure out what Neese is up to' I close my eyes hoping to find some rest at last.

Emily P.O.V.

I let out a loud yawn stretching my arms out above my head and my legs hang over the edge. Last night was brutal, one minute things are fine and then the next Z shuts down and doesn't speak to me, and now there's talk of breaking into the lair of my enemy. One would think since it's beneficial to use the technology they have, Z would back me up. I slump back onto the mattress.

I just wish Z would see where I was coming from. I know she just wants to protect me but at the same time, she has to see that sometimes risks need to be taken. It's been another month since we've landed on Yuriz and we still haven't made any more progress.

While Solarious builds his forces by the day we stay here spinning ourselves around in circles. I can't take this any longer, it's time to act. Determined, I jolted up off the mattress and quickly got myself dressed. Not even worrying about brushing my hair, I throw it up in a tight ponytail before walking out the bedroom and into the hallway.

Solarious has already made so many of his own moves it is our turn now. We have to quit being scared of taking risks. I pass by the living room and see that it is empty, I check the kitchen and not surprisingly enough it is empty as well. With only one other place to look, I open the door to the lab. Natasha and Nicole are at their desks continuing their usual research and trying to decrypt more files.

Neese stands near a monitor going over all the data we have collected so far the past couple of months. Z is nowhere to be found though and it makes my heart sink.

"I suppose she still stands firm with her decision?" I ask looking down to the floor beneath my feet.

"She has refused the offer to go, she wants to leave you to your own accord. Nevertheless don't be worried Emily we will sneak in and out before we are noticed." He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"We will depart for the headquarters tomorrow." He adds.

"No, " I say firmly, his eyes grow wide.

"No?!" He exclaims.

" We go today, I'm tired of waiting around like some scared girl. Nothing has come of hiding and not doing anything."

Neese, smiles wide and turns back to the monitor he was scanning.

"Very well Emily, we will depart in one hour" I nod to him in agreement and I leave to go get ready.

Leaving the lab I still see that the living room and kitchen are empty. Z hasn't left her room all day. Annoyed with being shut out I stomp over to Z's bedroom door. ' she is going to open one way or another' I think to myself. This time I knock loud and firm.

"Z open the door would you?" I call out.

No response.

"Z open the door or else I'm going to break it down," I say again but louder.

No response.

" That's it!" I shout.

With my right foot, I kick the door flat-footed and with all the strength I could muster. I keep kicking but there is no use, the door won't budge.

" Emily just leave, go on your mission, " her voice is muffled by the door but I can still tell what she says.

" Just talk to me, " I replied, stopping myself from kicking the door again.

I hear footsteps get closer as she approaches the door. With a small squeak, she cracks the door open a bit. She glares at me from behind. Her jade colored green eyes still have a magical power over me.

"Take this with you, if something should happen i'll be able to find you, " she reaches her closed fists out the door and drops a necklace with a blue crystal on it in my hands.

"So you won't come? " I ask, saddened.

" I'm going to stay behind and consume research of my own. This will help protect you since I won't be there. It's an old Lycan relic called fluorite, a protection crystal, it will also guide me to you."

I examine the crystal, it is so beautiful, it has a light blue color that shimmers in the light. It's lightweight and is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

"Thank you Z, " I smile at her putting it on.

"Just be careful." She simply responds closing the door behind her.

I gear up, holstering my blaster on my hip and sliding on a leather jacket over my arms and shoulders. Strapping on my boots in case I need to run or climb. There is a knock on my door and I open it, half hoping it was Z but the other half of me knows it is probably just Neese.

Opening the door Neese is standing there

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod and follow him out of the safety of our living area.

Natasha and Nicole are waiting for us outside, they have changed also they both have on a black jumpsuit with shin-high black tactical boots and gloves. I smile at them, they always know how to match and look like badasses at the same time.

"So what's the plan on how to get in there without being spotted?" I ask as we casually walk down the alleyways.

" According to the blueprints I hacked into, there is a hatch on the top of the building, we can break the door off and open the hatch, once inside it appears we will have dropped into a storage room" Natasha brings up a holo map.

And it shows in a transparent blue the digitized version of the tall F.O.G. headquarters and every single floor and room mapped out. She swivels the map around with the touch of her forefinger and expands the building.

"Once we exit the storage space we will have to sneak our way down two floors to their DNA testing lab, there Neese can take you to run more on your genetics." Nicole points to the lab.

" Bear in mind that we are on a time limit. Once we break the hatch open we will have approximately fifteen minutes before an alarm will sound. We need to be in and out before it sounds" Neese adds closing the map.

"So how are we supposed to get up to the very top of a hundred plus floor skyscraper?" I ask sarcastically.

"You'll see," the twins say in unison with a smile.

We stay close to the walls as we weave in and out of different side streets and alleys. The closer we get the more stealthy we have to be, guards roam the surrounding area of the headquarters. Heavily armed they seem to be on high alert for any suspicious activity. We duck down behind a building. Neese carefully peeks his head around the corner observing the guards as they make their route.

"Stay down, stay quiet and stay low, " he whispers looking at the three of us.

"I'm going to cause a distraction, when I draw their attention you three get to the top and work on breaking the hatch, I'll meet you there" We nod in response.

Neese morphs into this tall creature, and when he completely transforms I can help but look at him in shock. As if out of a Jurassic park movie Neese has transformed into the biggest fucking Tyrannosaurus Rex I had ever witnessed, even the movies can't pale in comparison to this.

With his greenish brownish skin and maroon colored back, he rawrs loudly. The rawr is enough to burst my eardrums as we run for the building the guards run towards the giant dinosaur. They scream and shout as they open fire upon him.

"Kill the beast!" The reptilian commander shouts.

The hail of fire doesn't stop. Shot after shot hits Neese, but they have no effect on him.

"What that can't be?" I say in shock as I watch.

He whips his tail around hurling group after group of the enemy miles away from our location.

"That doesn't make sense I saw him get hit"

Natasha grabs my arm pulling me with her and away from the fight.

"Neese has special abilities, he doesn't ever share them, so we all don't know what he is capable of. But one thing is for sure he is immune to any blaster fire"

She stretches out her arm and her hand flies up towards the edge of the skyscraper and patches on. Gripping me under my arms we grapple up towards the building. I wasn't expecting this would be how we'd make it to the top. But then again it's 3034 nothing should surprise me by now.

The ground shakes with every step Nesse takes. His giant size lit matches the whole stallion of Reptilians that were based here to guard the headquarters. Slowly the blaster fire dies out. The hail of red and blue lights from the blasters no longer light up the sky.

"Well who knew he actually is useful" I tease turning back towards the twins.

Nicole is working on breaking the lock placed on the hatch. Her index finger has turned into a mini blow torch. As we wait a weird flying creature comes towards us from the sky, the creature has no feathers, is a murky grey color and its wings remind me of bats, the head has three yellow eyes going across it and hippo-like nostrils.

Morphing back into himself he smooths his hair back and straightens out his signature crimson red tie.

"Well that was fun" he laughs.

"How did you know about the T-Rex?" Curiously waiting for his reply.

"Ah, while doing research into the old Earth archives I had come across scientists notes about the dinosaur species. Out of all of them the Tyranno had interested me the most"

"Oh okay then, " I say watching as Nicole melts off the last hinge to the lock.

Her and Natasha lift the hatch door up and place it off to the side. Looking down there is nothing but darkness. My whole life has been nothing but darkness and here it is waiting to swallow me whole again. I take a deep breath and hop down first. If I am going to be of any use I need to quit being afraid.