Arriving on Numir

Emily P.O.V.

Planet Numir is a stunning color of violet-red and mixture of purple. White clouds circulate the outside making numerous designs on the outer layer of the planet. Numir is a dwarf planet no bigger than that of Pluto. Yet, the stunning color it displays makes up for the lack of size.

"We will arrive on Numir in thirteen hours, I suggest we all get some rest," Nicole says pushing the autopilot button.

With that, we all take our leave from the deck and down the main hall for our individual rooms. It's been a crazy couple of days and some rest just might do our exhausted bodies some good. Not looking back my bedroom door slides open. As I walk in I push the red button on my keypad closing it behind me abruptly.

I hear multiple footsteps walk past my room and continue down the long hallway. Roland's is the most distinctive due to his hard blacks from the heels of his dress shoes that make the sound with every tap his heel makes on the metal floor. Z still moves as soft and quiet as ever. I have to really listen to hers.

As exhausted as I am, there is no comfort and no sleep that comes to me. It all continues to elude me and leaves me alone to my own conscious thoughts. Thoughts that even I wish I could shut away from me. How can it be that I am the last survivor, I am in love with a Lycan, my friends are cyborgs and one can read minds? It all seems silly when I play it all out. I keep waiting for all of this to be a dream that I wake up from.

I keep thinking that when I close my eyes and awaken the next day that I'll be in my tiny one-bedroom apartment. With my grey walls, white baseboards, awful brown wood floor. My out of date pillowtop queen size mattress and everything will be just how it was. No, aliens, no serpents, or reptilians trying to kill you. Just average human beings going on with their average lives.

A hard knock on my door shakes me from my wandering mind. I sit up straight on the bed scooting myself closer to the headboard for support.

"Come in, " I speak before I think.

There is a brief hesitation before my door finally opens revealing Z standing on the other side.

"I had hoped you were awake, " she says softly, still standing in the doorway.

"You know me, not much of a sleeper" I smirk.

Scoffing she nods with a wide smile as she looks down at the floor. Taking a couple steps in the door sliding shit behind her.

"I admit, I am surprised you are in here, " I twirl my thumbs together nervously.

" Since we are being honest, I am surprised myself." She places her hands on her pants pockets.

"What do you want Z?" I ask sitting up upright some more.

" I wanted to come check up on you, see if you were alright." Her voice has a slight quiver in the tone.

"You don't need to worry about me, thanks to you being immortal has proven to be quite handy in keeping me alive, "

Leaning her head down the smile she wears gets a little bigger.

"That's true, little Emily is all grown up, "

I throw my pillow at her.

"Smartass!" I shout gleefully.

Catching the pillow Z holds in both hands and fluff's it.

"Well, we'll, two can play that game, " she chunks the pillow.

The pillow hits me perfectly in the face and I return the favor throwing two more at her, both missing their mark as one goes sailing above her head and the other she manages to stop. I get up on my knees and use my mattress to hold me up. Our hands lock and we have a game of strength. Both of us tugging each other back and forth with all our might.

"You know I'll win, " she taunts.

" We shall see" I replied gritting my teeth.

Giving in, I fall backwards onto the mattress, Z let's go and laughs uncontrollably.

"I win" she brags.

"Whatever, I was just making you feel better, I counter.

" mmm if you say so, "

My face turns serious for a moment as I spot a red bloodstain on her white tank top. I point at the spot getting her attention.

"Z, you're hurt" concerned I lifted up her shirt enough to see the wound.

"It's no big deal Emily, I'm fine" she protests.

"Bleeding is a big deal, sit down I'll bandage it for you, " I get up.

Opening my closet door I pull out my first aid kit. And set it down on the bed. The kit contains everything I would need for stopping any bleeding and sealing open wounds. I grab some sanitation wipes and gauze, along with silver medical scissors and medical tape and set them on the bed next to where Z is sitting.

"Emily, it is unnecessary, I am telling you I'm fine." She keeps arguing but it falls on deaf ears.

I gently wipe the elongated wound with then wipe and I can feel Z grunt and groan trying to keep the pain in. The wound looks more like a burn. She had been grazed by the blaster fire somehow. Even though in the second form her skin is supposed to be tougher.

" Z, weren't you in second form when you were hit?" I ask, dabbing the wound.

"Yes, I was however, there is a catch to having that much strength and rage, " she groans gripping tight on her shirt.

I don't say anything, keeping busy in place the gauze against her skin and hold it in place. Grabbing the role of tape I manage to cut it into the strips I would need.

"Emily, I trust you, I trust you more than anyone so you have to know" she pauses.

"My second form while powerful, the longer I stay in it the weaker I become in my first form. Making me easily susceptible to injury."

Worried I look Z in her gorgeous green eyes. She has been so brave and protective of me since we met. And now I feel like I should be just as protective of her.

"Z, you can't keep putting yourself at risk, please, no more fighting alone." I give her a pleading look.

"Lycans protect the ones they care about, it is in our nature, Emily no matter what I would do anything even die if it meant protecting you." She places a warm hand on my shoulder and cups my face.

"Don't say that Z, the galaxy needs you...we need you."

"They need Emily too, " she responds.

"Z you're needed on deck, " Nicole comes across the intercom.

Having the moment ruined by Nicole. Z walks over to my bedroom door.

"Get some rest Emily, " she says calmly as the door opens behind her.

Before I could say anything Z is out of my room and out of my sight. I can't help but be disappointed in myself for not seizing the moment and telling her everything that I have held within for so long. Or not taking the chance to feel her soft red lips press against my own.

As the hours pass, my anxiousness only grows. I toss and turn on my bed trying to get some kind of rest before we land on the planet. Frustrated I finally pull myself off of my bed and head out to the deck. Waiting around was never my strongest quality.

With the main deck only a couple of doors away I can hear the voices of Z and Nicole. Their tones make it sound like they are in a heated discussion. Creeping closer I brace myself on the right side of the doorway and try to eavesdrop on their conversation.

" We came to Numir to hide and work towards a cure." Z barks.

"Numir is also a perfect place to lure in Solarious with the climate here and atmosphere we have the perfect advantage." Nicole counters.

"Emily will not be put in danger again! End of discussion! Numir will be our hideout and place to work on a cure that is all!" I can hear the anger behind every word Z has said.

The both of them fall silent and I take the opportunity to enter the deck. Tension fills the air making everything around me seem like a giant weight has been placed on my whole body.

"Quit arguing would you?" I finally say.

They don't look at me and even more so don't even bother a response, a sigh, or a scoff. I mean what would I expect from a stubborn Lycan and an intelligent cyborg.

Annoyed, I finally slam my hand down on the computer desk next to me. The loud sound that erupts from the palm of my hand freezes them both in place.

"You're busy arguing over Solarious when we are not even a step closer to a cure or enough power to defeat him and his army. All you are doing now is stalling our progress."

Nicole closes her eyes and sighs heavily.

"It appears you are correct in your statement."

Z nods firmly at me.

" Emily is right we won't get anywhere with petty bickering. Why don't we focus on getting a cure first and then bring Solarious down?"

"Numir has a spacious lab, I am sure it will be quite useful in our endeavors," Nicole replies.

Pulling up a didn't holo map that fills the entire room. Buildings are in a transparent orange and streets are in a light green color. She pins the map around and Zooms in on a giant looking warehouse.

"Seems spacious enough" I say sarcastically.

"It's a one of a kind lab, this will surely help make our progress move along nicely."

The voice comes from behind me and I turn to see Natasha walking in. She waves to me briefly before grabbing a stylus. Pointing at the lab she taps it open with the inkless pin. The building on the holo map pops open like a box. On the inside blueprints spread across the room giving us the whole layout of the lab.

" Numir's lab contains advanced scans, DNA testing, microscopes, and cell manipulation. All good tools to have when we want to make this cure."

" What are we waiting for?"

"Permission of course, " Natasha points the stylus at me.

"Numir is a pretty private and closed off group of people. We can't go barging in and demand to use their lab." She adds.

"Also, they will want something in return, after they are satisfied then we get their sacred permission." Z states.

Realizing that I am getting ahead of myself I don't bother to respond. I am still new to all of this and didn't realize the inconvenience it would be to ask to use the lab.

"We will be landing on Numir in about fifteen minutes. Once we get there, we will head to the Numir Elders to discuss further plans." Nicole informs us.

Taking our seats we all strap ourselves in making sure we are secure. Sometimes even with a cyborg for a pilot, landing can be tricky, and highly turbulent. I hope the Elders agree to let us use their lab. This could be our only chance at finally gaining traction in the cures development. Time is not on our side and with the day that passes by without at least one inch of progress is another day we have failed and our enemy gains more strength.

Crawling close and closer to the landing platform on the surface of Numir my stomach is swimming in circles. The amount of anxiety that picks away at me is unwavering. I try to put on my best poker face for the others. Even though I knew it wouldn't fool them.

"You okay?" Z asks me as she unbuckles herself.

"Yes, of course, " undoing my strap I headed down to the ramp.

"Alright once we step out onto the dock we will be directed to the Elders, " Natasha guides me on where to stand.

Taking in a deep breath of air I shake out my hands. With so much on the line I can only hope they agree to lend us a hand.