Making a connection

Nicole P.O.V.

The bloodlust growls vibrated through the floor and walls. With each menacing and powerful punch another cratered indention found its way onto the door. Whatever was left of my friend has gone. There is no Z underneath this beast.

"Are you okay?" General Adkins called out frantically.

"Yes, just took me by surprise, we will have to grind it as best we can with some handles from the medical tools." I get myself off the floor and fast walk back to the table.

Quickly we make work of trying to ground the herb down to a fine seasoning loom as best we can. Next I add in the other ingredients making a nice thick syrup concoction. Filling my syringe with the wolfsbane I press the pump to test that needle has good flow. Once a few droplets come out I know we are ready.

My heart is thundering in my ears and there are butterflies in my stomach. The door is now nothing but a bent metal and any minute the beast will burst in and the true fight will begin.

I have no time to be afraid, for the safety of my sister and my friends I have to succeed. Z is gone and this thing will not stop. It's too vile, and the thirst for blood makes it nothing more than a dangerous predator.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Another hit, two, and three. The door flies across the room barely missing General Adkins and me. A wide snicker plays across the muzzle of the Lycan, their black eyes fully focused on us. They step in slowly as a predator does to hunt its prey.

" You will not get near them." I spit.

The Lycan laughs maniacally.

" I'm just after the one, the human girl who thought could tame me, who thought she could break down the walls of Z, who aimed to make us weak. No, my host cannot be weak. And that girl is nothing but weakness."

Each word is calculated and cold. Which only shows that my theory of losing Emily was too much for Z to bear was wrong. The Lycan beast summoned itself because Emily was slowly helping Z close this darker evil side off.

"Emily is not weak." I snap.

With their soulless eyes on me, they fall silent, as they look from me to Emily.

"She's a human, humans are nothing but weak creatures. They are useless, they destroy anything in their path and that is why they are all but extinct. Solarious just helped pick off the rest of that miserable race."

As they finish their sentence, they search me for a response. I have no words to say, nothing to come back to what she had said. Humans were on the brink of annihilation by their own selfish hands. As time went on they became more and more divided and unstable.

This instability made it easy for Solarious to conquer the planet and wipe them all out. Emily, just so happened to be the one that fell under the radar and got away. Her father sacrificed himself to save her and I can't let that be in vain.

"Ah, the android falls silent." Their sinister tone breaks me from my thoughts.

" I won't let you near her," I reply, tightening my grip on the syringe in my hand.

"As if you can stop me, that's laughable, even that pathetic serum in your hand won't stop me."

The tall beast swipes at me their claws inches from my face as I flip backward away from them. My brief move seems to have taken them off guard but only for a moment as they continue with their long swings, swiping their elongated claws through the air at my face and torso.

The faster they move the faster I move as well. I can't let them land one single blow or else I'll be done for. The muscle that tenses in their forearm and bicep seems to increase in size with each strike.

Dodging and flipping my way around the room, I don't let them lead me towards Emily, as long as they stay distracted and I stay away she'll be safe.

"Damn you, hold still!" She growls out in frustration.

"Now, what would be the fun in that?" I taunt.

A deep throat growl rises from them, their gaze tenses as her eyes narrow looking at me. All the fur from the neck down to the back is standing straight.

'Well this isn't good,' I thought to myself as I ready for another onslaught of attacks.

"You think you are so clever? Well, clever robot, did you except this?" She jumps on the ceiling and runs all fours towards Emily, taking me by surprise.

"No!" I scream.

Sprinting towards Emily and after the beast, I already know I won't be fast enough to stop them. Their speed has greatly increased, outmatching my own.

"Throw me the syringe!" General Adkins calls out as he starts to run into a full sprint to intercept the creature.

I do my best to toss the syringe as straight as possible in his direction, hoping that my aim is good, and then as it sails through the air the lycan stops in place on the ceiling whips out their red saliva covered tongue and catches it.

"Wolfsbane, oh you are clever." They toss the syringe aside.

I watch as the syringe shatters into tiny pieces on the infirmary floors. Liquid pours out and smokes as it begins to evaporate.

" Your only chance was wasted." They laugh, turning their attention back to Emily.

Emily P.O.V.

I can see my lifeless body on the table. Nicole can't win the fight against this monstrosity and yet she still stands firm. Her eyes are determined more than ever to protect me.

This isn't the Z I know, this can't be how any of this ends. I won't let it. We have a purpose and for any of us to die now only means Solarious wins. I will myself to float as quickly as I can towards my body. Hovering above I can see how peaceful the look on my face is. My pale white skin and pink lips are still the same as I remember. My arms laid gently by my sides.

With my right hand I touch my chest placing it over my heart. Slowly I begin to sink deeper and deeper into my body. The room around me, the walls, the voices of that monster and Nicole become muffled and within seconds silence. A dark pitch blackness greets me yet again. And this time I find comfort. I will wake up.

Jolting up from the table my chest rises with the big inhale of air I sucked in. The feeling of being suffocated releases from me and I begin to cough repeatedly. The cough is unrelenting and I can feel my abdominal muscles constrict and the veins in my neck protrude from the skin.

Adkis comes to my side, as Nicole manages to keep the Lycan at Bay from me for now. He rubs soft circles on my back and meets my eyes.

"It'll be okay, just give your body time to adjust to the air. If you can manage, try to calm yourself first and then try to control your breathing." His voice is soft and he shifts his eyes towards our deadly opponent.

Doing as he said I close my eyes and bring my focus to other things such as my parents and the old life I used to know. My father's encouraging words, my mother's smile, the smell of fresh cooked bacon and eggs in the morning.

Slowly the coughing dies down and I can manage to slowly inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. The thoughts keep coming and bring forth the added comfort and focus I need.

"At a girl," He says, standing straight again.

"I told you, you will not harm her." Nicole's stern voice cuts through the air.

The Lycan just laughs horrendously, and starts to slowly pace my direction. Nicole doesn't move bound and determined to keep her words true, her feet are planted firmly on the floor. I can't let her fight this thing alone.

I scan the room for any tools I can use as a weapon. There's a small glint on the floor that barely twinkles. It catches my eye and as I strain to make out what it is, I realize it must've been the syringe of wolfsbane Nicole was going to use.

Not all of the oosion has evaporated yet. Even though most of it is gone, there is still enough residue left that could at least weaken her and even the battlefield.

With clenched teeth and determination I slowly inch my way towards the shattered glass. They haven't given me much attention, the Lycan is too focused on the defiant Nicole to worry about a mere human like me.

At least they don't know I have incell DNA. I am more than just a weak human and it is time this great beast knew it. It was time for them to give me back the woman I love.

Z P.O.V.

"You bastard over here!"

The voice awakens me. I struggle to open my eyes. I can hear shouting, and the loud bloodlust wars that echo back in response. Where in the hell am I?

I'm floating around in thick darkness, there's no gravity here, nowhere for me to stand or sit. It's nothing but empty air. Another loud crash I can hear glass shatter on the floor. Another bloodlust roar and what I hear next makes my skin crawl.

"Hold still you pesky human!"

Fuck! I think to myself. This cannot be happening. How did they come out? How did my dark Lycan manage to takeover control without me realizing it? This is not good, somehow they managed to lock me away separating me from my mind and soul. I'm in the abyss of the dark prison inside my mind I held them here in.

Come on Z you have to think. There has to be a way out, if they managed to escape so can you. I keep the pep talk up. Trying to search frantically for any clue or anything in this dark as out that I can use. There is nothing.

"Z you have to fight, I know you're in there! Come back to us Z!" That voice I hear.

No! I scream to myself, Emily is the target, my dark Lycan knew, how much I care for her. That I...Love her … just as I can feel the anger and rage they have for her. Now I really need to find a fucking way out of here.

"Use Emily to help you." There's another voice. A voice I never thought I'd be so glad to hear.

"Leona, what happened? How'd we end up like this?" I called out.

Her silhouette slowly comes into view and as she steps closer I can see a very battered and limping Leona. My heart aches and tears well in my eyes.

"Save those tears Z, we have to hurry, they can't keep dodging these attacks forever."

"How did this happen, How did Serna escape?"

My tone is uneven, Leona hears the confusion in my voice.

" You weakened your hold against her when you allowed yourself to be consumed with guilt and worry over Emily. You making yourself emotionally weak allowed the perfect opportunity for Sernas escape. I tried to stop her, but she is indeed really strong"

" I'm sorry Leona, I failed to contain myself."

Leona shakes her head.

" No apologies needed. We need to take action and fast."

I nod in response.

"What do you have in mind?"

" I can only manage to sever the link Serna has for a minute, long enough for you to call out to them and tell them to use what residue is left of the wolfsbane. When Sena is weakened we can fight back for control."

I nod in agreement.

"One chance Z that is all we have."

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

Leona expands her chest and lift her head extending put her neck. A powerful beautiful howl rumbles through the air, sending Serna to her knees. I raise my hand to the sound wave of Leona's howl.

"Emily, listen to me, I don't have much time. Use what is left of the wolfsbane, I am here and I can fight back, I just need your help."

That's all the words I manage to get out before the connection faulters. Leona collapses to the ground breathing heavy. Her duel with Serna left her very weak. The fact she was able to make a connection was surprising in itself.

" Rest now my friend. When Serna comes I'll be ready. " I pet Leona's head and she closes her eyes, allowing herself the rest she desperately needs.