Chapter ten- A new friend

This morning was hectic. Woke up and was late for my new class. Me and someone else had to clean the Professor's Lounge.

I wasn't ready. Sliding on my white uniform shirt and black pants. The green tie was tight around my neck as I tried fixing it when I got into the main building. People made their way to their class or special activities.

"Late, Mann," I hear. I tuck my shirt in my black pants and nod as I open the door to silence. Nothing but the sound of the air conditioner going. The smell of new desk and bleach scraped across my nose. As this wasn't just a teacher's lounge but a culinary class as well. Very well put as I see dishes and stoves everywhere.

I look around to see no one at first sight. Maybe I was a bit early after all. I look around and begin to walk.

Desk in the main area as there was a door that lead to the kitchen. I could instantly begin to smell fresh egg and pancakes as I walk closer. Voices begin to run into my ear. "Thank you, Chef!" I hear. I look to my right, coming out of the kitchen door was Markus. He had this class too I guess. Dressed in a white apron and a chef hat. I quickly pat myself down as he smiled, setting a plate of pancakes, sausage, and egg down on one of the wooden tables.

"WE HAVE A CLASS TOGETHER!?" He screams. His voice echoed through the small room. I shake my head and smile. This wasn't the first class we had together, but his face and smile that went from ear to ear made it seem as if we haven't seen each other in months.

"I guess. What are we doing in this particular class?" I ask.

That's when Mezy and Fluffy walk from the kitchen door, dressed in the same thing Markus was in. Surprised me.

"Oh... you guys too?" I ask. Mezy lifted his chin with a big smile as him and Fluffy stood close to each other. "Yo!" Mezy says. I smile and Markus made his way back into the kitchen. "You made it! Great!" I look to see Chef De'Lacruz standing there. A tall, slender, Philipino man. His accent was thick but I could understand what he was saying.

"Come with me. We'll get you your clothes," Lacruz spoke.

I follow him into the kitchen where I was met with even more people. About six more. All dressed in white. Cake surrounding me all over the counters. Smiles and laughs on their faces as I watch Chef walk fast.

His feet spread side to side as he walked. His glasses shining in the window when we made eye contact through the tinted windows of his office. "First time cooking?" he asked. "Uh... yeah," I reply. He sits on his desk. His office surrounded with recipes. As he moves his fingers in a circle, the pencils and pens begin to write and float on their own. His power was levitation. So cool. He then waved his hand, sending a ruler through the air and around my head, measuring my head. That's when the pen wrote down my size.

"I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun in this class. Chihiro will be your mentor. The lead chef in this class, she is. Best in the academy. You'll listen to what she tells you to do. If she tells you how to make something, you make it like that." Chef stands.

"Chihiro?" I ask. Nearly forgetting. That's when I remembered. Fluffy. Chihiro was her real name. That Japanese girl that was flirting with Mezy.

"Chef... Do you think the brownies are done?" Chef and I turn to see Arianna standing there. My heart dropped as butterflies flew in my stomach. I had no idea what to think. This was so crazy. She couldn't possibly be in this class. Maybe Kyutie was in this class. She was the only person I would actually speak to or go out my way to actually talk to.

"Let me check. Could you get Mann here some chef clothes, please?" Chef asked. Arianna looked me up and down with a smile. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her brown skin was even more attractive in this artificial light.

I walk out of the office with Arianna as she brought me into an archway that lead to another part of the kitchen. One filled with another pile of desk and chairs. Clothes stacked as Arianna held up a finger. A cloud of smoke hovered over to the right, swirling around a hate, bringing it towards me like a cloud. "Whoa. Smoke?" I asked. Arianna was halfway across the room, standing on her tippy toes to grab me an apron. She smiled. "Yes. I told you I'm not that strong..." She laughed and got down, walking towards me with the apron.

I grab the hat from the cloud of smoke as she put her hands behind her back. As I was putting it on, I tried to tie it from behind.

"Let me help you!" Quickly getting behind me, she began to tie it ever so slowly. Her fingers rubbing my back made goosebumps form on my skin. "Sorry about Jason. He's... very selfish. Can be. I know you meant no harm," Arianna spoke.

"It's all good." I sigh.

"I know you two are planning on fighting. Just go easy on him. Him thinking he can join the Warriors program made him cocky." Arianna says. I turn around when she got done, looking at her. "Of course. I wouldn't hurt him. I'm sure you love him," I reply. Through her eyes I could see my green eyes.

She chuckled just before Mezy and Fluffy came laughing into the same room as us. They both stopped as Arianna and Fluffy look at each other. Smiling as if they were talking using telepathic magic.

"Time for us to gooooo!" Arianna pulled my hand as Mezy and Fluffy closed the door as Arianna and I walked out.

I had a feeling I knew what they were doing. Couldn't be sure though. This class was nice. Everyone had such unique looks on their bodies. "We're going to start off with baking a cake for the fight in two weeks. Did you join?" Arianna asked.

I stand at the silver table. I know I looked so fuckin retarded. "Uh.. not yet. Signing up ends tomorrow, right?" I ask. Arianna nodded and pulled a piece of paper from her apron. "I have an extra sheet of paper. Just fill out the information and the people you want to request a fight with then turn it into the front office. Okay?" Arianna asked. People looked at me with concern. I'm sure they knew I was a rank 1. All looked at me as if I were crazy for even joining the fight. Like they knew I would win.