Chapter thirteen- the race



The sun peaked over the horizon. I had on my gym shorts and a muscle shirt. My hair in a ponytail. I was ready for today.

closing the dorm room door so quietly, I squeeze my water bottle tightly. A few others awake. Some walking to their class or the study room. I look around the hallway, seeing one student rushing down the hall with books in his hand.

I look at the doorknob, locking it before turning. My heart stopped as I halt backwards.

"Hey friend." Kyutie says. She smiles at me. " Jesus fuck!" I put my hand on my chest and bend forward trying to catch my breath.

"Did I scare you?" she asked.

"Did you fuckin teleport?" I ask.

Kyutie chuckled.

"I didn't even fuckin hear yo ass zoom across the hall." I add.

"My super speed is silent. Besides. I was walking hella slow," Kyutie answered.

I stand upright. Kyutie also had a water bottle. I couldn't see her using one. She could run laps around me if she wanted to. We begin to walk down the hall, making small talk about any and everything.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked.

"I've been awake since 5. Thinking about the run we're going to do. How many miles? three? I can do that in half a second. How about 10? No? Too much?" Kyutie went on and on. She was so much shorter than I am. She wore the same gym shorts as me, a sports-bra, and some black Nike tennis shoes with low socks.

"We can do 10 miles. Besides, I wouldn't want you to use your powers anyways. It'll be boring running along the trail by myself. I wouldn't want that. So let's take it slow today," I say. Kyutie nodded.

Lucky for us, the boy's dorm was close tot he trail.

We get outside, feeling the weather. Kind of chili. I liked it. Meaning I wouldn't sweat as much. Kyutie and I make our way to the trail. Entered and guarded by a trail of trees. A dirt path that lead deep into the woods/ forest. From where I stood, I could see a group of people running. Ponytails waving back and forth as they ran the trail. Kyutie takes a sip of her water and began to stretch. I do the same.

"Ready for this?" she asked. I had my watch on me, telling me how fast I ran. I could see that Kyutie had one, but she had more of a reason to have one since her power was super speed.

She began jogging in place, showing off her super speed. Legs moving faster than anyone could blink. It was an insane sight. I just sit there and watch for a second. She was truly the goddess of speed.

"Take it easy on me, Kyutie," I say. I chuckle a little as Kyutie wiggled her wrist, jumping up and down ready for the run, warming herself up.

"Don't fall behind in my dust," Kyutie says.

I took that as a challenge, instantly becoming hostile a little, turning my head to her. "What?" I say. Kyutie smiled a little. I step to her side, still looking at her from the side view. I knew I'd have to race her now. Fist person to get these ten miles done wins. "If I win, you owe me breakfast for a week, if you win, I do the same," Kyutie challenged.

I get into my stance. Face serious, hand on the cold dirt, one leg in front of the other as my back was arched a little.

I turn and look at Kyutie. Her eyes wide, so wide, so calm. She only bent forward a little. As if she were going to walk. "Go..." Kyutie said. With one kick off of the ground, the ground broke, cracking and sending dust flying as I take off running. My watch instantly alerting me I was going about 89 miles per hour. I turn back, seeing Kyutie still sitting there. Watching me as she vanished out of my sight.

one mile done: watch alerted.

I keep running. Seeing the trees fly by.

That's when I felt a push my hair trailing behind me as I run. Kyutie at my side. Her hair trailing behind her as well.

A smile ran across her face as I speed up, bumping into her on the way back.

2 miles done: watch alerted.

100 miles an hour: watch alerted.

3 miles done: watch alerted.

Kyutie was beside me the entire time. We bump into each other. Leaving the dust and dirt behind us. Trees breaking as we run past them.

I speed up, feeling as if I were moving a little too slow. For a person with super speed, I shouldn't be keeping up with the likes of Kyutie of all people. But I couldn't allow her to win. I grab Kyutie's shirt in mid air, turning and throwing her behind me. I could see the shock on her face as I vanish out of sight.

"HAHA!" I laugh. I turn back only to be in shock. My heart dropped as I couldn't believe what the hell I was seeing.

It was Kyutie, running backwards, facing me. There was no way in fuckin hell she could move that face. That could only give me the idea that she has already completed the entire 10 miles already. My eyes shake as I keep running.

9 miles done: watch alerted.

That's when Kyutie used her real speed. A gush of wind flies back at me, sending me flying backwards at the 10 mile mark as Kyutie vanished out of sight faster than someone could blink. I look ahead as I fall to my back. The trees leaning backwards as dust flies. "Hi..." I flinch to see Kyutie kneeling behind me. A smile on her face as she shows her teeth. "Got a little carried away," she says. I sit there in shock.

"More running?" she asked.

"Uh... I think we're done for today," I say.

Kyutie held her hand out as I grab it. She helps me off of the ground and we both begin to walk towards the entrance in which we came from.