Chapter fifteen- chill



The lights were dim, yet bright enough for Kyutie and I to relax in the library.

In the little space where they had couches and beanbags, I sat at a table with a book in my hand. I was more of a magic kind of guy. I liked mystery and other things to read. Things that kept me interested with each chapter I turned to.

"I'm happy for you. Winning against me," I say.

Kyutie opens her eyes. Her arms resting behind her head as she looks at me. She lied flat down on her back. One leg resting over the other as she softly sighed.

"Ah. It was nothing. Just a friendly fight, yo," she replies.

I chuckle. Looking away from my book.

"Friendly?" I ask.

Kyutie didn't reply but sat there relaxed. Me and her came to the library often. The beautiful sight and the torches that were decorated on the wall. The bookshelves were higher than I could look up with the naked eye.

the best thing about this library was that it was held underground.

Windows had views of the underwater. We could see all types of fish swim by. sometimes even sharks.

The glass was shatterproof. A shit tone of force would need to be used to break it.

"You're not a rank 1?" I ask.

Kyutie shakes her head.

"Nope. My strength is terrible. What happens if I lose my speed? What will protect me? Nothing. That's what's stopping me from becoming a rank 1. BUT... if I Winn enough points in this competition, I'll skip rank 1 and become God level." Kyutie says with a smile.

"I mean, guys. I've checked all over this library, and I could only find things about Red Dragons. No Blue Dragons. They've existed millions of years ago but no evidence in these damn books." Markus slams his book down and sits across the table from me.

Markus put his hands on his head and looked down.



"You'll help me?" Markus asked.

I sat there, reading my book in peace.

"Sure," Kyutie answered.

Kyutie and Markus both stand. Walking away, I scoot in my chair, getting comfortable. "Hey." I hear.

I slightly close my book and look up to see Arianna standing there.

I close my book all the way.

"Hey!..." I smile slightly.

Arianna chuckles and sits next to me. Putting her index finger on the front cover of my book, she turned it to her to read what it had said. I turn it slightly to help her read it.

"Destiny of the Magic Man? Arianna read.

I put my book down.

"I've read it. They're great." Arianna agreed.

"So... is she your... you know... your... girlfriend?" Arianna asked. I squint my eyes, confused about who she was talking about.

"Who?" I ask.

"You know... speed," Arianna answers.

My eyes widen.

"NOOO! Hahaha! Just friends. Just... just friends, haha," I laugh. Arianna laughed as well. Resting her hand on my forearm in a nervous way. "Sorry!" She laughs.

"I didn't want any problems sitting next to you. I just came to say sorry about Jason. I know he's an asshole. He's also an asshole to me too. Doesn't allow me to have a guy friend. but anyways. You and Kyutie are good from that battle earlier?" Arianna asked.

My eyes stayed on her.

I nearly forgot she was talking but thinking about how Jason did Arianna in such a bad way. Pissed me off a little.

I came back to and looked at the wooden table.

"Yeah... We're good. Plan on practicing tomorrow if you want to join. Maybe you and I could have a match," I offer. Arianna smiles. "Sure. That sounds awesome," she said.

"What time?" Arianna takes out her phone, looking back and forth between her phone and I. Just before I answer, she hands me her phone. "Oh..." I say.

I see she wanted me to give her my number.

I take her phone and punch in my number.

"We'll most likely begin the training around 4pm. The stadium opens at 2pm. People usually begin showing up around 3pm. The smaller training fights begin around 2:30. So We're going at 4pm." I sit comfortably in my chair.

"Okay, Mann. I'll uh, see you around?" Arianna stands just as Kyutie and Markus come back. I nod heavily.

"I'll text you, okay?" Arianna says.

I nod again.

"Bye-bye," she says.


Kyutie sits back in her chair and lies back down as Markus sat on the floor beside Kyutie.

"What did she want?" Markus asked.

I shake my head.

"None of your concern, bro," I reply.

Kyutie tried to hold in her laugh but some of it slipped out. "Damn, Mann. Didn't need to be such a savage," Kyutie says.

I laugh as Markus lightly elbowed. Kyutie in the side in which she flinched from it.

"You said Mente was joining the fight, right?" I turn to Kyutie. Kyutie opens her eyes. "Uh... I think so. I heard rumors of her joining. she requested to fight someone. No one knows who yet. I hope its me. I just need one hit on her to be in the Luxury Home," Kyutie answered.

I nod.

"I also heard she was incredibly fast as well," I say.

"Not faster than Kyutie," Markus chimes in.

"Well no shit," Kyutie answered back.

Markus made a scolding look as I smile and shake my head a little.

Standing up from my chair, I look to see the time on the giant clock that was overhead. 11:48pm. I raise my eyebrows.

"Well. It's time for me to go to sleep. I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say. Markus nods. "Alright. See you soon." He held out his fist. I bump it as Kyutie nods at me before putting her forearm over her eyes.

Usually she'd stay in the library until 1am to relax. I heard the girl's dorm was full of drama. Kyutie didn't like drama as I could tell. She stayed in the library until it closed for the night.

Markus stands up and heads back into the dark void of books most likely searching for another one.

I walk away, vanishing out of sight as I head towards the staircase to the upper ground.