Chapter twenty one- sadness

The next day


I didn't get any sleep from what had happened 2:30 in the morning.

My arms sprawled out on the white bed as I lie my forehead on Kyutie's legs. She had on a blue robe as she needed to wear a breathing mask since she was in such critical condition.

I couldn't recall how long I've been in here, but I know for a fact it's been more than four hours. Each and every second, I pray she wakes up. No hopes yet. At this rate, I could even barely tell if she was breathing or not. She had a bandage wrapped around her waist and one around her arm. I couldn't bare to look for long.

She risked her life for Markus and got this in return. what a shame.

I close my eyes and relax to the air-conditioner blowing its cold air on me.

"She isn't going to wake, ya know." I open my eyes and look to my left. The nurse stands there along with a doctor coming in with a tray of shot injection needles.

"Why you say that?"

The nurse turns his back to me and grabs a cup of water.

The room was silent for a moment and all I had to do was just look at the two of them do their thing.

"She's in critical condition."

"No shit," I reply.

I could barely see out of my left eye due to me having a bandage as well. I look out of the window and could see the school was already working on rebuilding the part of the academy that was fucked up.

The trees were being replaced and the lake was being restored. they were doing a great job with getting new trees here so fast. Then again, we did have some powerful people in this school/academy of sorts.

"Well, Mr. Kingsman. Her organ that helps supply with how fast she could run was impaled. We'll need to put her into a highly advanced coma in order to remove or fix it. If removed, she'll be put out of the academy due to her powers not being there and if fixed, she may not be as fast as she could run. If we pull it out the wrong way." The doctor moves off to the right of the room.

"This process could be fatal. It's very important she stays asleep for this. Panic could cause a tone of problems," he finishes.

I just look at him before looking back at Kyutie who was sound asleep.

It was about 11am here and I didn't plan on leaving any time soon. I couldn't. Just the thought of it made my insides shake and quiver. I nod a little before looking down.

"Is she okay?" Markus asked.

I turn to my left to see him standing in the doorway.

He had his hands out in front of him but pulled in like a hamster. His eyes wide and bright as if he were going to cry.

I could see his face turning red when he saw Kyutie lying there. "I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. I should've run faster. That should be me in that bed," Markus says.

He quickly wipes a tear away.

I take my eyes off of him as I too could feel my face turning red and eyes watering. When I try to speak, my mouth quivers as I try my best to hold back the painful tears.

"It's... it's alright, bro. She'll be okay..." I look back at Kyutie.

Markus walks up closer and puts his hand on Kyutie's forearm. I felt a little rush come across me as I quickly reacted.

I move his hand away, nearly standing out of my seat while doing it. "

"Please... please don't touch her," I say.

Markus looks me in the eyes and slowly nods. "Yeah... of course. Sorry." He sits down next to me after pulling up a chair.

The awkward silence was too much for me.

"found out whatever happened to Mezy and Natalie?" I ask.

"Mezy is fine but... I actually came in here to tell you about Natalie." Markus constantly wipes tears away. I make an expression that'll clearly show I didn't want to hear the news.

Markus struggled to speak. His hair falling and covering his face as he wipes the tears away as fast as possible.

"I'm so sorry!" Markus begins to cry. His palms covering his face.

"I tried to save her but the thing... THE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! It stabbed her." Markus cries. His hands shaking wildly as I grab him before wrapping my arms around him. I could feel him press his face on my shoulder with one arm wrapped around my body.

"They'll be holding a ceremony for her in three days. Her parents are invited and will be flown out by the academy," Markus adds.

I let go of Markus and sit back.

"If Mente hadn't stepped in, you too would be gone. So... I'm at least happy for that. No one expecting her to step in on the problem. She never helps people. Doesn't even attend classes. Only online and she finished all her classes early," Markus says.

I look down.

"We'll make it through, buddy. Until then, we focus on the competition," I reply.

Markus nods.

"Where's Mezy now?" I ask.

"He went to his dorm. I saw him walking with his girlfriend just a moment ago. She looked like she was crying too," Markus answered.

I nod and stand.

I didn't want to leave Kyutie but I need to check on Mezy to see if he was alright.

I lean in and put my hand on Kyutie's face before using my lips to peck her on the forehead. I slide my hand down and let go when I touched her arm before proceeding the leave the Hospital Wing.