Prelude To Reunion

We had made our way into the forest for a second time. Except this time, it was just me, Jon, and Kevin. Suddenly, Tom ran to join us.

"Tom, do you know where the others are?" I asked.

"No, I don't." he answered, "However, Timothy said something about finding a piece of evidence."

"What kind of evidence?" I asked.

"He said that it was related to the trial," answered Tom, "then he said something about Jon. I can't remember what it was though."

"Tom, I saved you!" exclaimed Kevin.

"Kevin," I said angrily, "you tried to kill him and you got the inquisitor instead!"

"I wonder where the others are?" said Jon, "…except the dead ones."

"They'll return," I said, "…hopefully."

Suddenly we heard a voice and it said, "I found you!"

"Timothy, you're alive!" exclaimed Jon.

"Um… I've been fine the entire time." responded Timothy.

"Didn't I tell you guys earlier?" asked Tom.

Timothy came up to us and said, "I have a present for Jon," as he held up what looked like a glowing rock.

"You're hiding something." said Tom, "And we're going to get it out of you."

"You said something about Dragon Fortress having nothing to do with you," said Timothy, "but that is a lie!"

"So, I've been lying, huh?" responded Jon, "Alright. Show me what ties me to Dragon Fortress."

"Rick." answered Timothy.

"Rick?" asked Jon, "What does he have to do with anything?"

"He was instructed to not do anything to you." Timothy answered.

"You're going to need to try harder than that," said Jon, "Do you even have any evidence to back that up?"

Timothy showed Jon a piece of paper.

"This is the other half of the piece of paper Harold found earlier." said Timothy.

Tom and Timothy could tell they were getting closer to the truth and I could tell, Jon realized that he wouldn't be able to hide it anymore.

"I'm pretty sure all of you knew that Dragon Fortress actually has a lot to do with me," said Jon, "I knew the boss of Dragon Fortress back before it even existed. There was no evil in them at the time and I have no idea what brought evil into this person later. That's all the information I'm willing to give you guys at the moment."

"Does this mean that you're the bad guy!?" exclaimed Kevin.

"No," said Jon.

"Ron!" we heard off in the distance not long after that.

"Jason's here." I said.

Jason was with Harold and they walked toward us. Nearly everyone was together now. However, the hooded person was nowhere to be found. It was bothering me, but I told myself to not worry about it.

"I just have one question before we head back to the fortress," I said, "Tom, why did you go back to Dovacath earlier?"

"I wanted to check on Dovacath," he answered, "I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong."

"Well," said Jon, "how about heading back to back to Dragon Fortress?"

"Um… it's starting to get late. Shouldn't we rest?" asked Harold.

"We can sleep when we're dead!" exclaimed Jon, "Let's get to the fortress!"

"I have a feeling that we may have forgotten something," said Jason.

"I agree." I responded, "Now, let's go!"

We all went in the direction of Dragon Fortress. After a lot of walking, we found ourselves at its entrance. Unfortunately, this was going to be the last time we saw the fortress. It was on fire!

"What do we do now?" asked Harold, somehow seeming calm.

"Wait here," said Jon as he ran into the fortress.

"Jon, are you an idiot!?" I shouted.

"I have to check on her!" he responded.

"Who?" I asked.

He was inside before I could get an answer from him. Everyone that was outside just stood still. Nobody said a word and all we could hear was the fire and the sound of footsteps coming up from behind us.

"Still as reckless as ever." an unfamiliar female voice said.