Loss And Gain

-Ron's POV-

We spent the time talking to the woman who came up to us. It turns out she's Jon's cousin, Cerise. She ended up asking us how we all came to Dovacath, so we had a long and interesting conversation.

"…and that's how I got to Dovacath." I said.

"Lame." said Kevin, "I got here a better way."

"And how was that…?" I asked.

"I defeated the monster behind the door of one thousand years." he answered.

"You're lying." I said.

"I'm telling the truth!" exclaimed Kevin.

"No. No, you're not." responded Tom, holding his glowing magic rock.

"I don't think we'll need to waste our time breaking them." said Timothy.

"You guys are such children." commented Cerise.

I soon noticed a strange looking young boy. Something about his appearance seemed a bit cartoon-ish to me. Other than that, he had fairly normal appearance, ignoring his completely white hair and black eyes. Did this guy come straight out of a cartoon? What was going on with him? Who was he?

"I like trains." he said.

Right after that, he was hit by a train that came out of nowhere.

"What the hell?" responded Jason.

"I… don't even… know." I answered.

"So he's here." said Cerise.

"What?" I responded.

"Left just as soon as he appeared." commented Cerise, "What a dick."

Our team soon became silent and all we could hear was somebody crying.

"Should we do something?" asked Harold.

"I think we should just go home – wow, she's hot." replied Kevin.

"Is that all you care about?" asked Tom.

"Don't talk to me," answered Kevin, "I'm still pissed because I missed you."

"What…?" responded Tom.

"I was trying to kill you!" exclaimed Kevin.

"What!? Why!?" responded Tom.

"I just think you suck." answered Kevin.

"Um, guys?" I said.

"I think you should die; burn in hell!" exclaimed Tom.

"Um, Jason," I said, "How should we handle this?"

"Wow, you guys are a bunch of idiots." commented Cerise.

"We should ignore them and figure out why this new girl is crying." suggested Jason.

"Huh?" I responded.

"Dragon Fortress is gone and I don't see Jon anywhere." said Jason.

"Damn." I said, "He was the one who was telling us what to do; any ideas, Jason?"

" No." he answered.

"Should we say something?" I asked, "I'm not good with talking to people that I don't know."

"I'll handle it." he answered.

Jason went over to the girl and started talking to her. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what they were saying over Kevin and Tom's altercation.

"You suck so much that you can't save the world in three days!" exclaimed Kevin.

"I didn't have an instrument!" responded Tom.

"Well, you…" continued Kevin.

"Yep. A bunch of idiots." said Cerise.

"Why aren't you stepping in and doing anything!?" I exclaimed.

"It's more fun to watch." responded Cerise.

I let out a sigh and got closer to Tom and Kevin.

"Uh, guys?" I said.

"…fell on your head when you were a baby!" exclaimed Kevin.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled.

"What?" responded Tom.

"Quit fighting." I answered, "We all suck."

"Ron!" yelled Jason.

"Yes?" I responded, "…Where did she go?"

"She said that she 'needed a minute' and then ran crying into the woods." answered Jason.

"What were you talking about earlier?" I asked.

"I told her about Jon and told her all of our names," he answered, "then she told me that her name is Lilith."

"Lilith," I responded, "why does that name sound familiar?"

"Does an old friend of yours have the same name?" reacted Jason, "Well, whatever the case, we don't need to worry about that right now."

It was at that time that Lilith came back and she was no longer crying.

"Tom, you should…" started Kevin, who stopped talking the second that he saw Lilith.

"Kevin!" scolded Jason, "Come on. We need to find out what happened to Jon because he may be injured or worse."

Lilith began to tear up after Jason finished his sentence.

"I'm sorry." said Jason in a concerned voice, "But we need to search."

"Let's go." I said.

"Hmm... did Jon get himself killed?" asked Cerise.

"W-what are you doing here?" asked Lilith.

"Just observing." she answered.

"You never change, do you?" responded Lilith.

"Oh, just let me have a little fun." responded Cerise.

"Don't you have an apprentice to worry about?" asked Lilith.

"Oh, you're right!" exclaimed Cerise, "Well, see you all later!"

Then Cerise ran off. And everyone else just stood still.

"Ah, shouldn't we be following Lilith?" I asked, "She probably knows where Jon disappeared to. Honestly, I think it might be safe to assume that he's dead."

"Follow me." Lilith instructed.

"She's hot." Kevin whispered to me.

"Focus." I said.

"Yeah, I'll focus." he said, laughingly.

"Kevin!" I exclaimed.

"What?" he responded.

"Just follow here." I said.

Kevin proceeded to laugh.

Kev-ugh!" I responded.

We soon reached the lifeless body of Jon.

"He definitely is dead right now." I commented.

"Hey!" exclaimed Lilith, "Jon wrote a message in sand on the ground."

"What's it say?" asked Harold.

"It says 'I like trays' – not what I was expecting." answered Lilith.

"I… think that there is a contradiction here." I replied.

"I don't see anything off," said Kevin, "what are you even going on about?"

"Meh," I said, "if you look at the body, it's in perfect condition – except for the fact that he is dead. If he was burned to death, there should be burn marks on his body to prove this!"

"What?" asked Kevin.

"There are no burnt parts of his body." I answered.

"Oh." he responded.

"Do you see anything else that's off?" asked Jason.

"Not from this angle." I said as I rolled Jon's corpse so that his dead face was facing the sky.

"Ah!" I said, "There is a hole on his neck!"

"That wasn't there when I was escaping with him!" exclaimed Lilith.

"I've been wanting to ask you something." said Jason.

"What?" she responded.

"Why were you even in Dragon Fortress?" asked Jason.

"Well, um…" she started to say, and at that moment Timothy and Tom both saw the locks around her heart. However, these locks were different. They appeared to be black.

"Let's break 'em!" exclaimed Tom.

"We can't." responded Timothy.

"Why not?" asked Tom.

"Black locks mean that Lilith doesn't know the secret that she is hiding. If you try to force them to break, Lilith could end up traumatized." answered Timothy.

"Oh." said Ron.

While the two of them were having their conversation, I found a screwdriver nearby.

"Guys, do you think this could be the murder weapon?" I asked.

"Possibly." said Harold.

"Okay, now let's look for more evidence." I said.

"I found Jon's whistle," said Jason, "it was about a couple feet away from his body."

"I found a bracelet with Lilith's name on it," said Kevin, "Can I keep it?"

"You can hold onto it," answered Lilith, "but you can't have it forever."

"Okay… I think that's all that we're going to find." I said.

"HOLD IT!" we heard a voice say and right after that saw inquisitor Bob.

"Didn't you DIE!?" I exclaimed.

"I was immediately rushed to the hospital." answered inquisitor Bob.

"Yeah, but you literally crapped your heart out!" I exclaimed.

"Er, yes." said Bob, "That kind of thing happens sometimes."

What even is this guy!? In the midst of my confusion, a knight appeared behind Bob.

"Sir, there's been a murder!" that knight exclaimed.

"Take the girl into custody." instructed the inquisitor.

"What!? Why!?" exclaimed Kevin.

"She's the murderer!" answered Bob.

Before any of us could say anything, the knight left with Lilith.

"Can you at least tell us why?" I asked.

"Meh, I guess I can tell you that much." answered Bob, "We were watching you guys from a distance."

"Wait a minute," I said, "why were you watching?"

"Dragon Fortress was on fire and we wanted to figure out who was responsible. After a bit of searching, I found you guys here." he answered.

"What made you decided to arrest Lilith?" I asked.

"The bracelet." he answered.

"What!?" I responded.

"The bracelet that the victim had on his person had his killer's name on it." answered Bob.

"I kinda doubt that!" I exclaimed.

"Why is that!?" responded Bob, "And why do you keep shouting at me?"

"Nice try, but Lilith's reaction to this death would prove that she has no motive!" I replied.

"Um… there's such a thing as a lie." responded Bob.

"I highly doubt she's lying!" shouted Jason.

"And why is that!?" exclaimed Bob, clenching his fist this time.

"Lilith told me something very interesting earlier. The victim was her boyfriend. Why the heck would she kill the one she loved?" responded Jason.

"That itself could have been a façade!" exclaimed Bob.

"The bracelet we found on the victim's corpse has Lilith's name on it!" I shouted.

"…And it was a gift for her that Jon left behind three years ago." said Jason, "She told me a lot of things before you came here."

"Whatever, you may win this round," responded Bob, "but I can't let her go yet!"

"I understand, I think." I said.

"In court tonight, I shall prove that Lilith Courtney was the one that killed Jon Hicks with fire." said Bob.

"So, Jon was killed with fire… I'm sorry, but that is a contradiction." I responded.

"There is nothing wrong." said Bob.

"You may think that there is nothing wrong, but there are no marks on the victim's body that would show us that we was burnt!" I responded.

"Ack!" exclaimed Bob.

"Also, there was a screwdriver that was found not far from his body." I continued.

"Ah-ugh!" responded Bob.

"Will that be enough to convince Bob?" asked Jason.

"But-Lilith… she….!" shouted the inquisitor, "AUGHAHAGH!"

Bob ran off into the woods.

"What a loser." commented Kevin.

"Alright, I better prepare to defend her tonight." I said.

"Wait," said Jason, "I want to do it."

"Uh… alright." I replied.

"Do you really think we can do this?" asked Kevin.

"Yes, as long as we are willing to fight." I said.

"No, I was talking about Jason," said Kevin, "he's gonna lose!"

"To be honest, I don't think you're capable of defense either," I said, "I also never believed in myself."

"But you-" started Kevin.

"Yes, I saved Tom," I answered, "but I actually didn't believe that I could actually do it."

"Ron, what are you saying!?" exclaimed Jason.

"Zero confidence is the key to success." I responded.

"I'm not sure I understand." replied Jason.

After that, we all returned to Dovacath and went inside in the Dovacath courthouse.