Summer's End

When we left the cave, we were in a forest similar to the one I first appeared in. I thought a bit about what Cerise had said too. Apparently, there was a lot we needed to learn. I guess it would be a while before I realized that full potential of my power. I guess it wasn't out of character for me to just half-ass everything.

"So, we have more to learn, huh?" said Jason.

"Your apprentice doesn't say much, does she?" I said, changing the subject.

"Ah, yes." said Cerise, "She's a strange one. She wants to focus on training herself."

"By herself?" I replied.

"Well, she's got me teaching her." said Cerise.

"But why not join everyone else?" I asked.

"She wants to be stronger first." answered Cerise, looking off to the side.

Her apprentice still didn't say anything. I just stared at both of them. No matter how many times I saw this hooded person, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had met her before. Was it in Dovacath or somewhere else? Did I have a connection to this town that I had completely forgotten about? I just didn't know.

"Is something the matter, cat commander?" asked Cerise.

"It's nothing." I said, "I'm probably just imagining it."

"Well, you two." said Cerise, "Be careful. We might be calling you all back soon."

"Right." said Jason, "We're looking forward to it."

Then, the two of them left.

"Wait." I said, "They weren't going to lead us out of this forest?"

"Guess we're on our own." said Jason.

The two of us headed out of the forest and out into Dovacath, where we said our goodbyes to everyone else. I felt a little relieved knowing that this wasn't the last time I'd see everyone. We had learned that our powers were real this whole time and that we'd be able to use them again. I couldn't wait. But at the same time, I didn't want summer to end.

When I got home, I just thought about how close we were to school starting back up. I would be starting tenth grade and not long after that, I would turn sixteen. At that point, I could start practicing for a driver's license but I never felt like I was ready. The idea of being behind the wheel had always terrified me, but I knew I would have to do it someday.

The rest of my summer was as uneventful as my days off usually were. I just played video games and wrote in my notebooks. I didn't do much else. I did spend some time petting my new cat, though. He was so cute, I couldn't help but often given him attention, even if he was a little trouble maker. I didn't hate my summer but it's not like it matters how I felt about it, since school would be starting back up soon.