Final Case In Mirai

I was still in the lobby. Lilith had come in recently and I had just been listening to the two sisters fight for a while. Eventually, Erica left the room, so I didn't have to hear any more of their altercation.

"Well, now that the two of you are done," I said, "let's gather everybody up. Even Jason."

"Cameron died." responded Lilith.

"Um… what?" I replied.

"He chose to fight in the gallery." she answered.

"I… see." I responded, "Anyways, I think that it's about time we all get to courtroom number six."

We left the lobby and gathered everybody that remained and took them to the courtroom. They all sat down in the gallery and I stood at the defense bench by myself. Unfortunately, we saw something that we didn't expect at all. Erica was in the metal cage that was hanging over the abyss.

"I was expecting to see you." came from the other side of the courtroom.

It was Miles. He was planning something, that I would soon find out.

"Miles, what are you planning?" I asked.

"I like trains!" he said.

A train then crashed thought the gallery and Kevin tried to get out of the way, but failed. However, he shot an arrow that almost hit Miles.

"Y-you monster!" I reacted.

"Now that you're here." said Miles, "Let's watch those gems you've gathered… do their work."

All three of the gems that had been collected went into the air and started glowing. Suddenly, the room was closed off and it was impossible for anyone to get in or out.

"You will never defeat me, you fools." said Miles, confidently.

Suddenly, a vision appeared only to the heroes of this story. It was a woman, who looked like she was young, but at the same time somehow looked like she was old. I guess it was her extremely long silver hair. Her eyes were closed and she wore a red dress. Whoever she was, she looked like she was very wise.

"Heroes, do not be afraid. He will not win." she said, "The gems are on your side. I also gave you a place to stay earlier because I knew you were the ones who would save this world."

Immediately after that, she vanished.

"I'm ready." I said.

"Good." replied Miles, "Anyways, the accused is here for the same incident, so I'm sure that you don't need a case summary."

"I'm going to do this so hard that you crap yourself!" I responded.

"Um… I'd like to call Dexter Brasher to the stand." said Miles.

Within a few minutes, Dexter was at the stand. He appeared ready to say what he knew, or most likely, what he didn't know.

"Everyone knows your name," said Miles, "and nobody cares about your damn occupation! Just tell us what you know about the incident."

"I got lost in this world. Soon, I encountered a suspicious figure-" started Dexter.

"HOLD IT!" I shouted, "Can you please give us some more details about your attacker?"

"The attacker was wearing gloves and a mask at the time." answered Dexter, "I can't identify the person, however. Anyways, I grabbed his magic stick to defend myself and that's about all I remember."

"HOLD ON!" I responded, "That's it?"

"Yes." answered Dexter.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Yes." he answered again.

"Are you sure you're sure?" I said.

"Don't pull this crap with me!" reacted Dexter.

"Um… sorry." I said.

"The defender is coming close to a penalty." said Miles, with an evil grin on his face.

"Shoot," I whispered, "I need to find something quick. Should I just point out a contradiction or should I bluff through this?"

"Defender," said Miles, "be careful what you say next."

"Is that a health bar up there above me?" I said, noticing a flashing bar floating above me.

"Yes," answered Miles, "wanna see something cool?"

Suddenly, the health bar decreased a little and I felt a sharp pain all over.

"OW!" I responded, "Why the fu-"

"Defender," said Miles, "be careful what you say next."

"Anyways… witness!" I shouted.

"Ack! What is it!?" responded Dexter.

"About your attacker… was it a woman?" I asked.

"OBJECTION!" responded Miles, "That was very sexist, defender."

"OBJECTION!" I responded, "His answer could possibly solve the entire case. Do you know the gender of your attacker, witness?"

"It… was a man." answered Dexter.

"OBJECTION!" shouted Miles, "The witness is mistaken... He shouldn't have been able to see his attacker clearly!"

"OBJECTION!" I responded, "The witness saw the attacker up close and was able to see that his attacker was wearing gloves and a mask!"

"OBJECTION!" attacked Miles, "The witness is talking about an unrelated incident!"

"OBJECTION!" I returned, "The attacker is the same killer from before."

"You're bluffing." said Miles.

"No, I'm not." I replied, "The attacker had a sorcerer's rod which Dexter has seen."

"Prove it…" said Miles, "You will get a harsh penalty if you mess this up!"

"I've got the proof right here." I said, "Dexter's fingerprints were found on that very sorcerer's rod!"

"Nggh." responded Miles.

"Had enough?" I asked.

"Ungh…ah! Witness, please testify again." responded Miles.

"About what?" asked Dexter.

"About your attacker." Miles suggested.

"Oh." responded Dexter.

"Defender," said Miles, "this time, we're going with the unlimited penalty. If you mess up just once, you're screwed.

"Uh… got it." I responded nervously.

"You all know I can't say who it was because his face was covered by a mask," said Dexter, "however, I know that it was a man. He moved very quickly… almost as if he was invisible."

"That's enough," I said, "…Miles, you've just dug your own grave."

"What is this foolishness coming out of your mouth now?"

"I'm solve this case right here, right now!" I claimed.

"Could you please get to the point?" asked Miles.

"The real attacker… and murderer," I said, "…is you – augowowah!"

The health bar that was floating above me had decreased completely. That was when I fell over and died. I couldn't save this world. It had become the responsibility of the others.

-Lilith's POV-

"Who wants to face me next!?" asked Miles in a demonic tone.

"I will." I said.

"Go home." he said, "This is a man's job."

"Don't pull that crap with me, young man!" I responded, "When we get home your ass is getting kicked! Also, how have you been doing in school? If you have a single F, I'll…"

"What are you?" asked Miles, "My mother?"

"…have you brushed your teeth? I'm pretty sure if I checked your toothbrush I'd find that it's as dry as a bone!" I continued.

"Fine!" said Miles, "You can take over! Just stop this nonsense!"

I hurried to over to the defense bench after he said that.

"You have been accused," I said, "do you have a response?"

"There is no proof whatsoever that it was me." replied Miles.

"Hmph. Well, I'd like to her your reasoning as to why you are NOT the murderer." I said, "If you can do that successfully, the suspicion will disappear.

"You wanna know why it couldn't have been me?" responded Miles furiously, "I was not there at the time… I left no DNA traces."

"Um… that's what a lot of killers do." I responded.

"There is no proof that I touched the sorcerer's rod or tied Dexter up." said Miles.

"So, how did you even know that he got tied up?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Miles.

"The entire time that Dexter has been on the stand," I said, "he never mentioned anything about getting tied up. How did you know?"

"Well… um, I overheard the police… talk about it." answered Miles.

"OBJECTION!" I reacted, "The police of Mirai are very careful with their information. It is highly unlikely for there to be any leaked info!"

"Ngrk." responded Miles, "Um… Heh. You haven't cornered me yet if that's what you're thinking. I'm not going to go easy on you either. The unlimited penalty is here."

"I… understand." I answered.

"So what?" said Miles, "I ended up learning something by accident."

"Is there anything suspicious here?" I thought, "No, I smell a trap."

"I am not a sorcerer," Miles continued, "there is no proof that the incantation 'Painfol' was cast by me. Besides, I was busy."

"Doing what exactly?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious." responded Miles, "I was tying Dexter up – oh, crap!"

"OBJECTION!" I shouted, "It could only have been you that cast the spell."

"OBJECTION!" returned Miles, "That is not true, the one in the cage could've-"

""OBJECTION!" I reacted, "Dexter's attacker was the same person who tied him up and the same who murdered to people. Isn't that right… Dexter?"

"Yes." he answered.

"Damn you!" responded Miles.

"Therefore… you are the real killer!" I said.

"Heh…" said Miles, "I didn't think you would get this far. Anyways, your precious gems will not save you."

"You're gonna die!" shouted Jason, jumping out of the gallery along with everyone else who was still alive.

Harold aimed his bow at the cage. He shot the lock, causing it to open and my sister was able to get out.

"I doubt it." said Miles, "I will be finishing this story. Right here, right now!"

"I might not make it," said Jason, "but at least I'll die helping MY FRIENDS!!!"

Jason ran toward Miles and Miles started to run towards him, and the gems started floating in the air again.