School Doesn't Stop For The Heroes

-Ron's POV-

With that last quest taken care of, everyone had to focus on school. After being in adventure mode, it really took some time to adjust. I just wanted to out there on an adventure but here I was, stuck sitting at different desks throughout the day. At the very least, I had a handful of friends I could talk to.

In the middle of the day, I had P.E. And talked to a couple people there every day. There was this tall guy named Andy and who was for the most part pretty normal and then there was a guy closer to my height named Donovan Fortune. Andy had light brown hair and blue eyes while Donovan had brown eyes and black hair, and he'd eventually die the right side yellow. He also had glasses.

To be honest, Donovan was a little weird. The three of us were usually seen together and often ended up on the same teams. I don't mean to brag but whenever we played Dodge-ball, Donovan and I would usually be the last two on our team. Honestly, I have no idea how I managed to get so good at dodging stuff. I wasn't really that crazy about this class but I took it every year so I would get some exercise. I did much better at this kind of thing when someone else was telling me to do it, anyways.

Whenever lunchtime came around, I would sit at table with a lot of my friends. A lot of the guys I'd gone on adventures with were there: Jason, Harold, Kevin, Eric and a few others. However, there is someone I'd like to introduce. His name is Elijah Bonheur, a guy with dark hair, dark blue eyes covered by his glasses and his skin was a bit darker. He would often joke about his Asian heritage and we would all just go along with it.

Near the end of the day, I had a history class. Our teacher, Mr. Jerry was a pretty nice guy but unfortunately, classes taught in that room were pretty boring. But the same could be sad about nearly any other class, really. He didn't have whole lot of hair on his head and he had a bit of grey facial hair. His class wasn't all bad, though. It was in that class I started talking to one of my old friends again.

Her name is Mikaela Montague and the two of us met back in middle school. She had black shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and wore glasses. We both had wood shop around the same time and our first conversation was about a video game we both played around that time. I have no idea how it started. After that day, the two of us talked to each other a lot. This continued a year later but it eventually stopped.

It got a point where I didn't see much of her, so I was never really able to talk to her. Fortunately, when we were in tenth grade, we ended up sharing a class again. It was nice to be able to talk to her again, but it felt like she was hiding something from me.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"No, nothing's wrong." I said.

I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever she was hiding had something to do with me. I shook my head, wanting to forget about it. I needed to focus on school. I really didn't need to worry about a friend's secrets. Our peaceful days continued.