Christmas In Dovacath

A couple months went by without anything interesting happening. However, I was okay with this. I had a weird battle with Miles that barely anyone else was involved with. For some reason, he had decided to come to my home town in an attempt to kill me. It seems he was worried about my power reaching its full potential.

Cerise was getting after me about it as well. She wanted me to get more out of my power. It seems I was able to get it to do more, but I can't say I've figured out how it works yet. I guess I've still got a long way to go. Here I was just sitting in my bedroom, thinking about everything that happened.

"You just gonna sit there all day?" asked Justin.

"No." I replied, "Are you going to do anything?"

"Probably not." he answered.

"Okay," I said, "then why do you have a problem with me not doing anything?"

"It's not really me that has a problem," said Justin, "it's Mom."

"Yeah, I know." I said.

I then looked out the window, noticing all of the snow.

"Can't believe Christmas is almost here." I said.

"Yeah," said Justin, "it's literally tomorrow."

Suddenly, the phone went off. It seems someone quickly answered it and then my mother called me to hand me the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

On the other end was Jon. I was relieved it wasn't Lilith. I would never hear the end of my mother's teasing if that were the case.

"How have you been?" he asked.

"Had a bit of trouble a couple months ago," I replied, "where were you when that all happened?"

"Hey, I had some work to do in Dovacath," said Jon, "Cerise went looking for you, didn't she?"

"Well, yeah." I said, "But still... Miles coming over and all... Why wasn't anyone else involved?"

"You took care of the situation though, didn't you?" asked Jon.

"Whatever you're calling for probably isn't about back then," I said, "so what is it?"

"Ah," he said, "you almost made me forget!"

"Not my fault."

"Is too."

"I'm talking to a man who is engaged..."

"Your point?"

"For an adult, you're real immature."

"Where's the fun in growing up?"

"So what is it?"

"Ah, right!"


"I'd like you to come over to Dovacath."


"Just come."


Our conversation ended and I put the phone back where it belonged. After that, I threw on my coat and headed outside. When I made it to Dovacath, I was greeted by my party from back in Mirai. The only real difference was the hooded figure was among them.

"You're late." said David.

"I-I'm late?" I responded.

"No, you're on time." said Jason.

"Oh, I see." I replied.

"So, what is this all about?" asked Harold.

"Ah, that's right." said Jon, "I almost forgot."

"How many times are you going to forget!?" I exclaimed, "Are you an old man or what?"

"Merry Christmas!" he said.

"T-that's it." I said.

"That's it." he replied.

"I'm going home." I said, turning around.

"N-no, wait!" he exclaimed, "We've got food."

"So we're not here for a mission?" I said.

"Nope." replied Jon.

"Thank God." said Kevin, "That means you won't kill me, right?"

"Don't tempt me." I responded.

Everyone laughed a bit before we were brought inside a building. Everyone sat at the same table and we soon were all eating together as we talked about various things. It really was nice, having a moment like this. However, we knew things wouldn't remain peaceful. We'd have more to deal with later.

"So, Ron?" said Cerise, "Have you given your power any more thought?"

"Nope!" I replied, gleefully as I stuffed more food in my mouth.

"Do you want to die or something?" she asked.

"I've already died before." I replied, "I don't think it happening again would be that big of a deal."

I could hear the hooded figure laughing.

"And what's with her?" I asked, "How come she never shows herself?"

"She just does what she wants." replied Cerise, "Just don't worry about it."

"You telling me not to worry about it is just going to make me worry about it." I replied.

"Y'know, she's right about your power." said Lilith, "You really do need to put some more thought into it."

"But it works well enough right now, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Don't be an idiot." replied Erica.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry?" I responded.

"Just give him some time," added Lucas, "he'll figure it out eventually."

"Yeah, idiots just need more time to think than normal people." said Harold.

"Yeah, I need more- hey!" I exclaimed.

Everyone laughed.

"I wonder," said Cameron, "how many of you are actually going to go next time?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well," he said, "we're not all going on the next quest, are we?"

"Oh, that's right!" said Jon, "We've got some newcomers that will be joining you."

"Newcomers?" asked Jason, "Who?"

"That's a secret." replied Jon.

"So you're replacing us?" said David, "I see how it is."

"Yeah, that's pretty rude." added Kevin.

"At least it'll give some of us a bit of a break." responded Dexter.

"Okay, but can we know who isn't going?" I asked.

"How is this even decided anyways?" asked Jason.

"It was fun," said Dexter, "but I think I could use a break."

"Relax," said Jon, "for the most part, them stepping down for a bit is their own decision."

"The newcomers have been chosen by a powerful being you should be a bit familiar with by now." added Lilith, "She discovered their potential so they'll be with us next time."

"I guess we just have to wait then." I said.

After that, we just chatted about random things. Before this, I had never really spent my Christmas Eve with such a large group of people but it was nice. However, the conversation we had with everyone was a bit weird. At least we got some free food.

It would be a good while before any of us got to go home. All we really did was talk and walk around Dovacath. Before we knew it, the sky got dark and the atmosphere got colder. Even with the coat I was wearing, I was starting to shiver.

"Guess it's almost time for you to go home." said Jon.

"Y-yeah." I said.

"Before you go," he said, "we have gifts for all of you."

"You really didn't have to." said Jason.

"Don't worry about it." he said, handing two small boxes to me and Jason.

"Go on, open them." he said.

"Okay." I replied.

At the same time, we both opened our gifts. I don't really know what either of us was supposed to expect. However, what I got wasn't really anything I needed.

"What'd you get?" I asked Jason.

"I got a few pieces of candy." he answered.

"I got a rock." I replied.

"Ah, shit." said Jon, "That was the wrong one."

He handed me another box, which I opened.

"This is coal." I replied.

"Oops." he said, "I grabbed another one my gag gifts."

"Whatever," I said, "I'm going home."

"Here." he said, handing me another box, "This one's real."

I opened it up and found a few pieces of candy inside.

"Well, at least it's actually something this time." I said.

"Merry Christmas." he said.

"Y-yeah." I replied.

And that was how our Christmas Eve in Dovacath ended. The next day, I just spent a normal Christmas with my family. Everyone got up, ate breakfast and then we sat around the Christmas tree in the living room to open presents. However, we wouldn't open them right away. My mother would always read a chapter in the bible in the book of Luke before we got started. In the end, it was a normal Christmas. However, I knew these peaceful days wouldn't last.