Getting Serious

- Jason's POV-

It was dark when my eyes opened. I didn't even know where I was. Not long after I woke up, I got myself up off of the ground.

"Well, look who finally woke up!" came out of nowhere.

"Jeff!" I exclaimed, "What did you do!? What do even want?"

"Don't think that you can win this one." he said.

"Please don't change the subject." I responded.

"Now, he said, "I believed that you wanted to know where you are?"

The lights came on and I saw that I was in some kind of control room.

"All of your friends," he said, "They will die."

I couldn't take it. I drew my sword and ran toward him. I struck, but he blocked with a sword of his own.

"Give up now." he insisted, "Your friends will all be killed before you can find them!"

"I t doesn't matter the danger or the challenges I face," I said, "I will fight for my friends!"

"How annoying." Jeff replied.

Our swords struck again. I backed up and he walked in my direction. Then, I kicked, aiming below his waist, but he returned with a kick to my side. It tossed me across the room.

"When… did you… get so strong?" I asked.

"My world. My rules." Jeff answered.

I quickly got back to my feet and charged at him. He grabbed me and threw me to the other side of the room. Then, I pointed my sword at the ground hoping that it would somehow break my fall. Fortunately, it did.

"Had enough yet?" asked Jeff.

"We're not finished yet!" I exclaimed.

"Face it, Jason." he said, "Without your friends, you're worthless. And once I'm finished, you won't have any!"

"Y-you're wrong!" I responded, getting up and charging toward him.

I saw him pull a lever as I was charging. The next thing I knew, the ground below me opened up and I fell. The image of Jeff I had got further and further away. Eventually, I stopped falling.

I got myself up off the ground, tired and in pain. To make things worse, I didn't even know where I was. I didn't know where any of my friends were either. I even wondered if Jeff was right about me. Maybe we were all doomed? All of our efforts seemed to be for nothing. I didn't want to believe it, but Jeff was in control of everything now. Worst of all, he had become stronger than ever.

I looked around the area I was in. It was a small, empty room. The only thing in it was a door, which I ran toward as soon as I saw it. Then I opened it. On the other side, was a long flight of stairs. I pressed on and went down these stairs. The area was dark as well, so I tried my best not to bump into anything. I just hoped my friends were still alive. I hoped that we could actually do this.

I heard nothing. It was completely silent. I reached a long hallway. There were many doors in this hallway and all of them were closed. I paid no attention to the numbers on them as I walked by.

"Is there anyone here?" I said aloud.

I got no response.

"I guess not." I said to myself.

I just kept walking until I found more stairs, which I went down. Suddenly, I heard the sound of glass breaking. I drew my sword and went in the direction of the sound. I eventually saw a door that was open. I immediately ran inside to check it out.

"Who's in here!?" I exclaimed, with my sword out.

I kept walking, ready to defend myself. Then, I saw something on the ground, wiggling. I approached it cautiously. As I got closer I realized what, or rather, who was moving around. It was Jon and he had duct tape covering his mouth.

I quickly untied him and got him up on his feet. I also took removed the duct tape from his face. I was surprised that he didn't even make a sound when I took it off.

"Th-thanks." he said.

"No problem," I said, "But I'm going to have to discuss some stuff with you."

"Alright." replied Jon.

"What can you remember?" I asked.

"I was hit hard on the head with something as soon as I came out of the portal."

"Anything you noticed during that time?"

"My attacker was a woman. I couldn't tell who it was, though."

"Do you have any ideas as to who it could be?"

"Not a clue. I couldn't even see a face. I don't even have a general idea of what her age might be."

"By the way, it seems you're not with Lilith?"

"I didn't have time to look in her direction. I was knocked out before I could say a word."

"Anything else?"

"I'm not sure how long I was out, but I woke up in here tied up."

"I'm assuming you don't know who or how you got tied up?"

"I don't."

"Well," I said, "let's go look for the others."

"Okay," Jon said, "I wish I could use my whistle here, but I don't have the information I need at the moment."

"It's fine." I said, leading him out the door.

We walked through many hallways and checked for open doors. Every door on the eighth, seventh, sixth, fifth, and fourth floor was closed when we walked through. Not longer after that, it happened: I saw people on the third floor. I ran over to them and saw Ron with a couple of people I didn't even recognize.

"Jason!" he exclaimed, "You sure came out of nowhere!"

"Who are these people?" I asked, "What's even going on?"

"So far, not good." answered Ron, "Elijah, David, Cameron, Daniel, and Ben are all dead."

"Really!?" I responded.

"Yes." responded Ron, "And to make things worse, we don't know where Erica and Donovan have gone. I see you've found Jon, at least."

"Lilith!" said Jon.

"Jon..." responded Lilith.

"I'm here as well." said a grown man I had never met before as he gently scratched the back of his neck.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's just Charles." answered Ron.

"Ouch." responded Charles.