The Fall Brings Change

Things had changed quite a bit since I had started high school. I no longer had a lot of the friends I had made there. Most of them went to different schools and some of which had traveled to different states entirely. Honestly, I was feeling a bit sad about everything. I even stopped contacting Jason.

I spent my summer not really doing much. I often just stayed at home and did random things on my computer. Most of my time on there was just spent reading visual novels. As I sat there staring at my screen near midnight, I just thought about what came and went in my life.

"What's going to happen next?" I said to myself.

My old friends wouldn't be around when I went back to school, so I knew I figured I'd make new ones. I figured it wouldn't be that hard, since I usually made a few of every year. Before I knew it, it was that time of the year again. School had started back up.

It took me some time to get used to everything. It was the same familiar building, but a lot of the people I knew were gone. I also had to explain what had happened to my arm in a few of my classes, since not everyone knew about that. I still remember when I was in my history class, telling the story of how I broke it.

"How'd you break it?" a random student asked.

"I ran into a wall." I answered.

"Tch." our teacher responded, "You need a better story than that."

"Okay, I was fighting pirates." I replied, sarcastically.

I was able to make new friends but to my surprise, I actually started talking to an old friend from Kindergarten. His name is James Scriven, and he was about my height, wore glasses, had dark green eyes, short black hair, and a small amount of acne on his forehead. He ended up transferring into my P.E. Class not long after I told the story about my arm and I ended up partnering with him on a lot of activities.

Whenever it was time for lunch, for a while I would eat with Elijah and Harold in some computer lab but, I just felt so distant from them at the time. Every time I went, I just felt like I was just there. It was like I didn't matter. Though, that was probably something I was just telling myself. At the very last, Harold and I had worked passed the issues we had in the past. Since I still felt alone, I just ended up eating in the cafeteria.

There was some freshman there, and he really stood out due to his appearance. His name was Stuart Drake and had lots of messy green hair on top of his head and had brown eyes with a pair of glasses in front of them. It didn't take long for a girl I met in my English class that year to sit with us. Her name was Catherine Vale and she long light brown hair that went past her shoulders a bit and green-ish eyes.

"I think I'm gonna sit with you guys today." she said.

After that, everyone was silent.

"I don't like this." commented Stuart, "Somebody say something!"

"Why don't YOU say something?" I suggested.

"I second that." added Catherine.

After a while, it would be us and another freshman, named Isaac Evans. He had gray eyes, neck-length black hair and a bit of a mustache forming. I really did like how lively things had become. As time passed, I felt myself slowly enjoying my life a bit more. Suddenly, I felt happy again, but at the same time I wondered if it would even last.

While things were going fine at school, it wouldn't be long before I'd be called over on yet another quest. One day, I came home and found a letter in my spot at the table. After I saw it was from Lucas, I quickly opened it up so I could read what it said. According to the later, something was going to happen and I'd have to go the place mentioned in the letter.