Into The Past

-Date Unknown-

From what I know, people can only get their minds to go back so far. Well, I can't get mine to go back past the age of two. Back then, there wasn't really anything too significant about my life, and I didn't have any friends. This was around the time my parents started sending me to a daycare when both of them were at work.

At home, I usually spent time with my older brother, who I didn't like very much, since he was always causing trouble. I didn't really have anything else to do, anyways. Eventually, my brother started going to school and I was a little upset to find out that I was not old enough to attend.

When I actually was old enough, I kind of wished I could go back to not going to school. There were people there that I despised. One girl always gave me a hard time because I never spoke. The other person was a constant jerk to everybody and constantly got in trouble.

What's strange though is that there was a girl who defended me, even though we weren't really friends at the time. When the year was over, I would not see them again. It doesn't matter though, since I didn't really ever get to know her that well. I may have had a difficult time in school, but luckily things were different outside of it.

It was around this time that I made my first friend. Her name was Vivian. I only know what her first name was. If I did ever hear her last name, I've completely forgotten. Anyways, our friendship started in a bit of an interesting way. I had started to talk less and less over time. Eventually, I just rarely ever said a word. Since I didn't really have any friends at the time, I just kept to myself and played video games, and sometimes drew pictures in notebooks. Vivian went to the same daycare I did, so she saw me doing these things and knew I just kept to myself.

For a while, Vivian was just there, and that's all I thought about her then, but one day, it happened. I was playing one of my favorite Nintendo 64 games at the time, and she comes up to me and takes the controller out of my hands and she refused to give it back unless I spoke. I was unable to pause my game before she took the controller from me, so I was a little nervous and pretty desperate to get the controller back so I actually spoke.

I can't remember exactly what I said, but we were friends after that. Sometime after this was when I noticed Jean, who went to the same school as me and eventually, the same daycare. At school, she was often crying and trying to avoid everyone else.

-Jean's POV-

It was a very difficult time for me- I was often picked on- although, I can't really remember why. Perhaps I was just different from everyone else? I had no friends and I thought I never would, but changed one day when Vivian didn't show up to daycare. It was a rainy day, and it was pouring hard.

At the time, Ron was sitting at a table and drawing pictures in his notebook. From what I had seen, he was not a very talkative person, but would soon find out how his older brother seemed very garrulous and was quite the trouble maker. The two of them were complete opposites, but I'm getting off track.

Anyways, he was quiet, and for a while, I was the same, but for a different reason. I was afraid of how others would react to me, while he was just shy. Here we were, alone, not speaking. But I decided to break the silence.

"Hey." I said.

He responded by looking at me, but he didn't say a word.

"I'm Jean." I said.

He blinked, but still didn't reply.

"You can talk, right?" I asked.

Ron responded with a nod.

"Are you going to?" I asked.

Ron was still silent.

"You're making this a little difficult." I commented.

"S-sorry…" he replied.

"If you don't want to talk, it's fine." I said.

"I-I can t-talk… if you w-want." he replied.

For a while, the conversation was awkward, but eventually he stopped stuttering. He told me a few things about himself, as well as his family, and I also told him a bit about mine. This was when we became friends and I started to spend more time with him and Vivian as well.

-Ron's POV-

Our lives at school didn't change much. We were both picked on for far different reasons. Although, after we became friends, I was also picked on for spending time with her. In the end, we just tried to ignore what everyone else was saying about us.

Back at the daycare, everything was much happier and Vivian ended up becoming my "girlfriend", but only for a short time. When we were like this we pretended to get married at least ten times. We were kids, so there was no kissing or anything like that. We "danced", I guess, or just what we called "dancing" anyways. Although, these days, it's not something I like doing. Anyways, Jean would watch and support the two of us.

In those days, I was nearly always in a good mood, which is pretty much the opposite of me now. Not everything would last, though. Eventually, Vivian's family had to move. To be honest, I don't recall where. I just know that I never saw her again. I still had Jean, and thought things would be okay, but a year or so later, she had to move too.

-Jean's POV-

My dad wanted us to go back to our home dimension, so I spent the next several years of my life in Mihr'hai. I looked up to him, which is likely why I ended up becoming a villain like him. When I saw Ron again several years later after an incident in Dovacath, since I needed to be there for one my father's previous plans, I hid my true intentions from him.

My father and I thought it would be best to lie to the heroes that would eventually exist. I ended up helping him with his evil plans over the years, which freaked my mother out, so she ended up leaving both of us. After all the evil plans, I don't want to do them anymore. They always ended badly. I wasted so many years in cruel acts, and I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself.

-Ron's POV-

After Jean left, I did my best to live a decent, happy life, but I couldn't. I had other friends, but they came and went. Over the years, I had several different people that I called my best friends, but none of them ever really stayed. Any I saw again became very distant, and it was next to impossible to get anything going with any of them.

Over the years, I started to face a more painful home life, especially after my little sisters, who happen to be fraternal twins, were adopted. I really don't like my family that much. I have one parent that's really awful most of the time and the other's just there unless they're really angry. All three of my siblings annoy me, so that doesn't help. I've only been pushed in a way that has not and will not do me any good.