What Next?

-Lucas' POV-

I don't really know what to do next. I heard we were done with the investigation for now, but this new figure that came up I just couldn't get out of my head. There were still things we didn't know, but nearly everyone went home, in their own dimensions. I want to know more, but I think I'm going to have to be patient or something.

It had been a crazy couple of days, but that's how it usually is when we're all together. The sun had set, darkening the sky. I was with Lilith and Jon and we were walking to their place. It was quiet and a bit uncomfortable, since I wasn't sure exactly what to say.

"You alive?" Lilith asked.

"Y-yes! I am!!" I exclaimed.

"…Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine… it's just…" I started.

"It's that one guy, isn't it?" responded Jon, "That guy calling himself 'The Author' or something."

"Yeah," I said, "we just don't know who he is or where he came from… or why he looks like Ron."

"We've had a lot happen in these past couple of days," said Jon, "you should get to bed and get some rest as soon as possible."

"I guess." was all I could say in response.

It didn't take much longer to get to their room, but none of us were prepared for what we would see. The door had been left ajar, and Jon curiously opened it further and then our eyes met with something horrible. The floor was covered in blood, a lot had gotten and the walls closer to the ground as well.

"W-what!?" I exclaimed.

"Shit." said a familiar voice.

"Cerise, how long have you been there?" I asked.

"I just got here." she said, "Looks like I was too late."

"Why is it that you only show up at random times?" I asked.

"Now's not really the time to worry about that." she said, "We might be too late."

I looked around the room worried about what I would end up seeing next and then I felt like I was going to faint. My oldest sister, Erica, was on the ground, lifeless and covered in blood. I felt as if time had frozen and I couldn't get myself to move.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Lilith.

"Damn." commented Cerise.

"There's a note next to her body." Jon pointed out, walking over to her.

He picked it up and read its contents: "You're welcome. Signed, The Author."

My heart was pounding and my head had started to hurt. I also felt as if I couldn't breathe. I felt as if the universe around me was fading, like it was leaving this scene as if it were the only thing in existence. I could no longer see anything else. All I could see was my dead sister, covered in blood. More blood than I had ever seen spilled in my life.

"H-how?" was all I could say.

Then, my fists tightened as I started down at the floor, ignoring everything else in the room. My eyes started to water and I soon felt some tears slide down my face. As much as I wished it was just a nightmare, it was unfortunately very real.

"Who the hell are you?" I managed to say, "And why the hell did you do this!?"