A Hard Night

-Present Day-

"Everything is different now." I said to myself quietly as I stood near the entrance when the sky was getting dark. It was hard coming back to school after that incident. Things were… different without Matt. He certainly made my days much more interesting. I remember Mikaela noticing his disappearance and asked me about it. I just told her the truth because I didn't really see a point in lying about it.

Our weird friend died because of his own stupidity. To be honest, I'm not sure if Mikaela even remembers him. Anyways, I was deep in thought for what felt like hours, until I heard a voice.

"Hey." it said.

I turned around to see Catherine.

"Hi." I responded, weakly.

Then I noticed she wasn't alone. She was also with James and Stuart.

"What was that all about?" asked James.

"Do you know how long we've been looking for you!?" exclaimed Stuart, angrily.

"S-sorry," I said, "I was just… thinking about stuff… since I think a lot of thoughts about a lot of things."

"Why'd you run off?" asked Catherine.

"…Well," I said, "I feel like I've seen Zack somewhere before… He seems a lot like someone I used to know."

"Well," said James, "we should get back to the house- since we're staying overnight."

"How long have I been gone?" I asked.

"A few hours." answered Stuart.

"I was right by the entrance," I said, "how are you only now finding me?"

"We weren't looking for you the whole time," answered Catherine, "we just decided to look for you because you hadn't come back yet."

"Oh, okay." I said, "Why don't we head inside now?"

After that, we all headed toward one of the houses and met everyone else inside, but I was not prepared for what I would see.

"How could you all leave me behind like that!?" said a familiar figure with a bucket helmet.

"I-Isaac!?" I exclaimed, "How the hell did you get here!?"

"You're looking a bit 'pail'!" he replied, laughing.

"Um… didn't he die?" responded James.

"Remember," said Matthias as he walked into the room, "if someone dies outside their own world, they wake up in their own."

"I already know that." I said, "I was just wondering… how the hell did Isaac even FIND Dovacath?"

"So you want to know my story?" he asked.

"No." responded Stuart.

"Well," said Isaac, "after I fell in my bucket, I woke up in my room at my house and as soon as I realized nobody else was home, I just headed out. After that, I walked around town trying to find some people, but I couldn't. Then I found this town after a few hours. It's really the only place any people were still in."

"Are you saying Dovacath is unaffected by whatever 'curse' we're going through?"

"Why would it affect everywhere else but here?" asked Catherine, "Also, how long has he been here?"

"He got here after you three went to look for Ron." answered Iris, who happened to be in the room, along with nearly everyone else on the quest.

"I don't really know what's going on," Isaac continued, "but I just know that this was the only place with anybody around."

"Perhaps there is something protecting Dovacath?" I suggested.

"It's possible." commented Charles.

"I believe Erica researched some stuff when she was still alive." said Lucas.

"Hold on." I said.

"What is it?" replied Lucas.

"We have a way of asking her," I said, "don't we?"

"…! …That's right!" responded Lucas.

"What are you two going on about?" asked James.

"Spirit channeling." I said.

"Y-you're joking, right?" responded James.

"No," I said, "I am very serious about this- besides, I've seen this before more than once in the past. Anyways… Lilith, would you be able to…?"

"Before I start," said Lilith, "where did Zack disappear to?"

"I said a had to go the bathroom!" we heard a voice say as Zack walked out of a long hallway.

"Okay," I said, "how about starting now?"


Lilith now looked Erica, or, was Erica.

"What's going on?" she said.

"We need to talk to you." I said, "What were you up to before I arrived in Mihr'hai several months ago?"

"We were investigating the odd occurrences early on," she answered, "but there was something I noticed that the others didn't – there was some mysterious figure running around."

"What do you know about it?" I asked.

"I saw him every time something weird happened, but he always got away," continued Erica, "However, I made much more progress after you arrived in Mihr'hai. During that last trial, I finally saw who it was. We fought and… well, I lost. I really shouldn't have tried to fight him alone."

"It's unfortunate," I said, "but what's been done has been done."

"There's not much I can do now," Erica continued, "but I can tell you who he is… that 'author' person."

"Well," I said, "I can't really say I'm surprised. He did leave a note, after all."

"I'm afraid I don't really have anymore information." she said.

"That's okay," I said, "you've been helpful so far."

"Does anyone have a gem of parting?" asked Erica.

"Yeah, I got one on me." answered Matthias, pulling out a red one.

"Isn't that a reverse-gem?" I asked.

"Yes," answered Matthias, "that's just one of its functions."

"What does it do?" asked Stuart.

"A reverse-gem makes it so a regular one won't be able to react if someone's hiding something." I said, "If a person doesn't have one of those, a person with a regular gem will be able to see a sign that they're hiding something. I have had experience with both of these."

"The other function," said Matthias, "is to send the dead back to either heaven or hell."

"C-can I do it?" asked Lucas.

"Go for it." responded Matthias, handing him the red gem.

Lucas walked over to his older sister and immediately threw his arms around her, which I could tell she was not expecting by the expression on her face."

"I… love you." he said weakly, as a tear slowly came out of his left eye.

"…I love you too." responded Erica awkwardly, "Don't worry, though… please? We'll see each other again in the future."

"You're right…" responded Lucas, slowly taking his arms off of her, and then he held out the gem of parting, "I-I'll see you later."

The room went silent as Erica's spirit left Lilith's body. I recall seeing a few faces tear up at the time, but I don't remember who they belonged to.


"Well, that was kind of awkward." commented Zack.

"Even after death." I said to myself, quietly.

"What… just happened?" asked James.

"My bucket's full of tears," said Isaac, "and NOW there's a leak in my bucket."

"Nobody cares." I said.

"No, a LEEK." he said, pulling one out of the bucket.

"You AND your puns are terrible." I said.

"Hey… what's wrong?" Isaac asked to change the subject.

"Oh… I guess I could talk about it." I said, "Lately, I've had millions of thoughts going through my mind."

"Like what?" he asked.

"Recently, I've been reminded of my biggest fear of all," I said, "the fact that we're all hear on this planet, unsure as to whether or not anything we say or do has any meaning. Things just keep happening, never stopping and it's annoying."

"I don't even know what you're talking about." commented Isaac.

"Things will just happen: good or bad – whether we want them to or not," I went on, "it's usually just the bad things for me. Sometimes, I miss the days where I didn't hate my life, back when I was really young. I never really wanted to grow up, but now I'm running out of time for decisions, and possibly even friends. I know the truth… Things aren't gonna the way they are. I have to grow up. Things change."

"You look like you want to cry." responded Isaac.

"I can't." I responded, "The only time [an adventurer] can cry is when it's all over."

"I don't think I understand you anymore." commented Isaac.

"I don't think you ever did." I replied, "Anyways, there's nothing I can do about things changing, like the group of friends I have- which changes every few years! My friends come and then just go far more often than I'd like. Everyone I've ever called a best friend is either gone or doesn't have as much to do with my life these days. A year ago, I started wondering: what's the point of trying to form these kinds of relationships with people if I'm only going to know them for so long? I know I'm not the only one in the world that feels that way."

"It happens." said Isaac, "It's sad, but it happens."

"I know." I said, "I'm just afraid that one of these days everyone that I've ever cared about will be gone and I'll be stuck living on this planet alone."

"I… don't really know what to say." commented Zack.

"It's gonna hurt since I thought I already got past my loneliness stage," I continued, "Last year, I would often eat alone. Every year at school, my friends and I would have to move to a new table. Last year, we were outside until the weather got worse. After going into a classroom afterwards, we spoke to each other less. I didn't speak to any of them after that for the rest of the year. I'd still eat there, but I'd leave as soon I was done and wander around. I kinda did the same thing when school started last fall. There were a couple old friends I tried sitting with that moved to another classroom, but I just left in the end, realizing that things just weren't the same. In the end, I chose to sit at a table and was alone for a bit, but that changed. I believe Stuart started sitting there not long after that, and not too much later, Isaac joined us. It was about a month later when Catherine started sitting at our table. So now, I don't really feel like I need to just leave and walk around. Well, I think I've done enough talking about my life

for now."

"How could you say you were alone," said Isaac, "when I, your BEST FRIEND exists??"

"I don't think anyone here considers you to be their best friend." responded Stuart.

"Would he kill his best friend in the stories he writes?" asked Catherine.

"I don't even know what that means," I said, "but I doubt it."

"That's a lie." responded Lucas.

"Huh!?" I reacted.

"Oh, I didn't mean anything." said Lucas, "Just forget about it, okay??"

"I don't get it. Someone explain!" demanded Isaac.

"No." said Lucas.

"This is beyond the PAIL!" responded Isaac.

"Stop with your stupid puns already!" I exclaimed.

"Guys," said Catherine, "it's getting late."

"You're right." I said, "We should all get some rest."

After that, we all got ourselves ready for the rest of the night, unaware of what challenges we would face the next day.