The Entrance exam

A month has past since Azurel came to tell me when the day of the entrance exam into the Hunters academy will be, and now its the night before and I'm training my lightning and dark magics in the northern forest by killing the giant salamanders using dark magic to sneak behind them and then releasing high power lightning strikes this has been my routine for the past month all for the purpose of acing the entrance exam..




The day of the exam:

"OI YOUR GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU DONT HURRY UP!" A muffled yet still very loud voice echoed through out the inn.

"yeah yeah I'm up I'm up no need to shout ." yawned a very tired Inazuma

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to shout if you woke up when I first call you, now hurry up or you'll be late for the exam." Azurel complained

"oi don't ignore me"


"I'm coming in if you don't open the door"


As she opened the door and looked inside he saw that he wasn't in the room and the window is wide open. "That sneaky little."

At the Hunters academy:

"um sir sir wait you need to show your hunters card before you can enter." An old man called out to a boy with snow white hair with steaks of scarlet throughout.

"Oh um sorry here" Inazuma said whilst handing his card to the man

"b-b-b-b rank b-b-but your not even in the academy yet." The old man stutters as he hands the card back to Inazuma

"Thank you." Inazuma says whilst walking towards the academy main building.

"OI kuro the exam is in the building to the left" Azurel shouts towards Inazuma

"G-g-guard captain d-d-do you know him" stuttered the old man

before she even got the chance to reply "Thanks big sis." yelled a now smiling Inazuma

"D-d-d-did he just say big sis?" The now scared old man stuttered

"Not really that's just what he's called me for the past month ever since I've been checking on him, would you believe that he just fell from the sky and into the lake with no memory just his name."

"T-t-that's the same boy from last months explosion?" stuttered the old man again now confused

"Yeah that's him, he's lived in the city since then, well I better get going now" Azurel said as if concerned about her 'little brother'.


In a large hall in the academy:

A large group of 15 year old's are gathered and waiting for the exam overseer one in particular stands out with his white hair with streaks of crimson, he is stood in the corner of the large hall and for an unknown to him reason every one is avoiding him like the plague. The reason for this is they all recognize him as the one from the incident last month or as there calling him Monster this is because he survived a drop from an insane height.

"Hello potential students I am professor Draski and I will be over seeing the entrance exam , as for a task we will do one on one versus me all who are unharmed after a minute pass as well as any one who can land a single hit on me. Now then one at a time....."don't all volunteer at once" he sighed sarcastically

"Ok professor I'll go first" said a very bored Inazuma .

Everybody turned to look at him those who weren't talking about him were now

"Ok boy what's your name?" A slightly intrigued Draski asked.

"Inazuma Kuro sir." He stated before walking up to the middle of the hall where there is a large ring of sand used for duels.

"O god of the earth bind my enem.." Draski started chanting before noticing his examinee has disappeared. "Hahaha did you really run away after I started my chant hahaha." Draski mocked. The entire hall had a concerned look in there eyes before one finally spoke up and shouted " Professor Draski look behind you."

Turning around because of the comment he sees Inazuma stood there and then immediately lost all feeling in his body realized what happened "Sneaky little brat." Draski said before becoming unconscious.

The halls atmosphere did a complete 180 from extremely loud to now perfectly silent. The head of the first year who was watching the matches saw what had happened and immediately sent a replacement for Professor Draski and he also went so that he could congratulate the new student who managed to knock out the strongest combat mage in the school and also for casting magic without a chant. A few moments later an old man walked into the hall with a woman who looked very tiered and annoyed at the old man." Hello all I am the Head of the first years and behind me is the replacement overseer as Draski can no longer fight, speaking of which Inazuma would you mind if I spoke with you in my office for a while."

Inazuma walks through the crowd who separated in fear of the boy who Knocked out there instructor in one shot. "Ok sir" Inazuma said whilst walking to the Head.

After a while of walking the head turned to a door and walked in and sat on a large arm chair and gestured for Inazuma to sit on the sofa opposite "So Inazuma can i ask how you cast your magic without saying a chant, at your age that should be impossible.".." To be honest sir I never know you had to use a chant I've always cast without a chant." A confused Inazuma replied "Ok onto my next question, well its more like a request would you please show me first you Hunters card and then we will go outside to demonstrate you magic, is that ok with you."..."yeah that's ok with me and here's my Hunters card." Inazuma Says whilst handing the head his card... "Wow a first year that's already a b rank, that's higher than the average of all Hunters in the whole city!" the exited Head of the first years exclaimed. "well to be honest sir the lady at the guild said that's the highest she's allowed to give some one who hasn't joined the academy yet, she told me that the stone said I was at least rank s at the moment and have the potential to become one of the strongest in the world."

"If you would could you please follow me we are going back to the hunters guild to get you reappraised..