

They park in the woods somewhere near the old highway in New York.

 "Alright boys. let us go set up camp," said Schaffe. They get outside the bus and go to the under storage of the bus and get their camping supplies.

 "I will get a fireplace set up," said Ian.

 "Then I will get wood for us," said Schaffe. He grabs the chainsaw out of the understorage. "Punk, Jess just help Ian clean the area up."


After a few hours, they had a camp set up Alan was getting two hunting rifles ready for him and Punk.

 They both wore hunting attire so the animals they were hunting would not see them.

 "Alright, kid. we are ready," said Alan

 "Just be safe out there, boys, and if something bad happens use the flare," said Ian.

 "Alright, let us head out," said Punk. Punk and Alan leave the camp to go hunting in the woods.

 "How about a snack?" asked Schaffe.

 "Yes, can I have smores?" asked Ian.

 "Sure, pal. I made stuff for them," said Schaffe. He goes into the bus and grabs the stuff for Smores for Ian.

 "Yay," said Ian. Schaffe, Ian, and Jess sat outside near the fire.

 "Schaffe. You go camping a lot?" asked Jess.

 "When I was a young kid yes. I used to go a lot when my grandfather was alive. But he passed after I was ten years old," said Schaffe.

 "Yeah, we did a lot of this back when we worked with the Brotherhood on a mission," said Ian.

 "Ian, I think it time I told Punk," said Schaffe. "What happened to Phil."

 "For real? Why would you do that? He could think differently about you," said Ian.

 "Well, he is a young man. He should know what happened to Phil," said Schaffe.

 "I agree. The longer you wait the harder it would get," said Jess. 

 "I guess you are right," said Ian. "Plus, it would be better for all of us." 

 "Yeah, I get our sleeping arrangements done," said Schaffe. "you can sleep in the RV, Jess if you want."

 "Thanks," said Jess. Schaffe gets up and starts to blow up air mattresses with a hand pump. They hear the radio from Alan.

 "Hey, the kid got a deer. We are heading back now," said Alan on the Radio. 

 "Ah, shit our boy got something Schaffe," said Ian.

 "That is great," said Schaffe.

 "I think we should make stew then," said Ian.

 "When I finish I will get the prep done," said Schaffe.

 "Sweet," said Ian. 


 An hour later Punk and Alan return dragging a deer corpse in a blue tarp.

 "He did good hunting out there," said Alan.

 "Good start skinning I will make stew," said Schaffe. 

 "Wait we should take a picture of Punk with the deer," said Ian.

 "Sounds like a good idea," said Schaffe. Jess takes a camera they had and they gather around punk who was kneeling holding the dear head by the antlers. She take their picture a few times.

 "Alright, it should be done," said Jess.

 "Time to get cooking," said Ian. 

 "You're on vegetable duty," said Schaffe.