Trouble In The Church

 Schaffe finds himself in front of an abandoned church it is now morning.

 "Man, I did not get much but hopefully enough to keep going," said Schaffe. He hears a roar from afar. He looks where he heard it from. He sees a large Alligator-like creature with a humanoid body big claws and a tail. It sees him and lunges at him. Schaffe heads inside the church and heads up the stairs nearby before it busts through the wall to enter the church.


 Schaffe was looking down from the rafters watching the Alligator Creature glare right had him.

 "Go fuck yourself!" yelled Schaffe, He starts to fire his rifle down at him. The Alligator Creature roars at him and attacks the beam that rafter Schaffe was on which starts to make the roof collapse. Schaffe jumps down to the balcony and watches the roof fall on it. He looks down and watches it come out of the rubble. He was hidden as it did not see where he went. He heads into the room up there to hide more.


 He enters what was an attic storage and sits down on a wall. 

 "I guess I have no choice but to wait for when it leaves," said Schaffe. He starts to feel a bit hungry and takes out some rations he found in the sewer. He took a bite and it was terrible but he knew it could keep him fed and ate the rest.


 Ian's group was almost to Phantom's lair on the other side of town and they were hiding out in an office building resting themselves. They see all The Bandits searching around.

 "Man, there's a lot more the closer we get to it," said Alan.

 "Well, what you expect is their base is right at the light," said Ian.

 "What is our plan then? It going to get harder," said Jess.

 "We wait for a good opening," said Ian. "We should rest while we can. I will take the first watch." 

 "Alright," said Alan. They all go and rest for a while.


 Schaffe gets up and goes to check downstairs of the church and sees the Alligator Creature is still down there and is just waiting around.

 "I guess I have no choice here to use a grenade on it," said Schaffe. He gets a grenade out and tosses it down at it. The Alligator Creature went to check as it did it blew in front of it. After the explosion, he looks down and sees the Alligator Creature was obliterated by the grenade. He heads downstairs. 


 He starts a fire and starts cooking some of the Creature's meat to eat something. He takes a bite out of it.

 "Hey this shit not too bad," said Schaffe. He continued to eat till he was full and put s out the fire by kicking dirt into it. Schaffe checks his equipment before he takes off. Schaffe knew he be at Phantom's lair by nightfall. He knows once he heads in could be his last stand. Schaffe starts to make his way to Phantom's Lair.