The Commonwealth

Schaffe and them finally return home to the MVP Arena. They unpack their things and prepare to head out to the Commonwealth to find Phil at the Commonwealth Institute of Technology. Schaffe with new clothes on was packing weapons into a black truck which they planned to take there to the commonwealth with Jess.

 "So, what are you going to do when you get there?" asked Jess.

 "Well, at the moment I'm just making sure that this is not another person who wants to end my life," said Schaffe. Ian walks in with Sara.

 "Hey," said Ian. Schaffe sees Sara is with him and turns around.

 "What is up? Another Job? Sorry but I am following an interesting lead now," said Schaffe.

 "yes, I heard that Phil could be alive. But I am here because you learned about your eye's special ability," said Sara.

 "If you think I am mad about it. Forget it. I do not care about it now," said Schaffe.

 "Figured as much," said Ian.

 "Well, hopefully you guys find out what going on. But why would he hide after Max left," said Sara.

 "I have no idea," said Schaffe. "But we will let you know if something comes up when we come back."

 "Alright," said Sara.

 "We better get going," said Schaffe.

 "Yeah, let's go see what he has been doing for the last few years," said Ian. They all get into the truck and start to head down to the Commonwealth Institute of Technology to find Phil.


 They reached the Commonwealth where it was a night out. They pulled up right to the Institute building was destroyed. 

 "Man, this place looks like a dump," said Ian.

 "About two hundred years this place was a battle site between two factions or even more and this was the aftermath," said Alan.

 "Damn, must a been rough," said Schaffe. "So, where the hell is Phil then?" They get out of the truck and start to search the area for any clues from Phil.

 They would eventually find something strange it was a Synth robot sitting at a desk looking like he was waiting for something. Schaffe looks closer at it till it looks up at him and looks like it scanned him.

 "Schaffe Deathclaw," said The Old Synth.

 "Ah, yeah that is me?" questioned Schaffe.

 "You and your party have been invited to enter the Institute," said The Old Synth. "Prepare for warp." 

 "What?" questioned Ian. They were then teleported down below the ruins. 


 They appeared in a place that looked like it from the future. It was full of Humans and Synths working together.

 "Whoa, this place looks pretty cool," said Ian.

 "What is this place?" asked Schaffe. A Synth comes up to them which was a guard for the place.

 "Schaffe Deathclaw, you have been invited by Phil for a visit. Please follow me. I will escort you to Phil's residence," said The Synth Guard.

 "Are you a robot too?" questioned Ian. He thinks he is a person. 

 "Yes, I am," said The Synth Guard. He leads them to where Phil is living in this place.