The Cloaked Man

 Schaffe was walking through the ruins of Philadelphia. It was quiet for a place that should be swarming with Deathclaws.

 "Man, feels like a walk in the park," said Schaffe. He would hear footsteps coming up the road and there he saw a man who was dressed in a brown cloak with a hood that covered his identity and Schaffe barely saw his face. He stood there glaring at Schaffe.

 "Are you a ghost?" asked The Cloaked Man.

 "No, I am pretty real pal," said Schaffe.

 "How are you here in front of me?" questioned The Cloaked Figure.

 "Because I am not you," said Schaffe as he figured out who this man was. The Cloaked Man before him was this Reality's former Schaffe Deathclaw now known as Diablo.

 "So, you must be the one who slayed Gula," said Diablo. 

 "Yeah, I will be honest with you. I am not happy with how you are dealing with things," said Schaffe. Diablo starts to laugh at that remark.

 "It feels like it has been ages since I laughed like this," said Diablo. "I can tell you are not like me."

 "That's right I fought my demons and chose to accept my past laying my Diablo to rest," said Schaffe.

 "I see you are from another reality where this never happened," said Diablo. "This is a strange fate."

 "Why do this? You decide to betray everyone for what?" asked Schaffe.

 "That is none of your business. I did it because I wanted to do it. I chose to be Diablo-like you chose to be Schaffe," said Diablo. He turns around and starts to walk to the strange tower.

 "Maybe there still," said Schaffe before Diablo interrupts him.

 "There is no going back now. Next time we meet we are enemies. I would pray we would never meet again," said Diablo. He would leave and head back to his Strange Tower.

 "You did not choose to be Diablo. You chose to stay afraid of yourself," said Schaffe.


 Schaffe returned to the camp before nightfall. He sees Phil, Punk, and Jess by the fire still.

 "How was it?" asked Phil.

 "Alright, I guess," said Schaffe taking a seat on a rock.

 "Something happened?" asked Punk.

 "I meet him," said Schaffe.

 "What? You saw your counterpart?" questioned Phil.

 "Yeah, I can tell by being the distance he was of this terrifying present," said Schaffe. "He was more shocked to see me there. Then again what expect when you see another you in front of them."

 "I see," said Phil. "So, what's our next move then?"

 "Easy, we go in and kick his ass and go home," said Schaffe.

 "Damn, you got guts," said Phil. "Well, here could show him what you made of. She just told us that she and another leader are planning a raid on a slave camp where they plan to free people from another deadly sin beast. This could be our chance to show these people how good of a man you are." 

 "Ah, the perfect chance it seems," said Schaffe.

 "She wants us to help free the people but I think what you should do is defeat the beast there that why people can see you mean business," said Phil.

 "Sounds like a good plan," said Schaffe with a smile.