Invidia, The True Monster


 Schaffe and his group made the circus tent it was quiet as they saw no deathclaws as it was abandoned in this place.

 "Strange, it's quiet around here," said Phil.

 "Just be careful. These freaks will try everything to get rid of us now," said Schaffe. They head inside the Circus tent and see what horrors await them inside.


 They step in and see a bunch of empty seats with a single light shining down on a large creature in the center of the tent. They walk closer to it with their weapons at the ready.

 "Ah, you finally came Schaffe Deathclaw," said Invidia who was the creature in the middle. He gets up he is a large creature with a heavy-set humanoid body that is covered with leather around his torso. He had a short head that was covered in makeup that made him look like a clown with two black horns on his head. He had red eyes a large mouth full of shark teeth with a menacing smile. He had a large tail.

 "You must be the last of Sin Beasts?" questioned Schaffe.

 "Yes, I am Invidia. To think I would meet Diablo's former self and kill him," said Invidia.

 "You think? Sorry pal but this is where your story ends," said Schaffe. He raises his sword.

 "I'll rip you to shreds," said Invidia. He seems to unveil he has a scythe under his cloak and starts to attack him. Schaffe blocks his attack with his blade. Phil and the others get back and start to fire their guns at Invidia who does not move and gets hit in his torso and they hear a horrible scream from underneath.

 "The fuck was that?" questioned Schaffe. Invidia starts to chuckle at what has happened.

 "You want to know? Well allow me to show you what I have under my cloak," said Invidia. He rips off his cloak and they all look horrified at what they saw. Invidia had a bunch of human faces seen on him all over his torso.

 "What the fuck?" questioned Phil in shock which was followed by Punk and Jess who do not know what to say and were frozen in fear at what they saw. Schaffe would see one face on Invidia that was staring at him and he knew who it was. He would see this reality as Ian looking at him.

 "Ian?" asked Schaffe.

 "It feels like it has been ages since I saw you. I wish it was not like this," said The Other Ian. "You know what you must do to free us from this torture." 

 "Can you kill your friend…," said Invidia while laughing only to watch Schaffe raises his head and glare at him with hatred and was enraged at what he saw and slashed upward with the Deathclaw Slayer. Nivida stumbles back and before he can react Schaffe already impales him through his stomach as the people on it start screaming he picks up the blade with one and throws him to the ground and Schaffe starts hacking up in a blind rage until the screaming and Invidia was nothing but a messy pile of flesh and limbs from Invidia who now dead.

 "I can't believe there was a monster like that?" questioned Punk. Jess sees Schaffe was visibly shaking in rage.

 "Schaffe?" asked Jess.

 "I cannot believe that son of a bitch allowed this thing to do this to Ian! That is if I had enough!" yelled Schaffe. He runs towards the tent wall and cuts it open he sees the strange tower and starts running towards it.

 "Hey! Damn it," said Phil.

 "We should go report what has happened and what is going on," said Jess.

 "Yeah, we do not stand a chance against a sea of deathclaws," said Phil. They leave and head back to base camp to tell them what happens as Schaffe charges towards Diablo's Strange Tower to confront him for the last time.