

 Schaffe and his group were packing up a car as now the battle between them and Diablo was over and they plan to head back home. Schaffe was wearing a new vault suit and he was strapping the Deathclaw Slayer to the top of the car it had been a week since they defeated Diablo. Before they left the other reality counterparts joined them to say goodbye.

 "Well, it has been a hell of a ride," said Schaffe.

 "Indeed, we could have not done it without you guys," said The Other Vince.

 "You could stay," said The Other Jess.

 "Sorry, but we have our place to be," said Schaffe.

 "Figure as much," said The Other Punk. They look and see The Other Sara looks puzzled.

 "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Phil.

 "Well, I was just wondering what we should do next," said The Other Sara.

 "We cannot make that decision, from here it's up to you guys what you do next," said Schaffe.

 "Perhaps it's time we head back home as well," said The Other Vince. "Since Diablo is defeated, we have no reason to stay here."

 "I wish you luck then guys," said Schaffe. They get into the car and begin their drive to Commonwealth. 


 They would be stopped out of the city by Amon waiting for them. Schaffe and Phil get out of the car and see him.

 "Good job in taking care of him," said Amon.

 "What will you do next? You are the last of the Deadly Sin Beasts," said Phil.

 "I will take the remainder of Diablo's army of deathclaws to the north into Alaska," said Amon.

 "But the cold could kill you," said Schaffe.

 "It's the least I can do for what I have done," said Amon. "As you can tell I cannot go back to normal life." 

 "I see," said Schaffe. "I am happy at least we could say goodbye then."

 "Of course, and farewell," said Amon. They would watch Amon take off and fly away.

 "Goodbye, Alan," said Schaffe. They get back into the car and continue their journey home.


 They were at the strange generator which was the thing that sent them here.

 "Alright, just input what you did last time," said Phil.

 "Okay," said Schaffe. He starts typing in what he did last time and activates and they get engulfed by a huge light.


 They found themselves in front of the same computer they were at with all the people staring at them in shock.

 "Did we make it back?" asked Jess. They watched as Ian walked in he yawned and had a cigarette in his mouth.

 "Morning," said Ian with a yawn.

 "What? Ian you are still here?" asked Punk.

 "Bro, it has only been maybe ten minutes since you guys went to do this," said Ian.

 "What it has been only ten minutes?" questioned Phil. Schaffe checks the terminal and sees this is correct.

 "Shit," said Schaffe. He starts typing away on the terminal. "Everyone, get out it going to blow!" They all run out of the room and the generator blows up unknown to them Schaffe is rigged to explode so it is never used again.

 Meanwhile back in the other realty The Other Jess and Punk were on a hill outside of Albany. They stuck four wooden planks in the ground.

 "We should head back," said The Other Punk.

 "Yeah, it is time we head back before dark," said The Other Jess. They left the four planks there which were four graves of their friends that had fallen and read the following from the right, Ian Smokeroach, Alan the Ghoul, Phil from Rhode Island, and finally, Schaffe Deathclaw.


 Schaffe was in the arena setting up the garage door into his deathclaw pin. Jess comes in and sees what he is doing.

 "What are you doing?" asked Jess.

 "Just keeping my word," said Schaffe. He opens the door to the deathclaw pin and all the deathclaws gather to it. "Go get lost and never come back." The deathclaws start running out of the building heading to the unknown world. One looked at him who was the mother of them and before she left, she licked his face before she chased after her kin. 

 "You think it was a good idea to release at least a dozen deathclaws?" asked Jess.

 "Who knows really but I think I am done with deathclaws after all that bullshit," said Schaffe.


 Schaffe and Jess joined the others who were in the kitchen about to eat dinner.

 "To think another me made this," said Ian looking at the Deathclaw Slayer.

 "It was helpful in that world," said Schaffe.

 "Well, I tell you what it is something I would never forget," said Phil.

 "To think we were only gone for ten minutes," said Jess.

 "Yeah, we like there for a month it felt," said Punk.

 "I am just glad it's over and we can return to our normal," said Schaffe.

 "We should start a project again," said Phil. "I have a few ideas like making a bunch of robots."

 "Sure, but let's take a break first," said Schaffe.


 Eventually, five thousand years would pass. On a hill, a young man looked at a city that was created by Schaffe, Phil, and Ian which brought humanity back from the post-apocalypse era.