Case 10: Return of the Bronze Dragon

In the Forest of California a pack of Wolfs we making their patrol, some of them nod to the humans that are camping on the area, they arrived where one camping site were asking for their help, one of them shift into his human form and found the men that were in the camping site.

"Everything ok?" asks the wolf

"We are ok, but we both heard screams and strong quake on that direction" said the camper

The Wolfs nod and shape-shift again, heading to the direction where the man pointed. They arrive to a place call the earth sanctuary, the lead wolf shape-shift again and walk inside the sanctuary, when he arrived at the end of it, he found the body of another Wolf, one of the warriors of the neighbor pack and then he sees a broken statue.

He turns his face "Call the Alpha we have a huge problem in our hands" he commanded the other Wolf "We have an emergency"

Otto is walking toward his desk, with a swing and happy mode, Aron is talking to Scarlet about the plans for a new Lab, since the Forensic Lab is still burn and in the process of reconstructing a new Lab, so Nicolas and Scarlet are in the same office as they are, Aron is watching as his beloved mate is working in the computer, but then both of them look at Otto.

"Did something happen Otto? You look so happy" ask Nicolas

"Let's just say that this New Year I am going to find the woman of my dream, at least that is what the tetra card lady said" said Otto

Aron chuckle "You in a commitment? That is something I got to see"

"Otto you can't trust any Tetra Card woman, most of the predictions that she says is just scams" sigh Titania

Scarlet push Aron out of her desk "Said the person that has been after me since High School. Otto I am sure that this girl is wonderful, also don't listen to things that other people says"

Otto thank Scarlet for the wise words, then the elevator open revealing some intimidating people, well built like Aron, they walk like they own the place, when they stop a demon to ask around, the demon pointed at the area where they are sitting. Aron stood up waiting for the intimated people or demons could come closer. They stop at their tracks, in front of Aron, he greeted them, but they didn't move a muscle to say even hello.

"My name is Nelson Fang, I am the Alpha Wolf of the Forest of California, I am here looking for the Bronze Dragon, is he here?" Said Nelson

Aron stood proud, he even is putting some dominance of his status of the Golden Dragon, which made some of the Wolf bow their heads a bit.

"My name is Aron James Kingston, I am the Golden Dragon of New Glacier, what business do you have with Otto?" ask Aron

The Alpha Wolf and the Alpha Dragon were staring eye to eye, then Scarlet got in between them, Nelson got impress by her bold move, but he could smell Aron all over her, meaning that they are lovers, he sees a man that looks at them in confusion, he walk toward the Wolf and stare at them closely.

Otto studies him and his aura, when he got closer he understood his aura more "You are White Fang's descendant, you are a White wolf" said Otto confuse "How do I know this?"

"Because the Bronze Dragon used to be White Fang's best friend, in any case my pack and I need your help Bronze Dragon, there is something you should see and restore, and you must come with us to The Forest of California" said Nelson

Aron, Titania and Nicolas eyes widen, as for Scarlet she kind of suspected, the White Wolf is one with nature, which could be a great teacher for the Bronze Dragon, however Otto is not aware that his power is not showing much progress like Aron's. Otto reject the order that the Alpha is giving him, Nelson growl at the rejection and was going to pass over Aron to get to Otto, but Scarlet push him, hard, away and gently push Aron, Scarlet tap the Wolf's chest using mores codes she spoke to the Wolf «Meet me at the roof in 15 minutes". The wolfs left and Aron back off, he grunt and order Otto to not get near him, Scarlet knows that Aron is just protecting his friend and companion, but Otto's powers is the only one that hasn't evolve since the fight with the Salamander incident.

Scarlet open the roof door to see only the Alpha and his Beta there, knowing the Wolf rule, the Beta is the second in command and his best friend, if the Alpha isn't available, but he is also his guard dog.

"Thank you for coming here" said Scarlet

"What do you want to talk to me human woman?" grunted Nelson

"Stop grunting me or you'll be sorry, you might had a match with the Golden Dragon, but trust me you do not want one with me" said Scarlet glaring at the wolf

"Why you..." said Nelson when he was interrupted by Scarlet

"I wonder how Master Tensei is doin? I mean the great four reunions was not too long ago" said Scarlet

Nelson shut his mouth fast then watch her confuse "How on earth do you know about Tensei?" ask Nelson

"I know him, because he is the one that train me to control my powers and taught me how to mask them with my human scent" she look at Nelson head on "My name is Scarlet Hope Walker and I am the Black Dragon, no one knows about this, only a few knows, that includes Master Tensei, I know why are you here and why do you need Otto. Is about the earth sanctuary, isn't?" ask Scarlet

Nelson sigh in defeat, knowing Tensei he could had told her about the sanctuary, Nelson explain to Scarlet everything that has been happening in the Forest and why they need the Bronze Dragon's help. Scarlet took the liberty to explain the Wolf that Otto can't help them due to the problem in awakening his full potential power, but she also explain to them that the Great Four demons are almost equals to the Dragons, they could teach him and maybe he might help the Forest and the earth sanctuary. The Alpha Wolf agree to it and promise to keep the Black Dragon secret; the next morning the Alpha Wolf came to the office and requested the help of the Bronze Dragon and this time, he made the proposition of teaching the Bronze Dragon to unleash his powers , Aron was about to disagree, but Otto came cross him.

"Aron I know that you want to keep the team together, but if I could control my powers imagine what I could do with it? Besides you are evolving faster than any of us here, I think is time for us to evolve too and to find our own path in order to protect our city and it's people, don't you think?" Said Otto before he agree with the wolfs

The next day Otto left the agency and went with the Wolfs back to the forest of California, their ride is very long and the Alpha Wolf is teaching Otto their way to listen the nature, he said o him that nature is much alive and if he could connect with it, it will connect whit him. Otto didn't understood that, but he could try, he has good senses but he is limiting himself and Nelson could see it, he saw how afraid is Otto if he gets farther than his limits. He started to teach him theory instead of practice, which way when they arrived in the pack he could train with the other Wolfs and not be left behind. In every stop they made, Nelson push Otto to an isolated area where he could use his powers the problem or him was that he started to limited himself and hesitated. Nelson meeting the Black Dragon and know that Tensei is the one that train her; he started to wonder what methods he use on her. Nelson walks toward the SUV and pick up his phone, he dial Tensei's number, on the third ring he answer.

"Is rare for you to call me Nelson, unless is an emergency?" said Tensei

"Cut the chit chat Crow, I need some advice from someone like you and is quite an embarrassment" said Nelson

"You? Of all the demons around the world, you are asking me for advice? You? I hear it and I can't believe it" chuckle Tensei

"Hard to believe? Yes, but since you are the one that train the Black Dragon, maybe you could help me with my training with the Bronze one?!" whisper yells Nelson

The line was silence for a few minutes, then Nelson could hear a sigh, after that he heard a lot of cursing in Japanese language, the small little things he could understand were like burning her to hell and cut her in a billion pieces then he heard the phone been grab again.

"You know about Scarlet Walker then?" ask Tensei "Scarlet is different from the other Dragons, her powers were given to her earlier than plan, in the result that I had to wait until she graduate from High School in order to bring her here in Japan and teach her how to use Wind and lightning, since that is what her powers are. Now the Bronze Dragon is different, his powers comes from nature, he has to be train so rounded by nature and find his motivation to make his powers surface, unlike Scarlet, her motivation is to protect her close one, and eradicate those that try to hurt her or them, find his motivation and you'll have the key to train him" explain Tensei

After wield of explaining and orientating him, they finish their conversation in the end Tensei remind him that he isn't a Crow, that he is a Raven and hung up. Nelson walks back to the car they came from getting ready to be back on the road. Once they arrived at the pack, everyone is a little on edge, not because the sanctuary has been attack, but the fact that the Bronze Dragon is amongst them. Nelson took Otto to the pack house and led him toward his office, where they both sat down and stated to talk. Nelson ask Otto his personal life, like his birthday, his favorite hobby, anything that could tell Nelson that motivated Otto, and yet he did not find anything, he studies Otto, he is well built, tall, his hair his a light brown color, and his eyes are green with tints of yellow in it, in Nelson's eyes Otto is like a human men to him, but that brought him to Scarlet's appearance, her scent is human, but she is far from that, she is indeed the Black Dragon, her eyes confirm it. Nelson is working on investigating Otto from a distance to see his potential.

Otto is training with the other Wolf's, some of them became friends other were just jealous because he is the one that is going to save the pack and the forest. Nelson is in his window watching how he interacts with his pack members, Otto is really friendly, and that is not normal for a Dragon to be, Scarlet and Tensei told him that he is very hesitant, and that Scarlet had to learn to stop been hesitant, is a level that you kill or get kill, there is no room for hesitant.

Is been three weeks that Otto arrived at the Pack, he feels that his body is growing physically, but he doesn't feel that his powers are growing, Nelson walk toward him, he feels that he is ready for the real training to begging.

"Good day Otto, how is your training going" said Nelson

"Good day Alpha Nelson, my training is going great, but I feel that I lack something else" said Otto looking at his hand

"That is because you are lacking something else, you see this week we wanted to make your body as hard as we can, because the Bronze Dragon has to be tough like a rock, hesitant is not an answer" said Nelson when he sighs "A companion of mine used to train a Dragon like yourself" mention Nelson

Otto's eyes widen "This companion of your train Titania? Aron? or Kurohi?" ask Otto with sad eyes knowing that the Black Dragon pass away two months ago

Nelson eyes narrow, he never heard the name of Kurohi before "Who is this Kurohi person?" ask Nelson

Otto raise his eye "Kurohi was the Black Dragon, she pass away two months ago, so" said Otto

Nelson understood, Kurohi is a Japanese name for Black Scarlet, so Scarlet use her master's last name to hide her identity from the world, to know that Scarlet and Kurohi are the same person, but he didn't mention this to Otto, beside he made a promise to the Black Dragon to keep her secret safe.

"Kurohi is the name she used to keep her true self hidden, I know her in a different name, but yes, my comrade train Kurohi in the most brutal way since she receive her power in a younger state than you and the other Dragons. My companion train a young teen day and night until she collapse or ended up sick, she was very hesitant to hurt others despite her superior power, it took my companion two years to break an innocent teen, she ended up learning to stop been hesitant and to keep in mind to be kill or get kill, and that is what I am going to do, I am going to break that hesitant part of you and make you a worthy Bronze Dragon" said Nelson determinant

Nelson took Otto inside the forest, where he could properly train him, he made Otto stay in the middle and his beta blind fold him, Otto was confuse until he felt a big pain coursing in his stomach. Otto crouches down and coughs hard.

"First training is your instincts, you got good ones when you are aware of the situation, but in time where you need to learn how to defend yourself when you can't see, your training is to dodge and attack your enemy without seeing" explain Nelson

Otto raise from the floor, he stood in defensive mode, he started to listen, but the moment when he was about to strike his master dodge him. They been keeping this on until night falls, Otto is on the floor panting hard, he removes his blind fold off and got surprise how long he lasted. Nelson got near him, he gave him a helping hand to stand up, Otto look at himself he was bruise and in pain, but he realize that Nelson is taking him easy and not the hard way, that is what then hit him, he was right, he is been hesitant because he doesn't want to hurt people or any supernatural creature, but in order to fully get his powers and make it his own he has to stop been hesitant, he has to train the same way Kurohi had to train, hardworking, if she could be a Black Dragon since she was a teenager, he could be the Bronze Dragon in a matter of days. He left the room and headed to the forest, we wanted to grasp, what his teacher wanted to teach him, so he close his eyes and sat down on the floor, then it hit him, when he is blind folded and on foot he couldn't grasp what he wanted to see in the dark, instead he use his hands and he could feel every vibration and every movements on the ground, the he felt it, someone was behind him, when the intruder took a step closer, Otto could feel the vibration, like a sonar receiving its waves, in that moment, he punch the ground to create a stone wall toward his enemy, he stood up, but this time he was barefoot, the enemy moves and Otto could see him, he dodge and counter attack on his enemy, when he was about to jump him, Otto stomp the ground making a boulder rise and hit his enemy, the guy fell to the ground clutching his stomach. Otto snort at the guy when he was taking his blind fold off, that is when he sees the beta of the pack on the ground, and he moves his head and sees the Alpha of the pack.

"Jesus Christ, Nelson and Patrick, I could kill you both!" said Otto

Nelson risen from the ground "But you didn't hesitate and that is good, for now the blind fold technic will be our best bet in fighting for now, since we need to polish that instinct of yours" said Nelson "Also you use your powers as an extension of your body, not as a tool and that is what I want to see in the battle" smile Nelson

Otto became proud of himself, he is getting the hand of his powers, well a small portion of it, according to Nelson the Bronze Dragon could create massive earthquakes that could destroy an entire city, but Otto isn't ready for such technic yet. Most of the time he spends training his instinct and making boulders float so he could use them as an extension and not as tool, it took him more than a week to understand the gravity of the earth and the strength he has on the boulders he is making float. That same day, Nelson and the rest of the pack took Otto to the sanctuary where their problems began a few weeks ago.

The moment they arrived, Otto felt a sick aura around it, like it was hunted or a dark malice was taking over the place. Otto got closer, but he Wolf's didn't that confirms Otto's suspicions, they are afraid of what is in there, so he continue on inside the sanctuary, he find the place very familiar, then and image of a great Dragon appears with a human men on his side.

"The earth stone you created with my blood and yours, would bring my descendant here to repair it?" said the human

"That I would not know, but if the stone is ever broken or stolen, your descendant with my power will create a new one to restore balance in the earth, but that is something I must teach his dragon to bond with him, otherwise he will lose himself into the instinct and he won't be the same afterward, just like big brother Black Dragon, trying to protect us, the Black Soccer took advantage and took control over him, just because he hurt Oro"said the Bronze Dragon

"But how will you help him and his Dragon to create a new stone? My lineage could take centuries and something like this could happen again" said the Human

"Fear not my Tamer, he just has to meditated in the center of the sanctuary, there I will meet him or her and teach her" said the Bronze Dragon

The image disappears from Otto's view, now he heads to the center of the sanctuary where the Bronze Dragon told him to go. He went down, down and down, it felt like he was going to the center of the earth, when he arrived, there was a center with circles around one another, he reach the middle of it and sat down like and Indian, he close his eyes and took deep breaths .

When he opens his eyes, the air was clean, the grass is very green and soft, he stood up and walks for a bit, there was a mountain and waterfalls nearby, he was amaze by such beauty.

"Welcome Chosen one" said a voice he recognize

Otto turns around to see the same Bronze Dragon, he look strong and his skin was made by rocks and pebbles, his orange eyes look at Otto's, he was an amazing Dragon.

The dragon chuckle "I am guessing that you must be impress by my appearance?" said the dragon "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Bronze Dragon, Tuck; I was one a very strong earth dragon, leader of all the creature of the earth and nature, your ancestors came to study the earths trembling, until meet my tamer, your ancestor, we connected, but fate took a bad turn on us, when the war was over between the humans a last remaining Dragons, your ancestor was badly injured, we both created the earth sanctuary in case that something like this could happen, after his death, his beloved wife had a son, and that child grew and had a daughter and son, they grew to have their line, in their line my power grew within the child, but it was not ready to surface until you were born, the reincarnation of my former tamer, but you were so little that my powers weren't ready awaken into your little body, but in the end, you weren't ready mentally nor physically. Until today, I will teach you how to obtain your dragon and how to bond with him or her, that way once you are both bonded, a new stone will appear much stronger and durable. I must warn you, once you bonded with your Dragon, you will become immortal and forever rule over the earth being, my question to you is, are you ready to become King of the Earth?" ask Tuck to Otto

Otto was taken back, the Bronze Dragon himself is going to teach Otto, he knows that there is no turning back after this, he has to take responsibility for his powers and actions, no more hiding behind Aron or Titania, he as to walk beside them if he wants to be the Bronze Dragon he is asking to be, without hesitation he responded to the Bronze Dragon "Yes, I am ready to walk beside my other companions, no, I am ready to walk beside my Brother and Sister" said Otto

The Bronze Dragon narrow his eyes, his reincarnated tamer is much more stronger and less hesitant, he made a small roar where a lot of Dragons flew around them and landed in circles, Tuck told Otto that his dragon has to bond with him and that he has to create that bond, by searching each other soul. Otto took the time to search into each dragon's eyes, then his eyes landed in one dragon in particular, his skin is brown with orange eyes, his wings are green like the color of Autumn leafs, his eyes landed on Otto's, he likes his new found friend. When the rest of the dragons flew away the Bronze Dragon walk toward the unbounded pair.

"Now you must permanently bound your dragon, by taming it" said Tuck

The dragon growl at Otto and started to attack him, Otto didn't understand what was going on, he dodge every attack that the dragon was doing, he didn't waned to hurt it, so he took the blind fold out of his pocket and cover his eyes, he use his hands to sense the next attack, he dodge and counter attack his prey, he felt the dragon breathing in, as for Otto he was holding his hands to make the same thing, the dragon blew a gas of position in the air, Otto cover himself with a rock barrier, some of the gas is coming inside, but not much to defeat him, he knows that he need more than just brute force to tame his dragon, on his mind he beg for some help.

In the agency, Scarlet is working in the computer late at night like always, Aron was on her side taking a nap after chasing five criminals for an entire day, he is knock out after he paper work. Then she felt a line connecting to her back of her mind, she felt that sensation and couldn't concentrate, she left her desk and walk toward the roof where she lock it, so no one could interrupt her then Scarlet create a similar circle pattern on the ground with the winds, electric current rounding her up making the circle much more noticeable, her dragon Shadow came in front of her.

"Otto needs some support, let's give him a helping hand shall we?" said Scarlet smirking at Shadow as the dragon nods

Scarlet close her eyes and meditate, were she is now inside her mind, she turns around to see Shadow ready to fly, she closed her eyes again and let the dragon cover her in the darkness making her shape-shift into a black dragon. In the physical world, Scarlet's body made a purple glow and her Black Dragon soul flew away toward Otto's. The Wolf's saw a black purple light go inside the sanctuary, the purple light enter the gate way toward Otto's mind.

Otto was losing his consciousness with both Dragons, he isn't strong enough to possess it, when the Dragon hit his barrier with its tail, breaking it and throwing him on the ground, the Dragon was about to blast it's poisonous gas at him, when another Dragon push the other away, Otto look toward the new Dragon, this Dragon flaps his wings and it reveals the Black Dragon. Tuck is impressing to see his brother on this new Bronze Dragons mind.

"I am impress, you manage to enter his mind with ease, Black Dragon" said Tuck

The Black Dragon roar "This is a test?! You are willingly trying to kill him?! Even I made it difficult to the Black Dragon to bonded with me, but this is beyond my expectation, beside every tamer must know how to tame a dragon!" said the Black Dragon

Tuck realize something unfamiliar with the Black Dragon "You are not my brother, who are you?" ask Tuck

"I am Shadow, the Black Dragon's Dragon, she is not one to please with sweet words, but she is one to protect her friends" said Shadow

Otto's eyes widen, to hear that the Black Dragon is alive and that she send her Dragon to protect him, then the Dragon that Otto chose lower its head, they respect him, Otto raise himself from the ground, then Shadow lean his head toward Otto's forehead, then an image came to his mind, he sees a teenage woman running and dodging Shadow's attacks, she was injured badly, then she made a symbols that made chains around her body and chaining Shadow with her, she weaken him and bonded with him, she push him on the ground, she grin at him saying «You are mine». Shadow removed his head from Otto and nods at him, with that he disappeared into the shadows.

Scarlet open her eyes to see Shadow grinding at him "So I'm guessing that it works" said Scarlet and Shadow lean his head purring with happiness

Back to Otto, he stood up, glaring at his Dragon he meditate harder and a circle with his Dragon symbols then a few chains came out and lock on his Dragon, the Dragon wanted to ran away, but the chains got to it, in the moment Otto knows that he has capture his Dragon, he lean toward it.

"Finally I caught you" said Otto with a smile

Tuck smirk at him and disappeared in thin air, meaning that he is good hands, the Dragon smile at him and purr in satisfaction. Otto open his eyes and he finds that there is a stone in his hands, he stood up and saw a pedestal of the Bronze Dragon, he sees that there is a place where he can put the stone, once he does that, the sanctuary comes to life.

In that moment, Otto took his phone and writes a message to Aron. That evening, Aron receive a test from Otto, he got out of bed, leaving a sleeping Scarlet alone in the room. He walk toward the living room and sat down, he open the phone rubing his eyes a bit by the lack of sleep.

Greetings Aron, how are you doing? Listen, I realize that I need more training on my powers in order to have fully control of it, so I am staying with the Wolf pack here in California until I am ready to leave with confidence and courage. I had managed to get my Dragon, now I have to learn to fight a long side with it. Please forgive me and also I have a feeling that things might get worst, so be on your guard. Your pal Otto Maroon

P.S: I get the feeling that Kurohi is alive and that there is something that the past is telling us that a war is coming soon.