Chapter 1 (Josephs POV) Somethings Missing...

I looked at the buck that was not too far away from me. The weak part of me was telling me not to do what it was that I was planning on doing. I knew that the life of every animal mattered. Maybe besides the lives of the dragons, John, as I turned my head over to him, had told me a lot about dragons.

All that I knew was that they were evil, and I had to believe them as well. They had killed my mother, and they had tried to kill me as well, they had burnt down a large city and killed thousands of people just to make sure that I was dead.

Sadly for them though, I was still alive. They made a big mistake on that attack, they had to know that some of the people would survive that attack on a large city. It would spread all around the nation, that yes, dragons were not just a hoax.

I always thought they were, and that they were just written in short little stories. Maybe those stories had a different meeting, they would always bring up evil black dragons... It was all starting to nake sense to me now. I closed my eyes, trying to clear my head of all of those thoughts.

I needed to focus on the task that I was doing right now, which was hunting for food to feed us for the next couple of days. We had done good so far, over the last year out in the wild, food was fairly easy to come by, but it came as a risk as well of being found by dragons.

They were practically everywhere nowadays, I was pretty sure that everyone in the nation knew that they were real at this point. At least that is what the members of Johns old group had been telling everyone. The government was apparently trying to calm down people and bring them into the army as well.

I knew that our time was coming soon as well, I was not sure if John had wanted me to hear it, but I had been sneaking in on their conversations to hear what it was that they had to say. You could not blame me either, I was worried for quite a while that John was here for a different reason.

I had heard from the dragons in one of the visions that some of the humans were on the side of the dragons... I do not understand how that could be so either, they did know that they were just going to end up killing those humans as well right?

I shook my head, as I saw John looking at me with a squinted look. He was waiting for me to shoot, and I had wasted a lot of time already. I was lucky enough that the buck had not moved away either. I pulled out the string, and then shot my arrow at the buck.

But he and I both knew that I was not paying attention, the buck had moved a little bit, and I was not aiming at the direction of it at all. The arrow whizzed past the back side of the buck, and the buck turned its head right away, trying to see where the shot might have come from.

He sat there for a few moments, justing turning its head back and forth, trying to see what it was that had made that shot from right behind us. For a few moments I thought that we might be safe, and that we might get another chance to kill the buck.

I then cursed myself for thinking that thought in my head, as the buck ran off away from us. I tried to shoot another arrow at it quickly before it got too far away, but this time the arrow was even further away from the buck.

John looked at me, and I saw no emotions in his face whatsoever. I knew what he was going to say to me next, and I made sure to he ready for it this time, because once again, I had failed us... What good was I if I could not even do a simple task like getting food on the table?

Even my father and Uncle had gone around going hunting from time to time, not to mention the fact that they cleaned up around our camp. I often left my tent trashed up, and I would walk back in after "a long day" to see that it was all clean.

I knew that John had high hopes for me, and I was even worried for myself as well. All the stories that he had told me about my uncle were great stories... I wish I could be like him, but based off of the stories, and the great things that I had heard about him, I don't think that I could ever reach that level.

And I knew that he was not trying to hype my uncle up, and trying and give me a boost of energy either, his pals that had come around camp a few times had also shared the same stories as him. I wish I could say it were true like he said, that I could reach a potential above him.

I did not know that my uncle had ever planned on me joining a part of the legion of dragons. Apparently he had spoken to my mother about it, but my mother did her best to hide all of what had happened in the past from me, just like the rest of humanity.

If I would have known about all of this, then maybe things would have been completely different. Or maybe I would have gone crazy, and ended up in a prison like my father was. I knew now that it was not my fathers fault that he had gotten there in the first place.

He looked at me for a few more moments, and my head dropped down to the ground. I was a bit embarrassed, this was not the first time that I had failed him like this. At this point, it was too many to count by now, a lot in the last year that we had been out here. I looked back up at John, as I realized that he had begun speaking to me.

"Joseph... This is not your fault, you are not to blame for the thoughts that get envelept inside of your brain. I get it, you are worried... Just come back to camp with me, we can talk to Uncle about this with you. Padre should have some food cooking up for us as well." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, and then nodded.

It came as a bit of a surprise to me this time, because normally he was a bit rougher on me than the way that he was acting right now. Maybe he was starting to realize that all of this was beginning to catch up to me now. It was really putting me into a deep mental state the more and more I thought on it.

I looked at him for a few moments, and then gratefully nodded to him. Unless my father or Uncle had gone out to hunt for us today, which I had my doubts on that, than Padre could be potentially holding the last of the camps food in his hands...

I knew that Padre was a semi smart guy as well, he would for sure ration out the food as well. John put his hand on my shoulder, and then he nodded for me to follow after him. After I began to see him walk away from me, I jogged to catch up with him.

He did not say anything about it this time, as we kept on walking back to camp, which was luckily not too far away from us. I could not see it in the distance due to all of the trees. Which was a good thing as well, it kept us alive from all of the dragons.

Our city was just the first of many cities that had been attacked. They had gone out for my blood first, and once they had realized that they had not gotten. They knew that they had to get as much blood as they could, before I realized who they were and what they were doing.

I had kept having those visions, but I still was not quite that sure why they kept on visiting me over and over again. The purple dragon was starting to catch on as well, and I could tell he was trying to fake a lot of what it was that he said.

He was a fairly good liar, but I could mainly tell that he was lying because of the other dragons that were around him, and the looks of confusion on their faces. I did not say anything to him any more, I just watched the meetings that he was having with his men.

He would notice me near the end, and he would smile at me, as if he was trying to scare me, or to get into my head. He had done a good job the first couple of times, but he was no longer doing that to me. I would just tell John about what I had in the visions, and he would not to me, listening to what it was that I said, but he did not say anything about it.

I wondered if he actually believed what it was that I said to him. Surely he did right? He believed in my Uncle, so he had to believe in me as well... I shook my head, as I noticed that we were walking into camp. Padre looked at me, and then he nodded, as he was working on the camp fire to make the food just as John had expected.

I saw Uncle, and my father sitting near a log, both just waiting for the food to be done. Neither of them was looking at each other, nor speaking to each other as well. It was if they had their minds trapped in different places as well.

I looked around for a few moments, as if I was expecting to see Julia and Mariah with us as well. I had gotten attached to having them around with me at all times, and that short time span had expanded to up to a year now.

I still wish it were not true, I was fairly sure that they had died in my place, and if they had not, they had ran out somewhere in the streets, not even bothering to wait for me... The dragons would have caught them there as well... Nowhere was safe that day.

Hell... If they somehow made it out of the city as well, where were they to go after that? I shook my head, I should not worry about it, I should get over the fact that they were gone... Even if they were not dead, which I doubted, then I would never see them again anyways.

John nodded to me to head over to my father and Uncle. I looked back at him, and nodded back to him as well. I walked over to them, and then sat down on the log close to my father. I sat there as a few moments, as it seemed they did not acknowledge the fact that I had sat beside them.

My father sat there for a few moments, and I saw him staring at the ground, I saw a sad look on his face. I knew that he missed my mother, and regretted the decisions that he had made with her while she was still alive.

He had confessed all of the wrong decisions that he had made with her and the rest of us as well. I was not too sure about what he said, but if he really meant it, then I suppose I would have to trust him. He was my father after all, even if he was a pretty shit one. I looked up at him as he began to speak.

"Joseph... You can feel it too? Somethings missing..."