Chapter 34 (Jangras POV) Stop!

I sat there completely stiff for just a few moments. My father had no sort of emotion on his face at the moment. This had to be some sort of sacrifice right? I did not know much about the prophecy of the dragon of destiny, but I was quite sure it did not say that I would have to kill my father.

If it did, than there was no way that I was the dragon of destiny. If it did, than my father must be sacrificing his life for the tribe, and for the prophecy to come true... He had his eyes squinted at me, as it was quite clear that he was waiting for me to make the first move.

I could not do it though, even if my father had not done his job as a leader of the tribe, and everyone in the tribe hated him at this point, I was unfortunately not one of the dragons that did hate him. He was still my father, and I still loved him.

I looked around, and I spotted Socra, as I saw that she too had her eyes squinted at me just like my father did. It was clear that she was quite interested in fact on how this was going to play out though. I looked at her, and she could tell that I was scared, as I gulped.

She nodded to me, it seemed as though she believed in me, but based on the looks on the faces of the rest of the dragons in the tribe, they did not seem to have that same look on their face at the moment. I could tell that they were a bit excited for this to play out as well, as it made me a bit sick.

I looked down at the ground, a bit scared and not sure what to do at the moment. I knew that I should not, considering there was a dragon in front of me that had just challenged me for my own life. I could not help it though, as I then looked up, and began to speak a bit louder for the entire tribe to hear.

"I don't want this... The dragon can have his spot as deputy, I refuse to kill my own father, even if he has failed us, I will not do it." I said loud enough for all the dragons that were huddled around the clearing to hear, I saw a lot of disappointed looks on some of the dragons faces.

I did not know how dragons could be excited for a fight like this, when there was a war going on around as right now. We needed to be worried about that, rather than some crap like this. I just did not know how to explain it to the rest of the tribe.

I looked at Socra for a few moments, as she was just silent, as she kept her eyes squinted on me. I was not sure what was going on, nor why she was not saying anything back to me at the moment. Surely it was not allowed for a leader to force dragons to fight right?

Why would she want to see this in the first place? Sure it would be to prove if I was in fact the dragon of destiny, but even if I did, it would kill her best friend, and if I did not, than it would kill me... I knew my father would not kill me, right?

Based off of the look that I saw on his face, I was not so sure if that were true or not. It seemed as though he had no emotions, and I looked at my mother who was behind him, and she had the same sort of look on her face as well, was the tribe really good with this?

It was dead silence in the tribe for just a few moments, as no one said a word, as I waited for Socra to finally decide to speak back to me. I stared her down for just a bit longer, before I heard a dragon speak quietly to its peers, but loud enough for me to hear it at the same time as well.

"I don't think this little guy will be the one killing... I've seen Himla fight with my own eyes before." The female dragon had said to the dragons that she was with. I could almost sense them nodding back to her, as though they were agreeing with what she had just said.

I gulped once again, as I knew that she was right, though I was quite sure that this was still some sort of sacrifice that my father had planned. I knew that he had wanted to die, and go up with my brother for quite some time, as I relaxed myself knowing that as well.

If he was not going to kill me, than I was not going to kill him either, and all of this would be happening for no reason at all. That was the best case scenario though, even if I was the dragon of destiny, I was too young to beat the strongest dragon in existence in a fight.

I sat there for a bit longer, as Socra then looked away from me for some odd reason or another. I looked at her a bit confused as to why she had done that, as I then looked back over to my father, as I suddenly head him begin to speak up to talk after a few more moments of silence had passed.

"This is a battle to the death, you are not allowed to deny these, this is not a battle for leadership..." He said to me. I looked at him for just a few more moments, and then I turned my head over to Socra, just to make sure that he was not making that up.

I saw a lot of the dragons in the tribe were a bit surprised to hear those words come out as well, as I was sure that none of them had ever heard of that either. Socra still had her head turned away whenever I looked at her however, so it was telling me absolutely nothing at all.

Luckily, my father had not just ran at me and tried to fight me as soon as he said that, so I had time to regain myself after hearing him say those words. It still was not good for me to hear him say that though. I looked over at him, as he still had that same blank look on his face.

We just sat there, staring each other down for just a few more moments, until I heard another familiar voice speak up to the whole tribe. I looked over to the dragon, and I saw that it was Ipse, and I could tell that he was a bit worried for me as well, as much like the rest of the tribe, there was little hope that I would win.

I saw all of the dragons that were around the edges of the clearing, as they turned their heads over to Ipse just like me, to hear what it was that he had to say to me. I looked at him with quite the scared look on my face, running out of hope now, thinking that I would in fact have to kill my father. I listened to what he had to say anyways though.

"He is correct, you cannot do this, but it is only between a fight between a family member... Since you are related, it is his decision on whether or not he will go through with this... Are you sure that you want to kill your son Himla?" He said, going straight forward with what he had to say.

He said exactly what the rest of the tribe was thinking as well, they had no hope in me, and I did not have very much in myself either. I closed my eyes, trying to shake off all of the words that had just been said, but it was just too much, too much pain...

I sat there for just a few more seconds, as the tribe seemed to go dead silent once again, and then my father decided to step up, and respond to what it was that Ipse had just said in the first place. I opened my eyes, listening to what it was that he had to say, trying to pay full attention to what it was that he had to say, as I hoped that he would in fact cancel to fight.

"No... I will not go back on what I have said... It is time for him to realize that it is his destiny, no one believes in him, so it is time for him to prove it!" He yelled back to Ipse. Ipse looked at him for just a bit longer, as he then shook his head, and moved back, not having anything else to add to any of this.

My father was going crazy! Even if I was the dragon of destiny, I was too young to beat him in a fair fight! This was impossible! I sat there, waiting for someone else to say something, but I knew that there was nothing that anyone else had to say.

This was the way of the dragons, like it or not... I did not like it, that was one thing that I knew for sure. I looked over at my father, as he still had the same emotionless look on his face, that he just had a few moments ago, and I then decided to speak to him.

He looked at me for just a few moments, as it seemed as if he did not care a word of what I had to say to him, as it almost seemed like he was pretending that I was not his son at all, and I was barely above the age to be trained as a dragon, but he did eventually nod to me, as he listened to what it was that I had to say.

"Please father... I can not kill you, I will not, I refuse to, if this is just some sort of sacrifice, than give up..." I said to him, trying to get any sort of emotion out of him. He looked at me for just a few moments, and he did not move, or say a word to me.

I could tell that the clearing was getting even more riled up, and excited for what was about to go down. I stared at my father though, trying to pay the dragons no attention at all. He just sat there for just a bit longer, as if he had not heard a word of what I had just said to him.

After a bit longer though, he then looked over at all of the dragons that were in the clearing, and for some reason he smiled to them. I was not sure if he was trying to make all of this seem real to them or not, after what I had just said.

No other dragons smiled back at him, as they were not happy to see us fighting, but they were excited to see the outcome of the fight. He then turned his head back over to me, and then he nodded to me, with the same little grin on his face, as he finally decided to speak to me.

"Oh... You will change your mind, after the first couple of hits." He said to me at the same time. I looked at him, quite a bit confused at what he had meant by that. It then dawned on me what he had just said, as he then suddenly threw himself at me.

Out of pure instinct, though I had not seen it coming at all, I somehow managed to slightly dodge the attack that he had just pulled on me, though when his wings flew past me, it did scratch up the side of my face a fair bit.

It came as a bit of a surprise to me, mainly because I had not seen it coming. But the 2nd thing that surprised me, was that it was the fast I had ever seen a dragon accelerate ever before in my life, I could tell that I was not the only dragon that was surprised as well, as I could see the looks on many of the faces of the dragons that were in the clearing.

I never knew that wings could scratch up a dragon as bad as those had just did either, as it almost seemed like that was what he had been aiming at in the first place, as it seemed as though he was just letting me get a feel of the pain I was about to endure.

I then saw a few droplets of blood fall onto the ground beneath me, as I realized that it was my own blood. I looked at it for just a few moments, before I then looked back over to my father, a bit upset at him now, for what he had just done.

He did know that I was his son right? He was treating me as if I was one of his enemies right now! We had a lot bigger problems to deal with than this type of stuff! Was he really willing to risk out lives to prove a point to the tribe?

He seemed to smile even more when he saw the angry look on my face as well, as it only made me seem to get a bit more upset. I stared at him for just a bit longer, before I finally decided to step up, and speak to him in quite an angry tone of voice.

"Hey! What was that about?!" I yelled to him, as if I had just forgotten that we were supposed to be fighting in the first place. Maybe he was just trying to make it seem more realistic, rather than making it look like an obvious sacrifice.

I did not like the look that he had on his face though, as it was a look that I had never seen before from him. My hopes were beginning to get a bit grim, as it all seemed to hit me at the same time, that maybe he was not faking any of this. He then spoke back to me.

"What? Did you think that this was going to be easy?!" He yelled to me. I looked at him, squinting my eyes at him, as I knew that it was not going to be an easy fight, I was just surprised that he was going to come at me with that big of a hit.

I did not have anything to say back to him, as I was just at a loss for words at the moment, as I now saw that the dragons in the tribe were now starting to get a bit excited and happy to see that this fight was going down in front of them too.

I was so lost on seeing all of the happy looks on all of their faces, that I nearly had missed the fact that my father had then began to run at me once again. This time though, I managed to dodge the hit completely, as I made sure that the wings did not get a hit on me.

I saw the dragons in the clearing a bit surprised, as he had gone even faster than last time, a lot faster than any of us had ever seen a dragon move, and they were also surprised to see that I had managed to dodge it too. I was lucky that I had seen it coming this time though.

My father then turned his head back over to me, smiling a little bit more, I was about to say something, but I shut my mouth, as now I was in fact angry, as he was willing to actually go through with this, just to prove some sort of point.

Where had he been for the tribe in the last year?! My and Socra had been helping the tribe, while he had been in his little cave, crying all of the time, acting like he was the only dragon that had last their family in the attack of the black dragons.

That sounded like a weak dragon if I had ever seen one! I clinched my paws, and I stood my ground this time, ready for him to run at me for the 3rd time. He still just kept the same ugly little smile on his face, which only seemed to get me ever more mad.

He just sat there for a few moments, as it seemed as though he was waiting for me to run at him this time, as he could tell that he had made me a fair bit angry at him. I was not stupid though, I knew he would take advantage of me if I did so.

However fast I might be act reacting to things like what he had just tried on me, I knew that he was even faster than I was. I had heard the stories about him, and I was quite sure that a lot of them, they were under exaggerating with what they had said.

He then realized that I was not going to run at him, and he squinted his eyes at me a bit upset, as it though I was not the dragon of destiny, and I was not a smart dragon that knew better than to let the anger get the best of me. He clenched his paws as well, just as I had just done.

I stared at him for just a few seconds, as I then suddenly noticed something was off with what he was doing, I saw something moving in his throat. I was a bit confused for just a few seconds, as to what it was that he was doing, as I sat there not doing a thing.

Suddenly it hit me, as he opened his mouth, as I knew that this time he was not opening his mouth to speak to me, but this time a hot flame came out of his mouth, and it ran right towards me, as I had the instinct somehow to dodge it at the last second.

A piece of the fire did manage to hit the side of my body, as I tried to get away from it however, and it engulfed me with a fair bit of pain at the same time. I yelled loudly, as all of the dragons in the tribe could hear it, as it hurt me and began to tear apart my skin, and my muscles.

I fell down to the ground, and began to rub myself into the dirt, trying to shake off the fire from off of me. There was a difference between a human made fire, and dragon fire, that was one thing that I knew for sure, as I had felt both more than once in my life.

After a few more rolls, I began to get the fire from off of my body, but it had already done its damage, as it had gotten deep into my body. I lifted myself up, wobbling on the leg that he had managed to hit the top part of, as I looked at my father angrily.

I then tried to shoot fire at him, though it did not do much work, because I was quite a young dragon, and I had not grown that part of my body into a full strength yet. A little burst shot out, as I heard a couple of dragons laugh, as they had noticed the clear difference between me and my fathers fire.

I looked around the general direction that I had heard the dragons laughing, as if they could do any better, I thought to myself. I then looked back over to my father, as I remembered that I was fighting him in the first place. He began to laugh with those dragons, which had managed to shut them up as well.

I wanted to smile at what he did, but he had just burnt me deep into my body, that it was hard for me to laugh at him right now. I was very angry at him, as he had just easily managed to dodge the little shot of fire that I had put out at him.

We sat there for just a few moments, as he still kept the same awkward smile on his face, as neither of us made a single other move. I knew that he did not have enough fire in him to shoot at me, so I was not worried about him trying that on me again.

It had weakened me a fair bit though, as now my top right leg was torn open a fair amount, which was going to hurt me for the rest of the fight, and the next couple of days as well... Though it was starting to seem like there would not be a next couple of days for me.

I shook my head, trying not to get lost in thought right now, as I knew that I was in the middle of a fight with the strongest dragon in the tribe. I looked at him for just a few moments, as I finally decided to speak up to him after just a bit longer.

"If you are trying to get me run at you, it wont happen... I saw you use that move in the attack, you will just hold me down..." I said to him. He looked at me, a bit surprised that I had noticed him do that in the battle, as he then got back to his feet.

He then nodded, as he did not have anything to say back to what I had just said to him. As it seemed as though the grin was gone from his face now. But instead of him having a grin, he now looked angry at me, as he finally responded back to me in the same instance.

"Fine... Ill just kill you a different way!" He said to me. I wondered if he had really meant that or not, but based off of the look on his face that I was seeing, and what he had just done to me, I was quite sure that he was not looking at me as if I were his son right now.

He sat there for a bit longer, and I saw that he was starting to size me up, then I spotted him look at a specific spot that was on my body as well. As I gulped too, knowing what it was that he was looking at. He was looking at me soft spot, and I could tell that he was thinking of how he was going to get to it too.

It then enraged me, as I knew what he was thinking. He was not faking this any more, he was being for real... He actually believed that I was the dragon of destiny, and he was not doing a sacrifice. I sat there for a few more seconds, as I could tell he was making a plan in his head of how he was going to get there.

The anger began to fuel up in my veins, and it began to spread through my body. This was not my father any more! He had not been for a while, this was a weak dragon, and it was time for me to teach him a lesson! I then stared him down, as I could tell that he was still lost in thought.

I was so angry now, and I realized too, that now was the perfect time for me to strike, right when he least expected me to! I did not hesitate either, as I knew he was getting closer and closer to thinking of a way to get after me, as I then ran at him.

He looked a bit surprised for a few seconds, as he clearly not seen it coming. It was the fast that I had ever moved in my life too, as I was moving just based off of pure anger right now, just like the time that Socra had attacked me in the woods.

He did not have time to react either, as I heard the shock wave from the crowd as it seemed to spread for miles on end too. As I hit right into him, as unlike him, I was not going after him with the intent of getting to his soft spot, as I knew that would be damn near impossible.

I dug a few deep scratches into him, before he had time to respond as well. As I felt blood begin to squirt all over my claws as well, as it made me feel better, and it made me feel stronger than I had ever had before. I kept on scratching him, giving him more and more hits.

I did not realize though, that I had made quite a bad mistake, as I was just so ready to keep on making him bleed more and more, than I had given him more than enough time to get back on his feet. I realized my mistake a little bit too late however.

I saw quite an angry look on my fathers face, as I had never seen quite the anger on his face like that, ever before. He quickly lifted his paws up at me, as he moved my legs back, so that I could no longer keep on scratching into his body.

I looked at him, a bit surprised, as even though I was in the air at the moment, I was stuck in place, and I was not sure what to do. I could not move anything but my head right now, and I had made the mistake as I now realized that now would have been the perfect time to hit him with a fire blast.

I tried to move, but he had my top legs stuck to him, making my bottom legs practically useless, as they wobbled around quite a bit frantically. I then looked at mt father, not sure what it was that he was going to do to me next.

We sat there for just a few more seconds, as it was almost as if he were doing this to prove some sort of point. I knew that he was not though, I could see nothing but pure rage in his eyes, and it might very well have been the scariest thing that I had ever seen.

The crowd went dead silent, as my father was not grinning now. I tried to move once again, but no use. I then turned my head a bit, hoping that someone would help me, but just as I did, I felt my father then slam his head into mine.

I suddenly fell to the ground, as I was not sure what had just happened to me. I saw stars all around me, as I had just been thrown to the ground at the same time, as I had just taken a nasty hit to the head. It felt like I was stuck, and I was not sure what to do.

Suddenly I felt something attach on to me, but I was not too sure what it could be, as my eyes were a bit woozy, and it felt as if I was about to vomit. I closed my eyes, trying to shake it all off, and pretend that none of it was real. It made me feel a slight bit better, now that I could not see anything to distract me.

I still could feel someone pushing hard into me though, as it then hit me at the exact same instance, as to who it was that was doing that. As I then remembered after the big hit that I had taken, that I was in a fight with my father.

I wondered how I had gotten to this point... What had I done wrong? I was so scared, I really had let all of the dragons in my tribe down, but did they really think that I was going to win this fight? I very much doubted that any of the tribe had placed their bets on me.

I shook my head though, as I opened my eyes, trying to figure out what was going on, and trying to think if any of this was real. I looked up, and saw that there was a grin on the face of my father, but as well as that being the case, I could tell that he was still in a bit of rage.

He was holding me down, and there was nothing that could be done now. My body felt weak, and the burn was starting to hurt me more and more, as it felt like the fire was going deeper, and deeper in my leg. I looked at him, not sure what to say, as I began to just speak to him, off of the top of my head.

"Do it... Kill me... Let this be over with... Kill me like you killed Plok..." I said to him. He looked at me with a bit of an evil grin at the first part on what I had just said, but then he stopped himself once he had heard be say the 2nd part.

It was not so much as me trying to get him to stop, more than it was me thinking about going home to my brother... I knew it was all over, and I knew that I had never had a chance in this fight in the first place. I just looked at him, as he then began to speak to me.

"You killed Plok! It was your fault! If you would have killed that dragon before he killed your brother... Than we would not have had that problem! Your brother was the real dragon of destiny, not some fraud like you! Now you will pay!" He yelled angrily to me. I wondered if that was what he had been thinking in the past year.

Was that what had made him so hurt, and so angry? He did not actually believe that I was the dragon on destiny, much like the rest of the tribe... I had nothing left to say to him, maybe I wasn't, maybe I really had let everyone down... None of it mattered now.

I looked at my father for just a few more moments, and I saw him left his paw up, with his claws reached out high into the air. I knew what it was that he was going to do next... It was such a shame, oh, I guess sometimes, as a human would say "that's the way the cookie crumbles..."

I closed my eyes, as I was ready for it to happen now. Maybe I had let my brother down, maybe I was not meant for any of this... If I was going to die, would I even get to see my brother in the first place? I shook my head, as I could almost feel my fathers paws flying towards me now.

I was ready for it, it was my time now... Time seemed to slow down, almost as if I was the human that had those sorts of powers... As I felt the air flying towards me slowly... But the air was warm... It seemed as if there was something that was almost not right with it at all.

I opened my eyes a little bit, just to see what it was that it might could possibly be. I saw something, as it was a bit dark outside, but it brought a fair amount of light. It was a dragon, the light was too bright to see who it was, but it did not take me long to find out once I heard the voice.

"Himla! That is the dragon of destiny! Stop!"