Chapter 48 (Jangras POV) Humans!

I woke up, shivering all over, partly due to the fact that it was so cold in the air at the moment, but also because of the dream that I had just had. I was not sure what it had meant, and it was all so blurry now, I wondered if maybe it had been real.

Maybe it had been something to do with the future. If that was the case, where might I be at? I always feared that due to me being the dragon of destiny, that it might mean that I could die, but what I had heard my father say to the tribe in the dream, it seemed like it might be something very soon.

If my father was talking about putting the dragons in sectors for the war, that must mean that the war was still going on. It must mean that it had to be something that was happening today! I was starting to piece it all together, but the puzzle was quite confusing.

I shook my head, as I looked around at the cave, seeing that it was empty for the most part, besides there being a few lazy dragons that were still asleep. They would for sure not be ready for what it was that my father had planned for all of them.

I was not sure whether or not I should feel bad for them either. These were the same dragons that seemed to be against what it was that my father had told the tribe. It was not that they were scared, it was just that they did not want to do anything to help the tribe.

I should not feel bad for them I suppose, if that were the case, than they should not be in the tribe in the first place. I then shook my head, as I looked away from those dragons. I should not be worried about them, I should have my thoughts on myself.

I then finally lifted myself up, from where it was that I had laid on the ground last night. It was a bit uncomfortable, mainly due to the fact that I was still in a bit of pain from what my father had done to me. Also however, it seemed as if I had not got the best sleep last night either.

After I had gotten up, from off of the floor, I then began to walk out of the exit to the large cave. I looked up at the sky, through the pine leaves that were in front of me. It did seem to be a bit early in the morning still, so it surprised me that so many dragons were up at the moment.

As I walked out of the cave, I saw that there were a lot of dragons mainly in camp, and I knew that there was a reason for that as well. They were all waiting for my father to step up, and to speak to the whole tribe, about what it was that he had said to all of the dragons last night.

I looked around the camp for a few moments, as there were a lot more dragons than there tended to be at this time of day, so it was hard for me to focus and see if there were any dragons that I recognized. I then spotted a familiar dragon alone by herself.

It was Penta, as I saw that she had her head to the ground, and her grandfather was nowhere to be seen near her. It was a bit of a surprise to me, as normally he was always around her nowadays. It seemed as if he trusted her enough to not do something stupid like last time.

I wanted to feel bad for her, as I could tell that she was a bit lonely, but I shook it off, because I knew that it was her own fault. She had made a fool out of herself in front of the whole tribe, and she had lost the trust of all of the dragons here as well.

She had tried to kill me... I knew that I could not feel bad for her at all. I turned my head way from her as well, as I kept on looking around the camp, to see if there might be any dragons that I might recognize. I then spotted Kip talking to a few of his friends that he had as well.

I was tempted to head over to him, and join in on their conversation, but I did not feel like doing that again. I looked over to somewhere else, as I hoped to spot my friend Kota. I did in fact spot him, as I saw him walking into the camp, with a deer in his hands.

I saw a few other dragons as well behind him, though most of them did not have food like him, and if they did, it was not nearly as big as what it was that he had with him. I watched as well, ws I saw a lot of dragons begin to flock over to him, so that they could get some food.

I shook my head, as I felt like I should not bother on any of that. I was not hungry at all either, as I had a large piece of cow just the other day. I did not bother with any of that, as I looked around the camp for a 3rd time, as I spotted Socra finally.

I saw her talking to some elder dragons privately, 1 of those being Pentas grand father Ipse. It made sense as to why she was alone now, as I was sure that both Socra nor Ipse wanted her to be in any part of this conversation. I stared at them for a bit of time, trying to read what it was that they might be saying.

I then turned away, shaking my head as well, as I knew that I should not try to do that. If she had not woken me up to be a part of it, than there was a reason that she was talking to all of them privately. It might not be anything at all, but either way, it was none of my business.

I looked back over, as I saw that Penta still had her head to the ground, as I saw that a few dragons were giving her ugly looks. I wish that I could get mad at them, as they should have gotten over what had happened at this point. I could not do that though, as I knew that I still had not gotten over it.

I still felt a bit bad for her, as I knew that it was like that every day for her. I then grew a pair, as I then began to walk over to where it was that she was standing at. I walked by a few dragons that had been staring at her as well, as they instantly noticed where it was that I was walking to.

They had quite the surprised looks on their faces as well, as they then looked away from her. At least that would help her a bit, though I was still a bit scared to go up and talk to her. I hesitated as I drew closer to her, nearly stopping myself, and walking back.

I knew that she knew that I was there with her now though, so it was far too late to try and do that. I saw her lower her head down to the ground even more than before. I felt a bit bad for her, but I calmed myself down, as I stopped right beside her.

It was a bit silent for quite a few moments, as I could tell that she was starting to get a bit stressed out, and freaked out at the same time as well, as she might be having a bit of a panic attack. It was not what I had planned, so I quickly began to speak to her before she did have one.

"Hi Penta..." I said to her. She still had her head down low a bit, but she at least turned it over to me, at least letting me know that she was aware that I was here with her. She did not say a word back to me however, as I was still not quite sure what else I should say to her.

I just sat there for a bit longer, as I knew that things were starting to get quite a bit awkward. I looked around, as I did not see any dragons staring at us thankfully. I then turned my head over to her, as I saw her looking up at me to my surprise, with her eyes squinted at me.

I tried my best not to have such a look of a surprise on my face, as I just stared at her for a bit longer. I could tell that she was trying to test me, which was a bit strange to me. I just nodded to her, as her eyes suddenly went back to normal, as she began to speak to me.

"Why are you here Jangra? What do you want from a measly dragon like me? After I betrayed your trust and your love like it was nothing... I tried to kill you... Yet you still feel like you want to talk to me... I do not get it..." She said to me. I looked at her for a few moments, with a sad look on my face.

I knew that every word that she had just said to me was right. I knew that she was a smart dragon as well, though many dragons in the tribe did not seem to think the same. It was a bit of a surprise to me though, that it seemed as though she finally was beginning to realize what she had done.

I was stuck for just a few moments as well, as I was not quite sure what it was that I should say back to her. I then saw as she once again put her head back to the ground. I felt a bit bad for her, and upset at myself as well, for not thinking of something to say.

I could tell that it was only making her feel worse. I moved a bit closer however, which was a bit strange to me, as it seemed to be some sort of natural instinct. My skin touched hers, as it warmed me up, at the fact that she was so hot.

She looked at me quite a bit surprised for a few moments, and then she stared at me for a bit longer as well. It was as if we were looking into each others soul. I sat there for a small bit more time, and then I nodded, as I then began to speak to her.

"Maybe that is so... But you are going to be 20 soon... It is my job as a future leader of the tribe, to make sure that all dragons are cared for... Even you... I do care about you, even if you did hurt me." I said back to her. She looked at me a bit surprised for just a few moments, as she then lowered her head back down to the ground.

I expected her to get angry at the fact that I had said that I was going to be the next leader of the tribe. It had not been my intent, as I had forgotten about how much she had been in love with Kota. She just kept her head down low to the ground however.

It was as if it hurt her more than it made her angry, which was a bit of a surprise because I knew that she normally got angry when she was hurt. It seemed as if she had a bit of a change in the past year, which I was not quite sure if it were good or bad.

Surely it had to be good, which would make sense, because I knew that her grand father was a great dragon. I am sure he had been doing his best to teach her a lot in the past year. I then shook my head, as I heard her begin to speak to me once again.

"I am going to be a cave dragon. No one will ever want me, and I have accepted that fact. You should be treating me just like the rest of the tribe does, and I deserve it..." She said to me. I looked at her for a few moments, as I knew that she was right.

I still had some sort of feelings for her though for some reason, which I was not quite sure why. It still hurt me as not that she was saying anything mean to me, but I did remember that she had tried to kill me. I knew that my father did not think highly of her either, and he did not treat her good.

I knew that it was wrong for him to do it as well, though I knew that no dragon was going to step up and say anything, due to the fact that they agreed with him on it. I sat there for just a bit longer as well, until I decided to speak back to her.

"Even if that is the case, you have to do your job to the best of your abilities. I might be able to help you as well, but I have to make sure that there is a change in you..." I promised her. She looked at me quite a bit surprised for just a few moments.

I could tell that she was thinking through in her head, what it was that I had just said to her. I looked at her for just a few moments, waiting for some sort of response to her, until I saw something in the background that got my attention off of her.

It was not the fact that I had seen something move, but it was something that had somehow managed to catch my attention. It was not too far away from us either, as we were near the edge of the clearing. I sat there for a bit, wondering why my eyes, and my mind had focused in on it.

It was just a normal spot in the woods, but for some reason, there was something in my brain that was trying to tell me something about it. I could not catch the first clue as to what it was however. I heard Penta begin to speak, but my ears were not listening to her.

"There is not much that a cave dragon can do that can be so great... What is it that you might be thinking for me? I do not deserve anything from you..." She had said to me, but I was paying her no attention at all, as my mind was still lost in those woods. She noticed it as well, as I saw her squint her eyes at me from the corner of mine, as she then kept on speaking. "Hello... Jangra?"

I heard my name spoken to, as I then turned my eyes and my ears back over to her, looking a bit embarrassed, that I had managed to get my mind trapped on some random spot in the woods. I shook my head, as I felt quite a bit stupid for it.

She turned her head back in on the woods that I had been staring into, as she was trying to see what it was that I had been looking at. She looked for a bit longer, as she then turned her head back over to me, still a bit confused as to what was going on with me.

I was not sure what it was that had to do with those woods that were in front of me, but something was drawing my attention to it. I shook my head though, as I paid full attention to Penta now, as I then nodded to her, as I was about to speak back to her.

Just as I had begun to speak, I heard the loud voice of a dragon from not too far behind me, that had stepped up to the cliff, to speak loudly to the entire tribe. I turned my head around, seeing that it was my father, and my mind got taken off what it was that I had been thinking about, as I listened to what it was that he had to say.

"All dragons of the tribe, step up to the clearing, I have called this meeting to discuss the plans of the wars! I need everyone to wake up, and hear what it is that I have to say!" My father, Himla, had to say to the entire tribe. I looked at him for just a few moments, as I then felt the skin of another dragon touch on to mine.

I turned my head to see who it was, as I noticed that it was Penta. I saw that she had a bit of a look on her face, as I could tell that she still was waiting for a response, to what it was that I had just said to her, just a few moments ago.

I looked at her for just a bit of some time, to try to remember what it was that we had been talking about, until I once again locked eyes to the random spot in the woods from behind her. I looked at it for quite some time, as I was not sure what was so special about that spot.

I blinked a few times, as I saw that Penta had her eyes squinted at me. I then realized that I was wasting a bit of some time as well, as I knew that Himla was about to start the meeting. I nodded to Penta, as I began to speak back to her.

"I am not sure what it is just yet, but just give me some time to think on it, there are more important things that are about to go on." I said to her. She looked at me for some time, as I expected her to get upset at me, like she normally did, when she did not get her way.

To my surprise however, this time she did not look angry at all, as she just nodded to me to go ahead and go up to the cliff with my father. I nodded back to her as well, as I smiled at her, trying to make her feel a bit better. I saw her do the same, though I did not pay attention to it, as I flew up to the cliff where my father and Socra were currently at.

I got up to it, and then I turned my head up to the whole crowd that was below me. I was starting to get just a bit used to it as well. As I kept a bit of a smile on my face, though I knew what was about to be said, was certainly not a thing that I should be happy about.

I sat there for a bit of time, as I looked around at the clearing in front of me. I then spotted that spot, as it was almost as if it were some sort of human spy glass that was ahead of me. I looked at it for some time, as I nearly missed the fact that my father was speaking to me that the crowd could not hear, as not all of the dragons were in the clearing just yet.

"I see that you are talking to Penta... It seems as if you might still have some feelings for her." He said to me. I sat there for a bit, as I still had my eyes on the spot in the woods in the back ground. I then realized what it was that he had just said to me.

I turned my head over to him, as I then squinted my eyes at him. I did not have feelings for her still, especially after what she had done to me. I was about to say something about that, until my thoughts then suddenly remembered what it was, that was so special about that spot in the back of the woods.

The dream! That is what it was, I then turned my head over to it, as I could tell that my father was a bit confused as to why I had still not spoken back to him. I turned my head back to him, as I began to speak, though it in fact had nothing to do with Penta.

"Father... I had a dream last night, I do not think I am supposed to be here... I am sorry... You go ahead and go on with the meeting, there is something that is going on, that I need to be there for." I said back to him. He looked at me for a few moments, a bit surprised, as I then suddenly saw a bit of an angry look on his face.

I gulped, as it was what I had hoped was not going to happen. But to my surprise, the angry look that he had just had, had just as soon disappeared as well. He then nodded back to me, as he turned his head over to Socra at the same time as well.

Socra looked at him for just a few moments, as I knew that she had heard every word that we had just said to each other... She always seemed to... She then nodded to him, as it seemed as if they were speaking to each other, almost telepathically.

I looked at them a bit confused for just a few moments, until I saw Socra then turn her head over to me. She then nodded to me, and I nodded back to her as well, as it was clear that she was about to speak to me. After a bit longer, she then did as I had assumed.

"Jangra... Technically you are not supposed to miss these meetings, but if you really think that it is important, than you must go do what it is that must be done." She said to me. I saw from the corner of my eye, that my father was a bit surprised at what she had said.

It was clear that they were not on the same page when they had been talking to each other through their thoughts. My father then eventually nodded to her, as he respected the decision that she had just made. I looked at her for a few moments, as I then smiled at her.

Though at times she was a bit mean, I knew that she was the best mentor that I could have ever hoped for. She smiled at me as well, as she nodded back to me too. I sat there for a few moments, as it then hit me as to what it was that I had just been planning on doing.

I then lifted my head up, over to my father as well, as I remembered the spot in the woods a bit more clearer than before, and I knew that it was the right thing to do, and it was the right time as well. I was not sure what it was that had gone on in that dream though in fact.

We sat there for just a few moments, as he then smiled back at me as well. It was almost as if they thought that I was going to leave, and not be back for a long time. I shook my head at that though, as I then finally decided to speak back to the both of them.

"Thank you... I think I will be back very soon though..." I said to them. They both nodded back to me, as I then felt a bit scared all of the sudden, as I was not too sure as if it might be true, what it was that I had just said to either of them at least.

We all stared at each other for just a few moments of time. I then realized that I was running out of time as well, and I had to go ahead and get on with what it was that I had to do, before it was too late. I nodded once again, as I suddenly flew off of the cliff, over to the spot in the woods that I had been staring at.

A few dragons looked at me, quite a bit confused as to why I had just flown off of the cliff, and out into the woods like that, but it did not take them long to get back their attention to my father, as he was the one who had called the meeting, and he was the leader.

I looked behind me, as I could slightly see the clearing in front of me, through all of the trees that were in the way. Luckily I did not see any dragons that had their eyes on me any longer. I sat there for some time, as I then closed my eyes, trying to remember just what it was that had happened in that dream.

Suddenly something told me to just open my eyes, I was not sure what it was either, as I looked in front of me to see what had gotten me to do so. I did not see anything however, as I was just about to give up, until I did in fact see what it was.

They were so quiet, much unlike a dragon, when it tried to sneak through the woods. They were so small as well, it was crazy for me to see one up close in person like this for the 1st time as well. It was hard to see them still though, as I wondered what it was that was so hard to see.

I then realized what it was, as I saw what it was that they were wearing. The humans were a lot smarter than I had first thought. They were wearing some sort of thing that seemed to blend in with the environment, making it hard for me to see.

Luckily I already had my eyes locked in on them, as I saw them then lay to the ground, as they noticed that there were dragons near them, and they were just coming up into our clearing. I sat there for just a few moments, as I looked around to make sure that there were no more, and they were not trying to attack us.

I always had to keep that in mind, as I knew that my father had told me that I should not be too ready to trust humans. I sat there, as I looked around, as I did not see anything else that seemed to be moving. I still was not too sure, because those 2 had been quite silent.

They were very hard to see as well, and I was worried that there might be a lot more, and they might be planning to attack the camp. I was about to yell out, and warn all of the dragons, but I decided not to, as I was a bit interested to see what it was that they were doing.

It was clear that they were not trying to attack us, as at this point I would have seen some more, and 2 would not stand much of a chance against nearly a thousand of us. They were trying to sneak up on us, and hear what it was that we were saying.

Were they working with the black dragons? I shook my head, as I then heard my father finally decide to speak to all of the dragons that were in the clearing. I realized what was going on, and this was in fact meant to be, as I heard what he said.

"I have put each of you into sectors... We must train to fight back against those evil dragons! I know you all want revenge on them, they killed so many of us... Family, lovers... Fight for your tribe!" My father yelled to the entire tribe, and just like my dream, the tribe began to cheer back.

I then turned my head over to the humans, as if I expected to see myself standing in front of her, just like it had happened in the dream. I then realized that it was me that was the dragon that I had seen in the dream, and I knew what it was that I had to do.

I then began to sneak up on them, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could, at least for a dragon. I was doing quite a damn good job as well, if I might very well say so myself, as I was just near where I had seen them stop at. Then stepped on a broken branch.

Instantly, I saw one of the humans turn his head out of nowhere, and he pointed a bow right at me, it was almost as if he had seen me coming. I put my front hands up in the air, to let them know that I did not mean any harm on them, as I suddenly then decided to speak.

"Oh... Uh... Well... Hello there..." I said to the human. He looked at me for some time, as he squinted his eyes at me, but he kept his bow and arrow pointed right at me, as it was clear that he was telling me that he was not going to hesitate to shoot if I made a move on him.

It was not my intent to do so however, as I stayed there with my hands up in the air, to let them know that I did not mean any harm. I just had to hope that they thought the same way as well. If they were in fact trying to listen to our meeting to warn the black dragons, than it would not matter.

I just had to hope that it was not the case. I sat there in silence for just a few moments, until I then turned my eyes to the other human that was with the man that had the arrow pointed at me. It did not take long for me to recognize who it was, as I could tell he already had done so for me.

We both stared at each other for just a few moments, as both of us were clearly wondering if this was real. It was almost as if we were both thinking that those were just some weird dreams that we had been having. He then turned his head to the man as he began to speak.

"Wait! This is him John! It is Jangra! The dragon I told you about..." He said to John. John turned his head over to Joseph, as he looked at him a bit surprised for a few moments, but it was clear that he was still not ready to let his guard down.

I wish that he would, as I wanted to tell him that we were on the same side, and that the black dragons were trying to kill the both of us, but no words would come out of my mouth for some odd reason or another. I gulped however, as the man kept his eyes on me as he began to speak to Joseph.

"If you knew what I knew with dragons Joseph, than you would no that no dragon is ever safe..." He said back to Joseph. I looked at John, a bit confused for a few moments, as to what it was that he might have meant. If anything, based off the stories that I had been told, humans were the ones that you should not trust!

He still kept his eyes locked on me, as I knew that if I messed this up, he would not hesitate to shoot the arrow right into my weak spot. I just sat there for a bit longer, as I knew that I should say something back them, but I still was not sure what it was that I should say.

Luckily, or unluckily, whichever way you wanted to look at it, I did not have to say anything at all in fact, as I then heard much louder footsteps begin to head over to me, the man began to freak out, as he now knew that he had no chance out of this situation.

I turned my head over to the dragon that had for some reason decided to walk over to us even though there was a meeting going on at the moment, as I could hear my father speaking to the whole tribe. I looked up, as I saw that it was in fact Penta.

John, dropped his bow, as he put his hands in the air, clearly knowing that a dragon was coming, and knowing that he had no chance out of this. Penta saw the human right away as well, as she looked a bit surprised at me. She then yelled loudly to the whole tribe, over my father speaking.

"Everyone! There are humans!"