Chapter 11 Trouble for Vegeta

Vegeta ran to Pokémon Centre to get back his Pokémon and sleep in nearby Route or forest because he didn't want to stay in this city even for a second.

[Vegeeeeetaaaaaaaa!] Suddenly vegeta heard most disturbing voice that he want the least to hear.

"Ahhh dammit Nappa! Don't scare me like that." Vegeta said with sweat all over his face.

[Vageta are you running a marathon? You are sweating like your wife caught you on cheating or something.] Nappa said with innocent tone like he didn't know what vegeta did.

"W-What are you talking about.?! I didn't cheat on Bulma by banging a police officer hahaha…" Vegeta said even more. If Nappa were to know what Vegeta did, he will tease Vegeta to point he will commit suicide for sure. And if somehow Bulma get the gist of it then it will be bad and he would return to his savage life or worse, HE HAS TO WORK TO EARN MONEY.

[So…. Did you enjoy Officer Jenny?] Nappa asked.

Vegeta became pale as his knew what Mission Interface meant by Fuc*ked up. "Nappa I swear, if you have anything to do with this or you tell this to Bulma, I will murder every single person on this planet no matter what you do!" Vegeta said with heavy voice and black aura could be seen rising from him.

[Vegeta you are really scared of your wife that much? I don't know she would be happy or angry at you at this point.] Nappa said massaging his chin.

"Who said I am scared of an earthling?! I am prince of all saiyans and I have my pride as a true warrior! Yeah that's right I am honorable man. It's not like I am scared of her or anything that she would kick me out. HMPH!" Vegeta said like tsundere. He didn't realize that he spit more when he was being dishonest to himself.

[hhahaha Vegeta! If I know you had this side, I would have used that woman as shield against you when you blasted me. Oh I can used that excuse to get revenge against you Vegeta.] Nappa said. He remembered how Vegeta showed no mercy when he killed his own companion. Surely if you can't defeat someone in strength then use these methods and these are more severe than one sided beating.

"You do that I will make sure to make this mud hole of world a shit dump with all my eternity and will forgot what I have to do. Also I will find you and kill you!" But instead of begging Nappa to not reveal this to Bulma, his pride won't allow that and he warned Nappa instead.

[Relax Vegeta, it was all in past and I am also happy with new life so no need to be angry Vegeta. But it was hilarious Vegeta how you run with tail between your legs! You should have thought about this before banging her.] Nappa said like a teacher lecturing a problem child.

"Fuc*k you Nappa!!" Vegeta shouted loudly scaring nearby people near Pokémon Centre.

[Easy Vegeta and be cautious with swearing, last time you did, and you end up banging her.] Nappa said enjoying Vegeta's pitiful situation.

"Nappa drop this shit this instant!!" But vegeta now other hand was fuming with anger in his voice as he knew that Nappa at this point was only messing with him.

[hahaha okay Vegeta! That was good dose for you Vegeta. And it seems like you have your own problems to deal with. Ohh don't worry about your secret. It is safe with your dear me. Zip*] Nappa said closing his mouth like zipper and then closed the window.

"What do you mean by my own problems?! Grr, whatever I am tired of all this shit." Vegeta said then head toward Pokémon Centre to get back his pets and Jimmy and continue his journey. He didn't know why but he knew another trouble will be waiting for him.

He walked to main Pokémon reception and was shocked to see same Nurse Joy standing there receiving Pokémon from trainers. How could be one person be at two places at same time? He wanted to ask her how she did that but didn't because he had enough of women from this world.

"Name is vegeta and I want my pets." Vegeta showed his ID. Actually Jimmy can heal his Pokémon in his name at any Centre as there were times when trainers use someone else to for these type of thing and those trainer were proud assholes.

"Okay Sir it will be in minute. Please wait…" Nurse Joy said with wryly smile because Vegeta was staring at her like a predator. She was used to people gazing at her because she was beautiful but Vegeta on other hand was looking like he would eat her any second. "Here you go Sir. Ohh and here it is for you." She said handing vegeta a letter.

"What the hell is this!?" Because Vegeta's voice was used to be loud, she became little cautious.

"T-this is for you sir. Someone give this to us to deliver it to you since they can't find you." Nurse Joy said. "Is there something I can help you for?" She asked because Vegeta was still staring at her.

"How the hell are you present at two different places?" Vegeta finally decided to ask. Though he asked normally in his way but it is perceived in another way and startled Nurse Joy.

"Ohh hah... You must meant by my sister. We are all sister looking same and we all work at Pokémon Centre. You can see up there. Now if you excuse me." She said and run away quickly from him. She pointed at photo of group of girls with pink hair.

He focused and saw that all of them are same. With their hair to their face. This photo was placed in every Pokémon Centre so people not got confused by all of this. Below, there was a description saying that all Pokémon centers has at least one Nurse Joy and all centers were under Joy family

"Talk about monopoly. Just like something weak humans can only do. Does their mother a breeding machine?!" Vegeta smirked. But next moment he become pale because right beside the photo, there was another photo of many Officer Jenny with similar description saying that all police stations were also under Officer Jenny.

"Fuc*k one was difficult but now there was all bunch of them. Argg!" His head started to hurt because of how much he has gone through today. "Now what is this?" He then opened the letter.

[Dear fuc*king Vegeta

If you want your little bitch Jimmy to be safe then come to Route 3 and come alone if you have still some balls down there and we are not talking about Poke balls, idiot. This is challenge for you Vegeta.


Do you really think we will give you our name? If you want to know then come and get some you red snot.]

"..." Vegeta didn't know what happened as he blank out. "The fuc*k?"

[Mission: Save Jimmy Firecracker and kick your enemy's ass.

Status: On going

Reward: Your original Saiyan armor and outfit.

Failure: Jimmy will die and you will be on your own for odd work.

Time duration: 12 hours.

Remarks: You have already failed once. Now don't fuc*k this up.] Mission interface appeared but this time with more details.

"Great! I really hate this red outfit. Sometime I lost my pride and act like Kakarot." On other hand Vegeta was only impressed by reward without giving second concern to poor Jimmy. "Hmm... I will do that tomorrow. First battle with brown toady then banging that police woman and now all this. Fuc*k you all!" He yelled then went straight to his room for good sleep without caring for anyone.

Three individuals could be seen standing somewhere on Route 3.

"Hey it's already curfew time. Do you really think he will come?" Ask the blue guy to girl.

"… He will come…" Red girl said with blank expression.

"I can't wait to throw these dog biscuits at him." Said green creature with box of biscuits. Wait does dog exist in Pokémon?

"Mmmm mmmmm" Jimmy on other hand was trying to free himself but ignored by trio.

Too bad for all of them because Vegeta is in dreamland scolded by his wife. Find out the true identity of idiot trio in next chapter of Vegeta in Pokémon World….